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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Quite funny indeed... "Tankalizer ghuun"
  2. Just once, your crazy. This one gets regular views and is chock full of great tunage (the soundtrack is awesome too) and one liners! "That's my sister Pepper. She may be pregnant, but she can fight like a man."
  3. It is! "I am your war machine!" I can't believe DP hasn't visited this classic before. My favorite movie bar none!
  4. Started the MIB trilogy with the kids, they loved it!
  5. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/twisted-sister-drummer-aj-pero-dies-at-55/ " Twisted Sister guitarist Jay Jay French has reported that drummer A.J. Pero has passed away. The cause of death is not yet known. On his Facebook Page, French reported: "The members of Twisted Sister are profoundly saddened to announce the untimely passing of our brother, A.J. Pero. I see another has succumbed and at a really young age too... RIP AJ.
  6. Yes did the same and no useful tidbits, unfortunately the band name lends itself to a lot of errant web searching.
  7. Richie, see here: http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=33206&hl=
  8. A week later (only 3 days of actual knowing) and I am still numb. Just can't believe my phone won't ring again... Buddy, I hope the turn out on Saturday was to your liking and I hope you are at peace. I miss you.
  9. And Keith, I tend to agree with you as she sure would look and probably sound better, with a couple tally-whackers slapping off her forehead...
  10. Would love to read it.Pricey... http://www.bookdepository.com/Fire-Fame-Joerg-Deisinger/9783837045949 Only $13 US. Seems not too pricey imho.
  11. Not sure I follow...Paul Allen may be loaded but every team in the NFL must follow the same salary cap rules. I have a feeling once Russell Wilson cashes they might be gutting some parts of their roster or trying to push cap money out to later years, only prolonging a roster makeover. I suppose if you win some super bowls now that is a strategy. I suspect as with anything cash gifts, MIcrosoft stock and/or hoses on Lake Washington don't impact you salary cap... Just a hunch anyway. I do agree that once these players, like Wilson re-negotiate their contracts the shuffling will begin.
  12. Still reeling from this news. Koog's how on earth did you find this out? I spoke with James family on Friday and they too did not see this coming. James son was living with him and he mentioned he spoke with James a couple times on Monday and James had told him he was quite tired and could be heard sleeping on and off throughout the morning and apparently James passed sometime in the afternoon, the son had left for a few errands and returned to find James unresponsive... The thing that will haunt me forever is James called me at 11:00am on Monday and I like many times in our friendship just couldn't answer the call. I did phone back Tuesday leaving a voice message, unbeknownst of the tragedy that unfolded Monday. Geoff, I can't speak for others, but James downsizing started as a result of poor economy and unfortunately some theft of some of his top rarities. James was out of work for a good couple years, lost his house and all his stuff. He did try and stay up beat and I tried to encourage him as best I could, even though I was going through a similar thing. As Dave mentioned the last year has/had been good to James. He was steadily working again and was crawling his way out of the debt hole he got thrown in and all the while still kept chatting me up about all those wonderful silver platters we can't live without. I will miss James and his persistent phoning at all hours of the day and night. If that guy wanted me for something he would call 30 times a day til I picked up. :)I will never recover from not ever hearing him prattle on for hours about everything and anything, mostly cd's and girls. James if for whatever reason you can hear or see my words here, know you are a very dear and great friend to me. I miss you pal and my life will never be the same for losing you and for knowing you. RIP and ride on staryder, ride on...
  13. Wholly fuck....... I am shattered to the core! Missed a couple calls from him last week and apparently missed the damn boat... Son of a bitch.
  14. Steelers have a lot of holes to fill on d. Worilds retires at 27 and some old timers are cut/getting asked to retire:Keissel and Palamalu. Hell Lebeau went to the Titans and it sounds like James Harrison might follow... And to Jeffs question two words Paul Allen.
  15. You mean image-wise, 'cause they certainly look like KIX. And sound too, but like the early stuff Cool Kids you know.
  16. Some fun Bay area rock n roll! https://www.facebook.com/modernkicksofficial?fref=nf
  17. Glam band from Hollywood, CA. Fair warning, NOT FOR EVERYONE. https://www.facebook.com/pages/HAMMERED-SATIN/128961937139235?sk=timeline&ref=page_internal
  18. These guys are frickin cool as fuck! They have a really cool sound and look amazing as well! This video is from March of 2014... https://www.facebook.com/BITERS/timeline?ref=page_internal Looks like the album is a fews years old, but still available and the band is still touring about too...
  19. martinsane

    The Tip

    This is a GREAT song by Nashvilles The Tip! Very cool image and they have a huge Kix vibe imho... https://www.facebook.com/thetiprock
  20. YW&F for me. Jack Is Back was my introduction and it is still a fave cut for me. The Live album is nice too.
  21. I agree with Jez!!! This is unlistenable. :puke: and Uma Thurman? I mean really? She'd do in a pinch but not in the top 100...
  22. Don't know and haven't poked about but Alpha's post suggest that that song is a demo as there is a strikethru line where the label would be akin to the others on the disc...
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