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Everything posted by PeterS

  1. Last DAD album was good. Best for a long long time. Still one of the best live bands on the circuit. Always look forward to anything he does.
  2. Likely to be in my top 5. Super album.
  3. I'm happy to admit it was me. More a concern about the direction some of this is going. For the last decade and a half, or however long I've been posting , we've kind of all got along with no real aggro. I've always been proud that we're a bunch from all around the globe who get along and love our music. One seller of re-issues the one notable exception. Recently we've been having more political posts and it's a bit like talking politics with the family , rarely goes well. I actually think it's good to try and have conversations but maybe keep it to one thread and perhaps tone it down a little?
  4. Have to confess I've never listened to The Tubes nor know the history. Gave Fee Waybill's new album a go through and really really enjoying it. Seems I need to go into his back catalog. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l7AR8b6lDR0SlIX7yBIcl-hswg3QbdC8Q
  5. PeterS


    Depends if you're a corporation or a country. And as long as we let corporations drive things that will happen. If Trump had done anything then you might give him some credit but so far about the only tangible result would seem to be more trade for his daughter. Lots of hot air and no results.
  6. I'm confused. So if a black guy went to a Trump conference and did this the orange messiah would be up offering to pay the legal costs of anybody who punched the guy. What's right and wrong here?
  7. Loved their first album. Really disappointed by the second. After 2 or 3 spins I'd say this one's a lot better than the last.
  8. After a couple of listens I really like this one. Some catchy tunes.
  9. So, the nights now start getting longer for most of us. Time to throw out the annual question. What do people like so far this year? Passion the album I've played most. Also enjoyed the Black Swan and Night Flight Orchestra. Quite a few solid releases but not much that's really got me going back repeatedly. Probably I do need to go back and listen to the Vega and One Desire but neither grabbed me the way their earlier releases had. So far, a really disappointing year for my tastes.
  10. Not true. Covid 19 loves Trump.
  11. No. It's not dreadful but FOMCR is a hard act to follow.
  12. Your second amendment is there to ensure the people have weapons available to defend themselves against the government having learned from the days when we ruled you that sometimes those in power aren't the good guys. I'm curious. At what point would it be OK for 'the people' to be rise against the government? When I was at School our English teacher spent a lesson on the Irish troubles. This is back in the day when there was a real threat at any time of a Bomb planted by the IRA blowing you up. He came from the Irish point of view as he had relatives on the Republican side. Was a really difficult conversation but enlightening. Perhaps think why all these people are so upset.
  13. Went into this one with expectations super low and so far been very pleasantly surprised. Some catchy punky songs in there.
  14. OOhhhh. That's one to look forward to.
  15. Just seen this on another thread. Yep. Best Tora Tora output since their debut.
  16. I'm hearing Whitesnake and Dio. Quite enjoyed the first few spins this morning. Some of the Whitesnake similarities are a little close for comfort but I suppose he has a right to that?
  17. PeterS


    And when we were kids there was a fraction of the money on the planet there is now. Turns out money really does grow on trees .
  18. PeterS


    Little secret. Money doesn't really exist. It's all a delicately balanced illusion that's about to be heavily challenged.
  19. Took a while to find it but does seem to be the 'Hot Tonight' Lionheart? Think I'd advertise that more as that was a great album.
  20. PeterS


    They may have sneakily got us all to sign up. Seems if you eat at a restaurant or go to a biergarten you'll have to register. Well that'll be everybody from Monday when it's allowed again!
  21. RIP. Really enjoyed his work. Thanks for some great vocals.
  22. The problem is that manufacturing is in a large part going to automation. And China is no longer the low cost centre it was. It's too late. Big companies looking to the next low cost centres. I can tell you salary inflation in Shenzhen runs at 8 or 10 percent , maybe more. I know people who have to move every year or so further and further away from the centre as rents are increasing at stupid rate as well. If you think Manufacturing is going to come back to the US in huge amounts because of what he's going you're very wrong. Not going to happen. What might happen is more sub assembly finishing as many markets moving to more tailored finishing with standard components allowing for speedy delivery to market. I was shocked when I went. China's supposed to be communist? Well it's not. It's a single party capitalistic bear-pit. Great Dim Sum though. The problem with China is/was intellectual property. They're shocking and that does need standing up against.
  23. PeterS


    Boy doctor locker room talk.
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