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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. So Geoffrey with your love of 5SOS maybe these lads will be up your alley, I know my kids don't mind them.
  2. Did a double feature at the 2nd run theatre today with the sprites and saw: Big Hero 6=Excellent, great story and tons of goodness and for comic geeks the after credits bit is sweet! The Penguins Madagascar=Excellent as well. If you dig the franchise you can't go wrong with the Bond-esque penguins and John Malkovich as the bad guy is nice!
  3. Nice package today from Genoa! Soman-World On Fire Betoken-Beyond Redemption Hellgeist-S/T A2aThoT-Gestalt Unredeemed-Amygdala Winterage-The Harmonic Passage
  4. Never heard of it, which isn't saying much. I'll have a look and see what its all about.
  5. Not sure how old they are, one could only assume barely 20's. I like the fact that they have some actual guitar solos.
  6. WTF is this!!!! Can I have it! No really can I have it! Don't make me tell your wife!
  7. Cool, love that stuff! There's some awesome limited edition stuff in there aswell. 5 cds sets, bonus dvds, fold out velvet box sets,..... and the guy was basically giving them away. Best bit.... i actually paid $50 for 50 cds, and on the way home from picking them up I sold 7 of them (ones i didn't want) for $50 to someone else, meaning I rocked up home with about 43 cds for free. The jrock was mine, and then a lot of other common/commercial stuff for the wife. Good for you. Love to find bargains like that. Color me envious for sure!
  8. New EP We Are The Brave available 2-16. Quality stuff thanks to Jacob for reminding me of this band, I have their full length Tear Me Down and telling me to start a thread about them! https://www.facebook.com/skarlettriotuk http://www.skarlettriot.co.uk/
  9. Me too! Certainly could have showed them off a LOT more or at all on SB sunday.
  10. WTF is this!!!! Can I have it! No really can I have it! On topic: The Suicide Bombers-The Sex Tapes
  11. What Dan said, I wouldn't be able to afford to buy anywhere near that amount of physical CD's, but my presenter gig with ARfm allows me access to everything in their library. All the cd's I reviewed are physical CD's that I acquired over the last year. If I didn't/don't have a physicaI CD I did not review it. I did receive five times that list in digital promo's but the physical releases ALWAYS take precidence over the digital kits, but I'll get to them all eventually... I didn't get the Black Tora, but it would have received a high nod cause A. they are awesome and B. Razor Dave is also awesome! and that Tempt disc is a really solid EP. I am sure the full length will be a dinger. Karpet, you need to seek out the Warryor relese and the first full length "Rise Of The Tora" no knock to "Raise Your Fists" or the "Fuel My Hunger" as everything BT touches is awesome. You will notice that in all the bands incarnations and throughout their releases they do recycle the tunes a bit... I was sad that Station EP did not release in '14, its a '13 release or it would have rated high on the list!
  12. Stunned to say the least. WOW! You have Lynch, Turbin and Wilson and you throw a flippin' slant???? WTF. Dumbest play ever I can't fathom the why's on that one. On a positive for Patriots fans at least Brady and Belacheat will both leave the NFL with rings, won't quite overshadow the press from "deflategate" but at least they get another ring... And with regards to half time, shit. It was bad enuff that we had to listen to Katy Perry, not even close to scantily clothed btw, but then Lenny Kravitz and for fuc$ sake Missy Elliot. The half time show was almost as bad a call as that last Seahawk play call. Oh well any given Sunday right? Now off to no TV land til August.
  13. Fingers crossed Katy Perry has a wardrobe malfunction... Giggity.
  14. Good thread. Irrelevant to my review, but nice to see. It's this actually your review? Maybe I'll read it, then. It is.
