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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Seen it 3 times already! and that is a great line. My kids made me rewind a couple times to see and hear that scene.
  2. I'm all for a band putting out an EP,BUT if it's a 4-6 song EP it should have 4-6 KILLER songs on it!!!
  3. Loved both!I'm a big Spider-Man fan, so I liked all of them.BUT, am getting tired of REBOOTS!!!
  4. Can't find "Turn It Up" anywhere!!!
  5. Um, NO! The H.E.A.T- Address The Nation was # 1 for 2012! Very good, so even the more reason to listen to it, I mean unless your 2013 cd is Shakra? If I want AOR I'll listen to the HEAT but if I want good Hard Rock I'll stick with the Shakra. I have feeling my # 1 for 2013 might be W.E.T.
  6. This sounds straight out of 1989!!! Awesome
  7. Um, NO! The H.E.A.T- Address The Nation was # 1 for 2012!
  8. No Wes, you are not alone - I was underwhelmed as well. Hope this isn't the best track! I agree somewhat, I enjoy the tune but do hope there are better tracks on it. I feel a H.E.A.T vibe, but a little lighter and not as good of course.
  9. It's not my fault you can't hear good music..... Not only do I hear good music, but I decide what is good music and what is not. And this certainly is not. Which is odd. Because I threw a 70% rating at it, which is actually pretty good. But my desire to ever play this full album ever again in my entire life is actually zero. Zero desire to spin it again, ever. Funny stuff! lol
  10. Any commercial melodic rockers on this one?!
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