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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Excellent as usual. Certainly for fans of Hanoi, Dogs D', Choirboys et al... https://www.facebook.com/trenchdogs/
  2. So after reaching out to the band the 2 releases were total indies, they have a picture of the cassette on their FB. The band has reunited in 2016, recorded 3 new songs and are working on a package release for early next year which sounds like a mashup of the new songs, the old songs and a DVD, so a complete and sounding like a cool as fuck package. I for one am loving the new songs and am thoroughly looking forward to this release...
  3. The tag says it all female fronted hard rock from Madrid. Fun song with a nice solo and the singers voice is pleasant. https://www.facebook.com/Dust-Idols-549249581893445
  4. Well there you go. Singer worthy of a fap... and truth be told the band plays well. https://youtu.be/GyRfxDaHgNk https://www.facebook.com/femmehalen
  5. This tasty lil' 5 piece from Texas plays some sleazy punky metal/rock music that is acceptable and of course the grrls are easy on the eyes. https://www.facebook.com/TriCountyTerror/ http://www.tricountyterror.net/
  6. Sweet. I would, but alas Maryland may as well be Poland... What is up with Station? To cool for your pre-party show? I do like me some Tempt though and the others are good bands as well...
  7. Simple yet infectious. https://www.facebook.com/raygunrebels http://www.raygunrebels.com/
  8. https://www.facebook.com/hydrasfate http://www.hydrasfate.org/en/news Cool. They remind me of a less screechie Savatage. And the bassist is talented...
  9. Oh, shit! I really hope it doesn't suck. Love that they cast Ryan Gosling. Wow. Harry Ford in another revival role. Nice. And it will suck because Ryan Gossling is in it. He is no es bueno.
  10. Mike can sing there is no doubt but a 1mllion percent cash grab on both accounts.
  11. New releases I go straight through the bands and for second hand stuff the market is dead. No more rarities at the pawn shops and no record stores around, but then who would spend $25 for a cd from a Sam Goodies?
  12. Revisited the epic Jurassic Park and it still kicks ass. Also I saw that Suicide Squad and I agree it was really good.
  13. On my phone at the moment but I am certain she has a Facebook link in the video or maybe I found it but googling her name and she is a "model"
  14. Nice and cool story Keith. I have a few of those thanks out there and it is really cool from as you mentioned the big geek moment.
  15. Well it saddens me to hear that everyone's favorite TV dad Mr. Seavers, Alan Thicke passed away yesterday from what I have heard as a heart attack, at what seems a common age lately, unlucky 69. Rest In Peace sir your legacy is a nice one and your presence will be missed.
  16. Guest vocalist on this song and the young lady is worth a google search. The band is great btw and worthy of a nod or two.
  17. Not a film but binged on the final season of Don Cheadles House of Lies. Very funny show and should be watched by all.
  18. I didn't know they were about again. Cool. Saw them in a micro bar on the Lizard tour with Gruntruck opening and they were phenomenal.
  19. The Brothers Grimsby The latest Sacha Baron Cohen film about brothers uniting, one a spy the other a regular guy and the shenanigans that ensue. Obviously if you are not a fan of offensive and irreverent humor this is not for you. I laughed and laughed.
  20. That is a fine and very period female fronted AOR. Many will enjoy this. Went looking for band photos and was not successful, must be an ugly lot as a photo would be always a good idea to get people looking.
  21. .... even whilst the band still have it for sale? Not oop. Do they? I messaged them a couple months ago and got no reply if they have some available somewhere I'd like to know and get one.
  22. Meh. I guess if this was on the Dudes soundtrack it would be ok but not an albums worth and agreed what a bad video clip.
  23. Fucking oath. Absolute gem and a completely different class of human compared to that boyish little boy-lady in the Rolling Stones clip. Truth. She is fucking epic.
  24. Ha. That's rough, dude. You're a good father, though. Shocking as who doesn't like Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick.................oh that's right me.
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