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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. I must say after hearing the soundtrack for the broadway show and hearing the raves of the show from fellow HH'rs I was pretty excited about the prospect of this. Now it looks like GLEE! Could have been great I suspect, if I'd have written it, now it appears to be middle america house wife fodder. I did like the last bit with the blonde shouting "I love you Stacey Jaxx!" and Mr. Cruz doesn't glance her way and signs the cleavage. The sound effect was a nice touch too... squeek, squeek, squeek.
  2. Agreed! Held off on Hear! for years imagining it would be like the debut, which was good enough, but... needless to say I was pleasantly surprised. Curious to see how the new stuff will sound.
  3. I'm gotta say, as everyone here knows I'm a cheap bastard, but I'm beyond enticed with all the spiffs associated with this release. I know the music should and does stand alone, but damn. Virtually impossible to pass up... Now to go pre-order, which is a first for me EVER! NICELY DONE!
  4. Courtesy of a trade with Dave! Seventh Seal-Messengers Of Love Deathrow-Satans Gift/Riders Of Doom Nightcloud-Defeated By The Innocents Pagonini-S/T (French issue, an amalgomation of the first 2 cd's-apparently) City Blossom-Clown Of Emotion Sunblaze-Illuminating Heights H'Low Fat-Elements Vavel-The Second death Thunderstone-Evolution 4.0 Darkness-Death Squad (+7) Spicehead-Philosophy Duke-Escape From Reality St. James-Americanman Bootleg-S/T (MM Series) Jacob's Dreeam-Drama Of The Ages Stikki Fykk-Fucked Up Cocktail Whore Quiet Riot-Alive & Well Klunk-Greatest Hits And a $.25 center from the local pawn exchange: Underride-Insanityland
  5. Search it out twaas some really good stuff!!! Better yet PM Dave and make him set us up again. DAVE!
  6. The Fall by Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck Hogan This is the 2nd book of a trilogy about vampyres, but not your standard vamp affair, has a bit of a twist. Not a bad series so far and as I read I can see the movie rendition being made, which if Del Toro is involved should be really good...
  7. Kooky... I knew of Jack's health issues and that GW was continuing to tour, but I assumed with his blessings as a not to dissapoint fans kind of move. I didn't know that a divorce was in the works. Looks like we might have another LA Guns saga on our hands?
  8. Joan Rivers-A Peice Of Work Basically a year in the life documentary and she is funnier than funny and oh so filthy.
  9. Maybe a dumb question, but does anyone know how voting works for the Hall Of Fame? What I mean is do the public vote? Is it peers? A fishbowl drawing? Seems, at least with the bands from this year mostly to be a popularity contest and not a talent/influence ranking...
  10. Exactly what I was thinking ! And ? Same as them Sir Ian...
  11. The first one is similar, but then you'd have to invest in those "paper" cd sleeves to protect the disc, but I like the fact tha the rear tray can be stored alongside the rest, unlike option 2 wich appears to "protect" the disc, but doesn't look wide enough for the rear tray ? HOWEVER do they look similar, minus black cardbaord cd sleeve, to the one Lindsey posted??? Option 1 says you can get 50 for $20. Which means to go all in for me it would cost me about $6,000! On the plus side I could store more cd's...
  12. These REALLY look great ! Count me in ! My shelf space sucks as well. Agreed again on both counts! I would/could only assume that if these are located they will/must be $3.00 plus each? But as stated above finding a sleeve that can house the entire cd contents is very elusive and I really like the cardboard insert...
  13. From that opening few bars of Sweet Creatures I was hooked! This is right up my alley. Nice and poppy and punky and glammy and just tasty! Damn another cd I have to go buy... And whats with the Strokes comparison? Id say more of a Jet vibe? Maybe I have to hear more Strokes? Either way thanks for the link Dave! Edit: and now as I get deeper into the album, I'm getting some old school Hanoi, London Quireboys, et al...
  14. I'd like to see these and if they are as cool as they sound I'd want a few thousand myself. Can you up a photo?
  15. Thats good to hear. I saw them in a really really itsy bitsy club on the Strength tour and they were on fire. At the time Monaco and Parent were in the band and it was really a site to see! As you said Chip and Donnie are great together, both toop shelf musicians and performers. I remember when I met Chip after the show without DV, I asked him for a photo and an autograph and he was gracious and had a chuckle saying "Go get a couple bucks on Ebay for that."
  16. Appears I will have to get downtown in late January and catch Enuff Z Nuff again. This will be my third go with them and thankfully Donnie and Chip are together again. Monacco did a fine job when I saw them last, but it ain't the same without DV!
  17. I am curious as to what makes this a prequel? I have yet to see it, but the adverts looked OH SO similar to the original...
  18. If the tunes are half as appealing as the cover, which I'm sure they are, then this ones gonna be gold!
  19. But was it silver pressed? Naw, silver age though...
  20. Our Idiot Brother Boy do I feel like an idiot spending $2.50 on the rental for this turd...
  21. I remember drinking gallons of RC when I was a kid and I remember them putting baseball players mugs on the cans which at the time was a ton of fun. Rod Carew was certainly a fave... Best cola ever was OK soda from the early 90's. Coke made it and it tasted just like, what we called when we were kids, a "graveyard". Like when you mix all the different pops together... YUM!
  22. Happy Day Sir Ian! Best, Terry
  23. That sounds like "Source Code," and yes, it was pretty good stuff. That was the one!
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