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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. corrected. 'For You' I think you hate cos it sounds a little like VH ;-) lol @ your correction. Yeah, I was waiting for someone to say 'For you' sounds like absolute fucking shit, oh whoops, I'm really sorry guys I meant to say Van Halen. A lot of people seem to say that about terrible songs. Oh, you must hate that fucking dreadful song, because it sounds like Van Halen. And people wonder why I hate that band. It's like their trademark is sounding awful. Every fast paced song without a hint of melody, no hook, no imagination in the drumming, guitarwork or any single aspect of the song... that sounds like Van Halen! They must have written and recorded half their songs in less that 5mins if that's what they're known for. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate Van Halen? Because I really do. Lol
  2. First Dynazty now Jettblack, hopefully it ends with them and other bands don't change their style like these 2 bands did !!!
  3. Sad to say, I agree. The last one was pretty rough too aside from one or 2 clear standout tunes. Nope, 2 awesome songs and a handful of above average songs for me.
  4. Well stated, and unfortunately I agree (although I wish I were wrong). It's as though when they get into the studio, Mike and Oz pick up guitars that have no B or High E strings, and the Low E, A, D and G strings are all tuned down like TWO full steps. That is NOT the Stryper sound I fell in love with back in like 1984. I understand "most" singers can't hit the notes they were capable of 30 years ago, but Sweet still does pretty damn good, no reason for them to be so drastic in their down-tuning. Make those Jacksons scream, man! Dark and brooding Stryper is simply not my cup of tea. Agree
  5. Journey and Trust are my to favorite albums as a whole from them.
  6. You're an odd cove ... an album with (in my view) only one or two great songs wouldn't even be considered as a favourite for a particular year ... 'Empire' is, indeed, an utterly essential tune, but there are only two other songs on there that I'd still give the time of day to - 'Another Rainy Night' and 'Anybody Listening?' The rest of the songs on there are the main reason I stopped listening to Queensryche ... it still baffles me that the band that created 'Operation: Mindcrime' then went on to produce a stinker like this! BTW - didn't say it was a favourite, just that it deserves an honorary mention - due to the standouts, which I would maintain are "Empire" and "Jet City Woman". (I HATE "Another Rainy Night"!!! ) "Hate" is a strong word!
  7. Some very good albums in that list, BGF ... some odd choices, too ... Bad Company? I wouldn't have thought their particular 'ouevre' was your thing at all! Any album with a song as good as "Stranger Stranger" deserves recognition. Just a wonderful, wonderful tune! Same for Empire, really - pretty poor album overall, but with two fantastic songs (the title track and "Jet City Woman") that elevate it above the majority. You're an odd cove ... an album with (in my view) only one or two great songs wouldn't even be considered as a favourite for a particular year ... 'Empire' is, indeed, an utterly essential tune, but there are only two other songs on there that I'd still give the time of day to - 'Another Rainy Night' and 'Anybody Listening?' The rest of the songs on there are the main reason I stopped listening to Queensryche ... it still baffles me that the band that created 'Operation: Mindcrime' then went on to produce a stinker like this! Best three songs are 'Best I can,' 'Another rainy night' and, oh, only the best song on the whole fucking album!!! - 'Hand On Heart.' Love the album period! Not every song is great, but there is NOT a bad song on it.
  8. I don't get why people are singling out the slower songs as the weaker ones as I think they generally sounded like the best ones. 'For you' is the only real clunker, but the rest sounds pretty good to me. That's just me. I tend to prefer rockers to swooners. I do too. But a good song trumps a weak song every day of the week. I cannot say this enough in enough different threads, but a ballad that is a good song, will always be better than a rocker that is a shit song. I don't know how to state it more simply. Just because a song "rocks" doesn't automatically make it a good song. And vice versa, just because a song is a ballad, doesn't make it a weaker song. It's all just how good the actual song is, regardless of what type of tune it is. Um yes
  9. But it is Modern Rock. So, if they don't like that Modern Rock sound, it makes sense that it's "too modern sounding." That's all it is really. Hard to pin down exactly what it is, but all those modern rock releases sound very similar to me and I don't like the sound. The vocals are all very samey, rather than back in the day when vocalists were unique and charismatic. Bands like Cinderella, Ratt, Guns n Roses, White Lion, etc all had dinstinctive vocals that were a major contribution to their sound. I'm sure there's more to it, but as soon as I hear that modern rock sound, it puts me off. There are exceptions, such as the odd song by Vega, Shinedown, etc, but I'd struggle to listen to a whole album by those bands. Agree.
  10. I take it you completely disagreed with my 73% rating of this album then?? A pretty strong first half, but generally average second [second half songs ranging from 6 to 7.25]. It's not as good as the two albums that preceded it, but I still like it. I gave it an 81% which is probably admittedly a little high due to my overall fondness of the band, but I do like the album. 'A Far Cry' is sensational. I will say, 'Night of the crime' is going to be a solid contender for a top five finish in 1985. Fantastic CD!! A Far Cry is very good......the best song on the album in fact in at 8.75. Love that song!
  11. I think that might be my issue with this band also, to modern sounding. I do like the sound of"Better Safe Than Sorry" though.
  12. Cover sounds good, always loved the original any way
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