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Everything posted by T-BONE

  1. This has got to be one of the most clever E-mails I've received in awhile. Someone out there either has too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble. (wait till you see the last one)! DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: IM A DOT IN PLACE THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE AND FOR THE GRAND FINALE: PRESIDENT CLINTON OF THE USA: When you rearrange the letters (With no letters left over and using each letter only once): TO COPULATE HE FINDS INTERNS Yep! Someone with waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands!
  2. You WOULD call that little thing your puppet
  3. Aparently there was NO PROOF given that he was selling Re-Issues now. I wonder which personality was speaking that time? He came right out and said they were and now says he's not. CooKoo CooKoo CooKoo......................
  4. Hahahaha. Andrew doesn't want any of Vegasmetals tirades over there either. I have a funny feeling he'll type himself into getting banned.
  5. As many times as he's changed his mind and story, I wonder if he's Bi-polar. Seriously
  6. That's the sad part, he doesn't think he's done anything wrong and somehow he feels he's "entitled" to be able to sell them without disclosing the full info, just because he has some so-called connections. What a bent way of reasoning
  7. Things did get heated up for the most part, but they hadn't even cooled down from his original attacks in the first 2 posts he made on the message boards. And even before that, all the shit talking he did in the reviews section and was basically unprovoked. When someone of his supposed "connections" in the music business world comes right off the handle and attacks people on a website with no tact what-so-ever, it definately doesn't say anything good about them. He came here with his negative attitude and vulgarity and threw it everywhere without reason. Some of us responded because our peaceful little way of life here was disrupted and we didn't so much care for it, so we in turn, were basically defending ourselves and the integrity of the site. I had apologized in an earlier post about JLP getting dragged into the entire thing and he definately didn't need to be. He was stuck in the middle to begin with and I know I wouldn't want to be there, but I will give him kudo's for handling thing as well as he did and in a very diplomatic way. JLP, as a friend of his, did you ever PM him or talk to him and tell him that it's not the way we do things or handle ourselves on this board? As for VegasMetal, I have never had a problem with him on eBay and he's a very good seller with prompt shipping and great prices. That part was never called into question initially, it was his attitude he displayed on this website. I started a thread about cd reviewers that kinda ticked me off and he was one of them. That was a thread that was somewhat dead for a while before it lit up like a Christmas tree. Some of the initial people I named PM'd me and things were worked out and an agreement was made as well as apologies. It sometimes seems as if the old "Keyboard Cowboys" like to make their presence known on a board and they do so thinking there's no reprecussions for their actions. Those of us who agree to disagree here and civally discuss our likes and differences don't really appreciate the new guy in town spouting off the second he gets here and thats where it gets bad right from the start. Anyway, that thread maybe should have never been started, but at the same time, it kinda called a few people out and made them aware of some of the feelings we had. It can be viewed as both good and bad. It was VegasMetals own actions that prompted the thread in the first place, but somehow I as well as others were labeled assholes for not liking his personality or his approach on posting. That's pretty rich I had personally already decided that I would not buy from Vegasmetal after his first 2 posts here on the board. No introduction, no hello's, no nothing except for vulgarity and shit slinging right off the bat from him. Not one eBay powerseller or even a average seller has come here without handling themselves in a nice manner. I guess when you look at it, you think of all the people that come to this site because they love this kind of music, and as a seller, these are definately the people you want to look at your auctions. This site couldn't be more beneficial to a seller of this music. To come here and start name calling and insulting anyone and everyone can only hurt your reputation as a seller and a person and thats exactly what he did. Things could have been so much easier for him if he just had better people skills to begin with. As for the bootlegging thread, I have no clue who the first poster was, but when it came right down to it, honesty would have been the best and easiest way out of that one. Instead, it was back to namecalling and insults on his part. Sure it got dragged out alot more than needed, but the questions were asked up front and all he did was change his story over and over and right out lie about it. He made his bed, now he can sleep in it.
