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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Pompeii Titanic but with volcanoes and gladiators...
  2. Not speaking to the products quality, but that picture on the links home page looks really disorganized and not very user friendly...
  3. Love her! Speaking of which I did like that movie too and it was only her voice... So saw Lucy and boy, not my cup of tea AT ALL. Highly un-recommendable.
  4. The Resurrection Hard Rock disc is really good. At their website they have multiple releases it looks like they keep busy churning out material.
  5. Good for you Stormie! I am sure the release will be an excellent package as always. I did enjoy the video too as at first the "3 piece" fooled me.
  6. Its a cool tune, can't believe this album has been floating about since August of 2013 though...
  7. http://www.black-diamonds.ch/index.php?setlang=en&page=1
  8. I missed these kids on the first go round. Nicely done. And I agree with Andre. That singer/bassists vox remind me of another known front man, but I can't place it. https://www.facebook.com/Gunsofgloryofficial/timeline?ref=page_internal
  9. American Crude Quite a large cast, but a blockbuster it aint... Glad to see the broad from Titus in something again. Always did have the opposite of a soft spot for her...giggity.
  10. I poked about a little and I searched a few off the members and their Facebook pages have been inactive for a couple years...
  11. Love her! Speaking of which I did like that movie too and it was only her voice...
  12. I was watching out of the corner of my eye as I was watching that shit doll movie Annabelle (another story) on my computer.... .....and what I saw made my sking crawl, not the Annabelle move, but the Grammy's. Kanye West and Rihana with Paul MacCartney? WTF!
  13. I don't wanna see Melissa McCarthy having sex. that concept would be good with different actors... If you haven't eaten in awhile don't look at this pic as you will lose your appetite. Cast of Ghostbuster "3".
  14. Funny, because Stef's usually the one to point that out. Ever since Suicide drew my attention to thsi band I was following them ANXIOUSLY awaiting a release. Glad to see they are finally getting one done.
  15. I didn't think them to be too much a "boy" band as at least they play instruments and such and I agree the 5SOS are definately a mile better imho. The Vamps are a little softer and alot more "Radio Disney".
  16. Yea but I usually don't pay that much attention to you all anyways... 2011/2012 was a busy couple years for me and music wasn't a focal point.
  17. Great band with really good songs. 3rd threads the charm! http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=32364&hl=lipz http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=29561&hl=lipz
  18. HOLY FUDGE!!! This is some seriously killer shtuff. Looks like it came out in 2011. All the songs off this S/T release on Frontiers records is on YouTube.
  19. Disc is here, as mentioned above official release is in March and If I was you I'd get after a copy. The new video comes out Monday the 9th for Bladerunner (Tokyo Nights). For the record I am REALLY digging this disc. Chris has a Punk & Beligerant era Kory Clark to his swagger and vox and the band has some sweat ass gang vox and are spot on musically. Here is an older cut, equally as good!
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