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66 mustang

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Everything posted by 66 mustang

  1. just being silly here but how about STEEL DRAGON and they give us a full album this time????????
  2. best of luck and hope surgery turns out good
  3. thank you. I've thought about getting this a time or two but haven't. guess I'll let it pass by. I have KickAss and Rise of the Planet of the Apes here but will probably not get to watch them this weekend either. that is the good thing about Netflix. the good thing about RedBox is it is #1.50 per night. I get red box when I know I will have time to watch.
  4. I'm still using Windows Media Player. just wish I still had MMJB
  5. and if Shania and Mutt did a Rock album it would have sounded like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1KDymjSK58&feature=related
  6. so, do Def Leppard do background vocals on this or what? I know Mutt kind of has that sound down pat though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZbHrE6iB_0
  7. I didn't pay attention I assume because I thought it said Robert Hart. Oh well
  8. you might ask where you've heard that name before. here you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA83wwzcxYQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB-BHnIKMZA&feature=related
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPsPMWMaRKU&ob=av2e
  10. Hey, it has Kate Beckinsale in it. now I've gotta see it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYCgDAInA0E
  11. I don't know. I'll ask but I doubt that they have that option
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmqL_9y-jiU
  13. Oh, if you don't care about the cars or the race just skip to the 9:05 mark in the video. WORTH EVERY SECOND.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m3jcBMI9WU
  15. man, I'm telling you that for the last month the Spam rollin' into my inbox has been massive. it is 10 a day easy.
  16. bump it because the show is on. just had "Cover Trivia"
  17. I just lost. the bracket challenge is finished for my part. I KNEW to take Kentucky but thoght UNC would pull the upset with Calipari's record in the finals...................
  18. I'm like that with Dokken
  19. Oh hell yeah, I can understand how, if you were hyped up for "Tucker & Dale" and ended up with this instead, you might've been like "Awwww, sh*t." Haha. I saw "Tucker & Dale" a few nights ago and definitely preferred that to "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark." that's the Red Box Luck going on there.
  20. when the Cosby Show brought in a new young kid to try to recapture that feeling. How about the X-Files. when did it go beyond the point on no return?
  21. is it really, really one of the weakest songs on the album. I hear that thrown around a lot about new singles released on new albums. If it is then this is going to be one monster album. I've always loved Trixter and in concert they so much fun back in the day on their Hear tour opening for KISS. the girlfirend I had at the time became a fan during the show.
  22. Didn't dig it huh? Wife and I enjoyed it. Though I gotta admit, the little girl was kind of annoying, haha. We also hoped that the "goblins" would kill her father cuz he was an utter douche bag. I don't know, maybe I'm board of these movies or maybe I just wasn't in the mood to watch it. I was really hopeing that the wife would bring home Tucker and Dale vs Evil. another thing about these types of movies that involve kids is the fact that they make me feel guilty because it is a rare occasion when I let my daughter sleep with me, even when she tells me her room is scary. I try my best to keep her in her room
  23. I watched this last night and I want my 2hrs back. I actually got up, let the dogs out and checked on the computer for a couple minutes during the last 1/3 of the movie.
  24. When the Brady Bunch introduced us to Cousin Oliver. They thought the brady kids had lost their cuteness and thought another young kid would bring back the magic. it failed When Battlestar Galactica (1978)decided season 2 would be with the Galactica finding Earth and much of the story's would take place on Earth. Galactica 1980 was born and forgotten pretty quick. Not even the last eposide Return Of Starbuck could save it.
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