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Everything posted by T-BONE

  1. Get their first cd as well. It seems a little more guitar driven
  2. Which Do You Prefer? Cinnamon Life Peanuts Hot Chocolate The Three Stooges Bedroom Olympics I usually don't drink, but it'll be mixed if I do Over Easy Eggs
  3. WHOA!!! Two weeks ago was my 35th birthday and I wasn't feeling too hot that morning anyway. I went to breakfast knowing my wife would be pleasant and say "Happy Birthday" and probably have a present for me. She didn't even say "Good Morning" let alone Any "Happy Birthday." I thought, "Well, that's wives for you, the children will remember." The children came in to breakfast and didn't say A word. When I started to the office I was feeling pretty low and despondent. As I walked into my office my secretary, Janet, said, "Good morning, boss. Happy Birthday." And I felt a little better; someone had remembered. I worked until noon. Then, Janet knocked on my door and said, "You know, it's such a beautiful day outside and it's your birthday, let's go to lunch, just you and me." I said, "By George, that's the greatest thing I've heard all day. Let's go." We went to lunch. We didn't go where we normally go. we went out to the country to a little private place. We had two martinis and enjoyed lunch tremendously. On the way back to the office, she said, "You know, it's such a beautiful day. We don't need to go back to the office, do we?" I said, "No, I guess not." She said, "Let's go to my apartment." After Arriving at her apartment she said, "Boss, if you don't mind, I think I'll go change." "Sure," I excitedly replied. She went into the bedroom and, in about six minutes, she came out carrying a big birthday cake, followed by my wife, children, and dozens of our friends, all singing Happy Birthday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And there I sat... on the couch....................naked.
  4. 25 Signs That You've "GROWN UP!" 1. Your house plants are alive, and you can't smoke any of them. 2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question. 3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge. 4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed. 5. You hear your favorite song on an elevator. 6. You watch the Weather Channel. 7. Your friends marry and divorce instead of hook up and break up. 8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14. 9. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as "dressed up." 10. You're the one calling the police because those damn kids next door won't turn down the stereo. 11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you. 12. You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore. 13. Your car insurance goes down and your payments go up. 14. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonalds leftovers. 15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt. 16. You no longer take naps from noon to 6 PM. 17. Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one. 18. Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3 AM would severely upset, rather than settle your stomach. 19. You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid, not condoms and pregnancy tests. 20. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good stuff". 21. You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time. 22. "I just can't drink the way I used to," replaces, "I'm never going to drink that much again." 23. 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work. 24. You drink at home to save money before going to a bar. 25. You read this entire list looking desperately for one sign that doesn't apply to you and can't find one to save your sorry old ass.
  5. Read Here about the cd In Flagrante Delecto More Reading Read the 3rd review down Download some tunes from Conditioned Response Here
  6. I was just going to ask you about that. The title of the album alone is great! How is the music? Worth the asking price? ($25, not $80) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know the guys in the band. most of them now play in Decibel with Lance King on vocals. Lance is the singer in Pyramaze, and has also done the first 2 cd's with Gemini, 3 cd's with Balance Of Power, and also some vocals for Mattsson, Empire, Kings Machine, and many others. Lance also owns Nightmare Records If I remember right, Mikey told me the title is latin or something for killing someone while having sex. Or something like that. I was a little tanked that night I got mine from Metal Mayhem for $15 Lance has both Conditioned Response cd's on his site for sale. Just type in the word Conditioned. Many people don't know this, but the band was originally called Pavlovs Dogs and the cd was called Conditioned Response, but because they found out that another band had already used that name, they reversed the titles after a few cd's had already been made up with the name as Pavlovs Dogs. They're hard to find that way
  7. Fate - Fate Fate - A Matter Of Attitude Frozen Eyes - Frozen Eyes Lori Linstruth - Demo 2004 Marchello - Marchello Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto Which also reminds me, if anyone out there ever decided they want to check out the Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto cd, there's a seller on eBay trying to sell them for almost $80 a pop. If you look them up on the internet on other music selling sites, you can find them from $10-25.
  8. Chris Rock's Tips Of The Day
  9. I go through the Harlings quite a bit myself. They're right in Minnesota and I usually have the cd's within 2 days. As far as Metal Mayhem goes, they are very reliable
  10. I'd love to shove........nevermind
  11. Anyone remember the ORIGINAL Buffy? Kristy Swanson:
  12. Yes...she's another FINE example of a Britney
  13. I want CLEAVAGE!!!!! She's still cute though
  14. I've always thought Brittany Murphy is kinda cute too
  15. True Definition of Trailer Trash
  16. Ummm....that one for Bubba
  17. Lindsay is still looking yummy these days also
  18. There's something sooo incredibly sexy about her.............. Angelina Wallpapers And I personally like This One
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