  8. Well...that's the group she's bunched in so maybe that's what she thinks she has to do to compete with them. Britney's Hit Me One More Time was a little racy for her age at the time, but her career took off because of it and is still going strong because of it. In a nutshell, Sex Sells
  9. Some chicks are cheap, but most are high maintainance
  10. Tiffany was in Playboy a while back. It kinda ruined the Mall-Dweller image she had going. I think of her more like a Sex Machine now
  11. She's a little on the muscular side, but still the same, she's gorgeous. She's only 16 too. Her mother is a good looking lady as well, so you can see that she's got both her parents genes. As far as her attire goes, she's dressed like that because her career is starting to take off and her main competition is Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Pink, Avril Lavigne and Shakira so she's gotta dress competitively. I downloaded a few of her tunes off the net that I've found and I think she'll do well. She definately has the talent, aside from her father's money and connections, to do something.
  12. I wasn't questioning you, but maybe you should have included all this in your first post so people understood.
  13. Yummy! Can you believe this chick is actually 38 years old? Vicky Vette
  14. Most people don't mind a little change, as long as you stay rooted where you were you're supposed to be. When you totally abandon your fan base in an ettempt to gain new fans, it's not well accepted. Losing 10 fans to gain 3 isn't good business.
  15. This was posted in another thread Here Here was my opinion: You can usually tell by how prominant the keyboards are. AOR has ALOT of keyboard usage and very well thought out harmonies as where Hard Rock concentrates more on guitars. It can still have somewhat an AOR sound to it, but the guitar work is more prominant than the keys. Metal sounds more aggressive and has faster guitars and very little if any keyboard usage. Many bands will cross over into other styles once in a while, but by the majority of their music is what they're catagorized by. Judas Priest and Accept would be considered Metal, sometimes even Melodic Metal by the way the vocalist sings, but on some of the later 80's albums such as Judas Priest's Turbo, they had a few keyboards and somewhat crossed into the hard rock catagory. Journey has always had alot of keyboard usage and they are the classic AOR band. They could also be put into Hard Rock by a few of their tunes because the keys get buried in the guitar mix. Bon Jovi is a classic example of an AOR/Hard Rock band that started going more mainstream Hard rock by the end of the 80's. They keys were big on the early tunes, but then faded and the guitar was more emphasized. Bands like Poison, Pretty Boy Floyd, Hanoi Rocks and Warrant were typical Glam or "Hair Band" because of the pretty boy "image" and the fact that they had more make up on than most of the women at their shows. Image was more important than the way they played music and itcan sound a little sloppy at times, but at least they looked good. Warrant and Poison later went into more of the Hard Rock catagory where as Hanoi Rocks and Pretty Boy Floyd still stayed in the Glam or Sleaze Glam area. Guns N Roses may also be in the Sleaze Galm catagory as well as the Hard Rock catagory. Bands such as Ratt, Motley Crue, Dokken, Ozzy Osbourne, and Keel were straight forward Hard Rock because even though Image was a big part, they also made sure the music sounded good. Bands like Queensryche would be considered Melodic rock or Melodic Metal because of their more complex approach to the hard rock style of music. Bands such as Dream Theater, Symphony X and Rush are pure Progressive because of the intricate guitar work and bass lines. Most progressive artists concentrate on their technique and perfection of the instrument as well as the vocalist. One band that I find it hard to catagorize is Wasp. They are Shock Rock by their stage show, and somewhere between Melodic Metal, Heavy Metal and Hard Rock by music style. Lite AOR is basically regular AOR minus the guitar work. It's more keyboard driven music and are smoother sounding songs. I'd put bands such as Air Supply, Steve Perry's solo material, Michael Bolton and 10CC into this catagory. Then there's your basic Hard Rock/Rock N Rollers that pull out the bullshit and just play. Bands such as AC/DC, Jackyl and London Quiorboys fit here well. Take it as you will. Hope this helps
  16. I've had nothing but good luck from them. If you're going to post a negative statement about a specific seller from eBay, back it up with a story.
  17. Thweeeeeeeet! Tara Reid got herself a new set of personalities!
  18. Hold On To Tonight - Heavens Edge
  19. Can't Stop lovin You - Van Halen
  20. I Still Think About You - Danger Danger
  21. You have to be kidding me!!! Either someone is completely and utterly desperate or just plain stupid enough to think that someone will actually send them money. The fact that they will be sending out beer steins tells me that they have enough laying around because they drink too much to begin with hence why they don't have a house. Hmmmmmm ??? eBay Auction
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