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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. You, my friend, are an odd one. I blame it on you being from Ontario. I'd take Jon Oliva over Zak Stevens any day. ANY DAY. But I do agree with you; I really miss Savatage. Why don't these bastards reunite? Also, you wouldn't try to make room for "When the Crowds Are Gone?" Apart from Savatage, I really wish there was more from Wall of Silence. Yes! Jon Oliva any day.
  2. I thought the first one was just ok, but this one sounds like it might be good. I will most likely give this a try.
  3. I agree 100%, My #1 of 2011. Still listen to this without the slightest sign of getting tired of it! And I hope this was not a one album band!
  4. I agree 100%, My #1 of 2011. Still listen to this without the slightest sign of getting tired of it!
  5. This not out yet, is it? I know it comes out Friday.. Well here in the US anyways.... Son of a BITCH! lol Can't wait, huge Spiderman/ superhero guy( and having 2 boys to watch it with is cool) Bluray was out, means the movie was released in cinema like 3 months ago, how come you missed it ? It comes out Friday on dvd where I'm at
  6. This not out yet, is it? I know it comes out Friday.. Well here in the US anyways.... Son of a BITCH! lol Can't wait, huge Spiderman/ superhero guy( and having 2 boys to watch it with is cool)
  7. Totally understand what you're saying, BUT as a former singer myself I need vocals! I very rarely(if ever) listen to a full instrumental album, I don't mind an instrumental song or 2 on an album but not the whole thing.
  8. Just the one song? And a cover at that!?
  9. No samples with Bormann, that sucks
  10. Get some songwriting help and good producer could make them better I think.
  11. I don't love this band, BUT I sure don't hate them. I agree with most here( not Tim) that their cds are about even with good songs to filler.
  12. Welcome, this is the place to be for that!
  13. When I was a young boy(before the age of 10, in the late 70's) there was just me and my mom. I would listen to all her albums, The 4 Tops, The Platters etc.Then she met my stepdad and we movied to his town, 12-13 yrs old. I listened to everything at that time, Men At Work etc. BUT, in 1983 came, PYROMANIA, 1984, and METAL HEALTH and I was blown away. At that time I still listened to Journey, Survivor etc. but it was the Hard Rock that stuck with me. The Heaviest I got was DIO, IRON MAIDEN and PRIEST. I'm more of a Hard Rock/Melodic Rock guy!
  14. I wanted to check this out. Wanted? Meaning you no longer do? I still do,before it came out I remember that I wanted to when it did and forgot all about it. There for: "I wanted to check this out". Do you got it now?: lol Heh. Yeah, I'm just being a dick. I remember when it was originally just "The Raid," and then Sony picked it up, changed the title to "The Raid: Redemption," ordered a sequel, and made us wait a year. I'm just messin' witcha!
  15. I wanted to check this out. Wanted? Meaning you no longer do? I still do,before it came out I remember that I wanted to when it did and forgot all about it. There for: "I wanted to check this out". Do you got it now?: lol
  16. I like it! This could be a nice end of the year surprise.
  17. I can't stand "radio", same fucking songs over and over and over! Me too and I ONLY listen to it in that breif 30 seconds when I am being ripped from slumber... This morning I was on the local country station, but haven't a clue of the song that woke me. I bring my ipod everywhere I go, work, car etc. But a lot of the time at work I'm never in the same room, so the local "rock" station is on.
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