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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Love it. Some killer tracks there - Rocket Through My Heart being one of the best.
  2. My 15 year old was pretty upset as she wanted to see the singer when she came out our way. Kind of hit home how easy it is to be a target I guess. Not sure how my 18 year old daughter feels as we are traveling to the UK is a couple of weeks. My evaluation is that it's probably the safest place on Earth right now. Trying to explain to a 10 year old why her big night out was cancelled because of bombs and killings was not something I expected to be doing to be honest. The world has gone mad. That aside, nowhere is truly safe at the moment mate. The next attack could be anywhere - loads of places in Europe have been hit now. The intelligence service in the UK has been pretty awesome over the last few years when you read the detail of how many potential attacks have been foiled. I, personally, have no issues anywhere. The odds of being caught in a terrorist attack are next to none. Better odds with loto, which is a mugs game because the odds are so crazy. Different case for the children and teenagers though. They have a harder time dealing with how sick the world can be...
  3. Perfect is my favorite song of the album after listening many times. Took me a while to get through the similarities to I;ll Fall In Love Again, but it's in my head well and truly now... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPf8kL9lAzQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPu1g3lPsWw
  4. My 15 year old was pretty upset as she wanted to see the singer when she came out our way. Kind of hit home how easy it is to be a target I guess. Not sure how my 18 year old daughter feels as we are traveling to the UK is a couple of weeks. My evaluation is that it's probably the safest place on Earth right now.
  5. So Seb Bach it touring Australia. $90 + booking fees. Never seen him or Skid Row before, but pretty hard to justify. Doubt I'll make it unless they release some tickets on Lastix
  6. I'm much more likely to have a real listen to a song outside of the genres I like if the video is cool. Likewise, I try not to watch people such as Jorn etc in their videos because they make me hate the whole experience. So many 40 to 60 year olds who decide the close ups of they aged band is somehow cool and interesting. re Rock Me Tonite - the song is killer. The film clip i saw only after I loved the song, so it added to it in a comedic way for a while, and eventually I cane to think of the clip when I hear the song, which is bad.
  7. I refuse to listen to this purely because of the band name,,,,
  8. Just listened to the whole album and I'm gonna really like a few songs. So far my comment would be that the vocals sound forced in the first half of the album. Like he's trying a bit too hard. But I like... Devil Dancer Perfect U In My Life Faded Let It Go
  9. Listened to some of the album last night. There was one song that stuck out. The song above is also good. I'm different to most here in that if I get a few killer songs off the album I'm happy
  10. Snatched. Not bad, not amazing. Wouldn't watch it second time, but don t regret seeing it once. Only saw it because Baywatch wasn't released yet even though they are plugging the hell out of it.
  11. Why Him? - Because it's a great movie. Got the DVD with the extras, including extended Kiss scene.
  12. Never thought Bone Machine was much chop. Just the same singer Others mentioned Guiffria and Johnny Lima - good choices. I'd also add Trixter, Firehouse, Haywire, Harem Scarem, Tuff and Nelson as being the same style of 'pop metal' Maybe also a bit of Little Caesar and Marvelous 3 If you're on this board you most likely know all these bands, but just in case....
  13. He would just look like Jorn in his videos, and they would make you not want to watch them. HE seems pretty "Lima-centric" and the videos would be of his face I'd suggest. That said, I love his stuff. And I love Wildflower
  14. A few more from that album https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ea5QyK2vCcI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk-22BVn0KE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRkwy_mdTCc
  15. From the amazing Josh Todd (Buckcherry) solo CD "You Made Me" Great story behind this album. I recall reading years ago that he replied to an ad in a paper for a band looking for a new singer and went along to 'audition'. He then auditioned them and they made the cut and played on his solo CD. Does anyone know if it's Gary Cherone singing background at around the 3:00 mark? Sure sounds like him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPw_4PHiYGg
  16. Which version? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c8O2n1Gfto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B_UYYPb-Gk I think RUN DMC kick this songs ass. Much better version for me.
  17. Eurovison Song Contest? What a waste of time.... .... and the second show tonight. One more to go... And it can't be a waste of time if it keeps my wife happy. Big payoffs
  18. Some people just can't do that. Which sucks for them because they miss out. Yeah...It is hard though. I mean, when you see "Warrant" you have a preconceived notion of what you're wanting it to sound like and this is quite a ways from the fun, party melodic rock that Warrant is known for. I do wonder sometimes if they should've tried a new name but it would be tough to leave behind the catalog of songs so can't blame them for keeping it. I had to keep trying it though and it's sunk in a bit. Warrant and Firehouse are coming about 30 minutes from me in a month and gonna hit that show. I mean, can't go wrong seeing them both for $20. Fucking $20 What I'd give.... There was Warrant 96, how about Warrant 2009, or even Warrant 2031 That would instantly bring a realisation that it's a new Warrant
  19. Some people just can't do that. Which sucks for them because they miss out.
  20. Didn't see anything last night because my family insisted on Eurovision Song Contest Of course most of the ones I didn't like made it through
  21. whoaaaa... lol For me, by definition he is a superhero because is is more heroic than other heros, which I guess is what you're saying. My kids disagree. No powers = not a superhero, or even a super hero.
  22. Yeah, I'm with you there. Hate bands without mic's. Jorn is worse because he looks like a tool. Would much prefer him singing into a mic in the studio, or even better, a clip without him in it. Musically a great track, but the vocals define it. Not bad, but just Jorn i guess. Probably grow on me. In fact I'm listening as I type and I like the song more already
  23. That's a fucking great song. Thanks for posting that - I'm definitely gonna check them out. Reminds me a lot of Butch Walker, just a bit heavier.
  24. Let's discuss if Batman is a superhero I'm in the yes camp.
  25. I don't think I can do The Great Wall. Just looks SOOOOO stupid.
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