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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. I think it's more of a re recording of old songs just like some bands have done recently (Firehouse, Scorpions, etc)
  2. He was not on the song "Sword And Stone" as that was around the same time as that all happened
  3. It's know to be a 1983 release The cd I have says 1983.
  4. I hear ya Add it to the never-ending list of albums I have yet to hear. I know it's a classic, because you lot always talk about it, but I've never got around to picking it up. Like I've said before, I'm so far behind; I don't have the time and money to catch up as quickly as I'd like.
  5. I'm looking forward to the new film. Never mind the kids loving this(which they do) I love these movies and very much looking forward to the new one.
  6. I get what you're saying about spreading himself out so much, but if it means high quality music I'll take it every day all day.
  7. It was mine too but not sure it would be now? To be honest ive not listened to it for ages. I think the performance at Firefest turned me off a bit...the singer was OK but nowhere near great imo. And very accented. Still a good album in any case. Still love it! To each their own
  8. Gone Girl - Good stuff John Wick - also good stuff
  9. I poked about a little and I searched a few off the members and their Facebook pages have been inactive for a couple years... WTF
  10. Still like/love everything from my youth. I do get the whole "played to death" stuff people talk about, but it doesn't make me "hate" it.
  11. With everything that goes on in my life, music is a must for me(sure there may be a day, or week that goes by because something happened) but it is always present in my life!
  12. If LaValle puts out an album Like Dear Sanity, this will be a great year for this genre.
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