  15. Good thread. Irrelevant to my review, but nice to see.
  16. Crash Midnight-Lost In The City Shaun Soho - lead vocals Bo - bass guitar Alex Donaldson - lead/rhythm guitars Eric Groseclose - guitars Andrew Merkle - drums Release date November 2014 Label: Ingrooves 151 Made For Money Welcome To Boston Outta Control You're The Only One Diamond Boulevard City Girl Take It Goin' Down The Drain Somewhere Yesterday Long As It's Free Nowhere To Go I didn't know what to expect from this silver platter when it arrived on my doorstep but after a fistful of days in heavy rotation to fully saturate the senses in the aural titillation that manipulating my psyche i must concede that Boston's Crash Midnight Lost In The City is a solid ball of sleazy, gritty, street punk, hard rock infused rock n roll album to be reckoned with. Hell, "Just another band outta Boston" my ass! More like the ONLY band to come outta Boston in the last decade worth a listen if you ask me. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of what Crash Midnight was throwing down. TONS of swagger, style, vim and vigor. A vocalist that does carry a tune in a bucket, a bucket of rhythm and blues with a heaping helping of classic raspy lineage vocalists, think in the ilke of Steve Tyler, a studio Axel Rose, Junkyard's David Roach and Buckcherry's Josh Todd... Great company to keep if your asking. The rest of the band covers all the sleazy hard rockin' bases with killer leads, foot tapin', head banging hard rock that will appeal to the masses, the metal heads and the ladies as well. For comparison purposes musically, Crash Midnight emulates (or maybe incant is more apropos) the mighty Junkyard a ton (which I for one can't hear enough of the 'yard), a smattering of GNR, two fist fulls of Salty Dog, another dash or two of some classic rockers like Aerosmith and then lightly seasoned to taste with a number of artists in the ilke of: Tora Tora, New American Shame, Spread Eagle, Cinderella, Buckcherry... Any of those great time party bands that you can't spin enough and that just speak to you. You know the ones I mean with the album of tunes that never leaves the tape deck. The tunes that make you drive a bit faster and maybe do a thing or two you shouldn't but be damned if at that moment you could give 2 rips. The songs are everything you'd expect and want from a gang of leather jacketed, street walkin', Marlboro smokin', whisky snortin' rock stars in the making. Lead off track 151 pays a huge homage to Junkyards Blooze. NO lie, play them back to back and its like part 1 and part 2. Unintentional I'm sure but brilliant none the less. Just a killer drinking song. From there we blaze through another 40 minutes of 3 minutes and done rock n roll numbers. Highlights for me are and in no particular order, Only One, Going Down The Drain, Nowhere To Go and the harmonica laden countrified balladry of Somewhere Yesterday. That said however, you won't go wrong with any of the other album tracks and you won't skip a one. Guaranteed. I am quite looking froward to future installments from Crash Midnight and fingers crossed they trek out West for a show or two as I am certain that a live venue would be the ultimate setting for these soon to be imho classics rock n roll numbers. I bet the boys leave it all on the stage as would be expected and I want to be front and center for whole damn thing. WWW.CRASHMIDNIGHT.COM https://www.facebook.com/crashmidnight/timeline?ref=page_internal
  17. New album 100 Proof by Blindside Thunder out February 16th 2015.
  18. Yeah, but he never said for sure he'd do a sequel. Plus he got caught up with everything else he's doing. Speaking of originality, though, that's your man. At least one of them. Timur Bekmambetov is another favourite of mine. Tarsem Singh, too. There are still great directors and producers out there, but they don't always get the financial backing they ought to. Isn't that "Chappie" movie from the District 9 guy, not sure its even related to D9, but? That Mad Max does look good, I'm glad it takes off after the established movies at least thats my take on the preview I saw anyways. And as far as Hollywood and originality, ha, that is laughable. Not a lot of new ideas floating to the surface these days and if one does they are usually relec'd to B movie standards.
  19. Not familiar with States Of Panic and I only mentioned the physical cd's that I acquired over 2014 so maybe I did it wrong...
  20. Those lists are killer! Excellent work guys and Dan! Here is the image of the Undone cd.
  21. Willow Creek (2013) Another found-footage film. Some people hate these. Some people love them. I would probably lean closer to the latter. When they're done well, they're done well, and this one was excellent. This follows a couple that travel to Willow Creek in hopes to find Bigfoot. Some very tense moments. I mean, very tense. Highly recommended. I dug this one and be damned if it wasn't written and directed by our main man Bobcat Goldthwaith.
  22. Haven't and won't. The premise and the thought of it makes me mad.
  23. I liked this album. Too bad it was released in 2013 or it would have made my list of albums listened too in 2014. huh?
  24. Watched the latest Sin City installment A Dame To Die For, I rather enjoyed the film and the style is really appealing to me too... Also watched The Fighter with Bale and Wahlburg not a bad little Rocky infused boxing story. Of note Amy Adams in a see thru underthings...
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