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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. A comp. I made on my ipod named Melodic Rock: It has my fav. songs from- W.E.T Treat H.E.A.T The Magnificent LaValle AdrianGale Crazy Lixx First Fignal Gotthard House Of Lords Tango Down and many more...
  2. To finish this up: Harem Scarem - Weight Of The World ; 81% Gotthard - Homerun ; 75% Harem Scarem - Higher ; 83% Gotthard - Human Zoo ; 75% Harem Scarem - Overload ; 78% Gotthard - Lipservice ; 73% Harem Scarem - Human Nature ; 80% Gotthard - Domino Effect ; 77% Harem Scarem - Hope ; 79% Gotthard - Need To Believe ; 78% So yeah, a few close ones in there, but it's Harem Scarem across the board, apart from 'G' over 'Voice of Reason' for me. Overload over Lipservice?!!! Wow
  3. Alex Cross (Showtime) Jumanji with the boys Death Warrant (Van Damme) both on Netflix
  4. Kee Marchello's last album was actually better than I expected. A few unexpected good hooks on that one. But I agree - his song writing skills won't exactly save the day. As a guitarist he only sounds a shadow of how he did on 'Prisoners...' but it's more about getting Norum out of there and getting a guitarist in who isn't hellbent on sounding like shit. I still consider Tempest a good song writer and vocalist, although he has not written a good song in over a decade. But I wonder how much of that is just to cater for his awful guitarist? You know what I'd love to hear - Tempest get sucked into one of these De Rosso projects. A pure melodic hard rock album, with Tempest on vocals. De Rosso or Martensson - someone who could make him sound good again. I agree, and agree with the Tempest thing also. Something like First Signal with Hess would be awesome for Tempest!
  5. I think Pretty Boy Floyd was made to mock Ugly Kid Joe, so I think it's not strange at all. Cats In Boots is also like Puss In Boots, the cartoon character regarding Brother Firetribe, the band explained it's actually have no meaning but just a plain English translation from a famous Finnish tennis player's name, I forgot it's name, I read it on wikipedia I think the Pretty Boy Floyd/ Ugly Kid Joe thing was the other way around.
  6. are you talking about Up From The Ashes? Surely not.....the playing on that is awesome. I assume not, he played on Dokken- Long Way Home (2002) He played on the solo album as well, which is awesome imo. As good as any main Dokken release. Yes, I agree. That is why I assume he is talking about the 2002 album.
  7. Crazy Lixx- New Religion Rot Avenue Crazy Lixx I do have to say S/T is my album of the year. 3 killer albums in a row.
  8. are you talking about Up From The Ashes? Surely not.....the playing on that is awesome. I assume not, he played on Dokken- Long Way Home (2002)
  9. What we have to remember is the band names from back then are so ingrained in our heads, so they just sound right to us. There were plenty of "lame" ( for lack of a better word) names back then.
  10. For me, Shinedowns peers are Nickelback Theory Of A Deadman Hinder Papa Roach Fuel I don't mind any of these,( I do prefer my Melodic Rock always over this)but these are all good Modern Rock bands.
  11. Ride Along(HBO) while doing stuff around the house. Decent enough action/comedy, seen better, seen worse.
  12. I think it sounds good, but what is up with Frontiers and 3 man projects? LRS, 3 Lions, and now this one, I'd rather see/hear full/real bands.
  13. Nah my man, no taking the piss when it comes to how average I think Shinedown are. I admit it's a little case of tall poppy syndrome, because I can't for the life of me begin to fathom why this forum latched onto Shinedown when in my opinion they were never even close to the top echelon of modern rock... yet somehow they just caught on here and suddenly everyone who hated modern rock loved Shinedown... it drove me insane. Like everyone else, I liked 'Sound of madness,' but when I say liked I mean liked. It was a good album and probably rated around the middle of the modern rock pack in the year of it's release. But they were never a band that stood above the pack for me at all - not by a long shot. As for 'Amaryllis' I think I only liked 2 or 3 songs off it and it wasn't in the middle of the modern rock pack in the year of it's release, but probably closer to the bottom. If there wasn't the over-hype for the band on this forum I readily admit I probably wouldn't be as harsh on them as I am, but I just listen to them and think, what the flock are you guys hearing in this that you don't in the modern rock bands that are actually good? Take Monty Are I for example. and their album 'Break through the silence.' Now that is one of the best albums in modern rock in the last 10 years. Yet I think only Glen, Tim (2) and myself ever got on board with them (sorry if I missed someone out) and one of the best bands in recent years went by relatively unnoticed because everyone was too busy talking about the dime-a-dozen Shinedown parade. lol, sorry, got pretty carried away there. But honestly, as a massive and extensive fan of modern rock, I do not even rate Shinedown in my top 100+ bands, and that's just how it is. They're nothing special and I just don't "get it." Anyway, if you want to hear how good modern rock can be when it's actually done well, here's a sample Not a fan at all
  14. Love the title song, to bad it's about she-dudes. lol
  15. Liking it alot! You're just an old fart!!! lol I do get where you are coming from.
  16. This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE-wYvxm-Kc I like it. Not even close to being their best, but I like it.
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