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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Say no more. You had me at $30. It's that expensive, is it? I totally understand not purchasing it then. As for being too lite. WHAT?! It's basically heavier than the ballad strong Revolution Saints disc. Anyway, to each their own. CON is easily my fave of the year so far, personally. Heavier than Rev Saints?!!! Lol
  2. Big Hero 6 - with the family. Good movie!!!
  3. It has a "Boys Are Back In Town" feel to it.
  4. Eclipse - Armageddonize Revolution Saints - s/t Hardline - Danger Zone
  5. May 8?? Holy shit, they churned that out quick considering how recent that announcement was. You know what I'd have loved, now that I've had time to think about it? If Claus is genuinely gone and is not interested in the band anymore, I wish Michael Bormann had joined the band. Granted, there is not a single member left in the band from the era when Bormann was still there so there are no ties at all, but I actually think that would have been really cool if it could have happened. Both Bormann and Bonfire have struggled a lot of create a decent album for a while, but a combo like that might just have worked - re-ignited some kind of spark. And at least they'd be keeping it German, and there is a history with Bormann in the band. Anyway, I'm just fantasising now. Looks like it's done and dusted now, and I fear another average Reece album will be the result. Honestly, though, kinda looking forward to hearing it. Even if it won't sound like Bonfire... I could care less who is singing for them...the only thing that matters to me is the end product and I'm willing to give it a chance.... I will give it a chance for sure, I'm a fan of both(DR and Bonfire). But I do feel they should have just stayed as Ez Livin', not Bonfire.
  6. Don't get me wrong, love the first 2 albums. BUT, that first single is not for me. Still hoping the rest is better.
  7. So far my favorite is "Locked Out Of Paradise", just a great Melodic Rock song!!!
  8. Revolution Saints - s/t Eclipse - Armageddonize Both are great!!!
  9. Agree! I don't "dislike" Zeppelin, but don't want L.A. Guns sounding like them.
  10. Yeah, I love a good ballad as much as the next guy, but unfortunately they're basically the 4 weakest songs on the CD, more or less. Yep
  11. From the single I can see why this a "pledge" album, record company probably said "if you're not going to write songs like your first 2 albums, you're on your own!" lol
  12. Received mine today(along with Revolution Saints). 1 spin so far and it is a killer album, I really like "Bleed & Scream" and this is definitely on par with that.
  13. Received mine today, 1 spin so far and I like what I'm hearing. As above mentioned, Aldrich really is the high light here for me also. For me 4 ballads is too many, 2 tops. I don't think the 4 ballads are bad, but just don't do anything for me, and I do like ballads so that's not it.
  14. updated production/ fuller sound might me good
  15. I get what you are saying Geoff,, but a "heavier Journey" to me is "Melodic Rock" So I will take it also! And yes, WAY too many ballads!!!
  16. I have "some" live cds from back in the day, but I prefer a visual(Dvd, or go to a concert).
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