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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Nice. That has an early 80's Y&T vibe about it.
  2. Funny in a sad pathetic rip off artist kind of way.
  3. It is fun stuff. However I find the over liberal use of the word super group very misleading.
  4. Certainly play well but not my thing, my daughter will love this as it seems these two songs could easily be featured in a Hunger Games, 5th Wave soundtrack.
  5. Not a movie but just binge watched the 1st season of the Duplass brothers new HBO show Togetherness. Some funny stuff here but also a bit of heavy too. If you liked Mark Duplass from The League or anything else he has been in you will appreciate his writing style as well as that of his brother. The show also has a nice share of sexiness an tons of innuendo and each episode clocks in at about 25 minutes so you can get in and get out rather quickly.
  6. I think here in lies the rub and not the definition of "great" bands or the undying need to be a "feather ruffler". 20 or more people took the time to have a peek at these threads so obviously these new band threads get a lot of action and traction it appears the lack of reply posting is the issue. Can't see the problem in adding a comment whilst your in a new band thread, whether you dig it or not and something a bit more intelligible than the puking smiley or "this suxx!" Sure my musical blinders are way farther open than the majority here, but there is almost always something redeemable in the threads of new bands we post. The guitarist is great the singer is an hot as fuck, something good not everything bad... ...we live in a digital era and a massively fickle music industry where all these bands with 200 FB likes are doing what they love for never and no return on their investment. So giving them a little poke here and maybe getting someone to like their FB or buy a cd is huge, at least I think so. This is why asides from my undying love for all things music that I post ALL these bands here, 1. cause I know someone will appreciate it and maybe buy a disc from the band or share their video on their FB or ??? and 2. when the band emails me back and is like WOW how did you even find out about us and thanks for sharing our video etc.. totally cool!
  7. What a completely dumb ass thread. Begin rant here: Yes I will step in for DP and others and piss people off as in the immortal words of Kevin Meany "I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!" I find it completely inane, insane and utterly stupid to knock people for posting about bands on a fucking music website.!? WTF? "no real music discussion. All crappy band threads. ." WTF!? What do you think a thread about a band is, if not a "music discussion"? A discussion about 401k's? Siding? Sending dick pix? And on a site dedicated to unknown fucking bands! Sheesh. AS mentioned this ENTIRE sites foundation is 95% based on bands no one has ever heard of, nearly no one ever gave a shit about until someone posted a thread about them and there demo sold for $500 on Ebay and that the majority of the mindless minions could still give a half a shit about! Oh wait this will be better, let's start yet another thread about Don Dokken or Ratt or Cinderella or wait maybe the roadie for Guns N Roses has a pimple on his smeckel! OR sure how bout another thread on GNR period WTFF? These bands have been played out. We know and have discussed EVERYTHING there is to be discussed about these bands. Sure if the 2nd replacement drummer for LA Guns from the summer of 2011 to the fall of 2011 starts a new Slayer cover band lets start a thread for him. But really? To quote Donald Trump "what a waiste".
  8. Excellent stuff here kiddies! https://www.facebook.com/philophobia.project/ https://youtu.be/yCTk-1ggyZs https://soundcloud.com/philophobia-band
  9. Greasy stuff from this Alabama now Florida sleazy hard rock band. https://www.facebook.com/StJohnTheOutlaw/ https://youtu.be/2Rv2vfn5iwo
  10. Lot's of cuts up now. Here's a few. Nice stuff. https://youtu.be/Bc9qTj1lgTk https://youtu.be/voBA-9zl1bk
  11. Here is a Nashville/NY band playing some nice modern rock. https://www.facebook.com/blindbreed https://blindbreed.bandcamp.com/ https://youtu.be/CnkZRhgn8X8
  12. Symphonic prog metal/hard rock from Spain. https://www.facebook.com/Eteddian
  13. Nice stuff from the San Diego California. https://www.facebook.com/vudufly http://vudufly.com/ https://youtu.be/YJDTvqZVjrg
  14. Some excellent Southern tinged hard rock from the east coast Portland, Maine that is, in the good ole USA. https://www.facebook.com/FifthFreedom/ http://www.fifthfreedom.band/ https://youtu.be/LBdPPlcZJcg
  15. Well this should make many a members nipples hard. Calling you out the ever vacationing Geoffrey. And Jim this should appeal to you as well. Super tasty modern melodic hard rock from Karlsruhe Germany. http://runlibertyrun.com/ https://www.facebook.com/runlibertyrun https://youtu.be/Pg-43qKpiDM
  16. Well well, some nice sounds coming from this female fronted San Jose California act! https://www.facebook.com/gundackerproject/ https://youtu.be/lNgL1SFhhvM https://youtu.be/CrCH2jBMtbg
  17. There is a lot going on in that 4 minutes. Almost like they tried to throw in every element from every QR song they could into the one song. For me anything outside of The Lady Wore Black or even Jet City Women is a no thanks when it comes to QR or GT.
  18. The Double This one is filmed very awesomely cool. The story is engaging, as are the writings by the original author Dostoevsky, but alas it may be too ecclectic for many.
  19. Super surprised no one has mentioned this tasty lil hard rock band from Melborne. https://www.facebook.com/grandhour http://grandhourband.com/
  20. Some very well played hard hair rock from Madrid. Excellent stuff but it will fall on a lot of deaf ears as they sing in their native tongue. Shame as they are quite good. https://www.facebook.com/beethovenrhardrock/ https://youtu.be/GWKijpvqhpg
  21. martinsane


    Oh my that is a quote of the decade condidate. Very akin to my signature "tits or tires, either way your bound for troubles. ".
  22. Green Room I watched this cause it is one of the final films that the late Anton Yelchin appears in and it was filmed in Oregon. Some decent gore effects and some quirky cinematography. The "plot": a dyi punk band gets a gig at an Arian compound and sees something they shouldn't have and the next hour is the bloodbath that unfolds as they attempt to get free. A nod to Patrick Stewart as the nazi punks ringleader.
  23. Yes very nice indeed Mikes voice is still so strong and this band wails behind him.
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