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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Yep! I am right every now and then!
  2. That sounds interesting Pete. If I don't drink beer, I like my rum. Preferably spiced rum
  3. Have a GREAT B-day G!!! Party it up!!!
  4. I agree! This is a pretty good little disc! Nice modern hard rock.
  5. I dusted off the DVD of Seven the other night. I forgot how freakin' cool this movie is......truly awesome.
  6. Very nice Glen Yep, kicked my arse all the way home. Dokken tends to do that to a guy!!! Spinnin~ Badmouth~ S/T So far, so bad......
  7. Do you know what I fucking hate on this planet? Fucking Clowns. I hate the fuckin' bastards. The World should be Clown-less. The circus was in town last week and a guy at work knows the dude that owns the circus. So, he goes into this long story about almost having to cancel the circus this year because the clowns were close to striking. I guess there is actually a fucking clown union. No kidding. So I said to this bastard, "look prick (I don't particularly like the guy), how do you fucking negotiate with these people, they're fucking clowns?" He just shook his head and left the break room. The rest of my co-workers bust out laughing. Enough said.
  8. Spun up a Mothership at the restaurant tonight. It's my wife's 39th. We celebrated. She's now in bed and I am on the site. About normal
  9. Done. Great site Dan. Love the family we have here
  10. Bombay Black's Psycho Magnet at DRF 2008
  11. Sir Ian is a class act all the way. Congrats!!!
  12. Never heard the Lovetrick but absolutely love the Paradise album! I need to dust that one off! Spinnin' Johnny Lima~ Livin' Out Loud
  13. You watch too much tv and listen to too much music Wes!
  14. Southgang for albums. A better band with better songs although Vaughn is easily the better vocalist. In the song department I went with Southgang EXCEPT for the following: Forever Young Standing Alone Seasons Very cool poll.
  15. Love that album Spinnin' Koritni~ Game of Fools
  16. What are your thoughts on that album? I'm curious, 'cause I've always enjoyed Johnny Lima's releases, even though the quality has dropped with each subsequent release, IMO (with the exception of Version 1.2). I like it. Like you, I am sort of a luke warm Lima fan. But when he's on, he can put out a great tune. He did so on about half of this one. Spinnin' Icon~ Night of the Crime
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