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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Well I rated the debut at least 90% and was it was one of my favourite releases from that year. This is at least as good. Will have to listen back to back next week. So far equally as good as the debut, but only 3 listens through.
  2. Wow. Just searched the topic to see if anyone had watched my favorite movie. I didn't mind it I didn't think it was bad.
  3. I liked it. I wouldn't mind watching it again.
  4. Decent song. 2nd album was better I think.
  5. Agreed mine arrived this morning while I was at work,Ive just given this its first spin on the ol' cd player,brilliant stuff. listened earlier(at work) to: Warrant-Cerry Pie Kidd Wikkid-s/t Bonfire-Fireworks Wall Of Silence-Shock To The System Sweet!
  6. Was hoping for it to be on itunes!, but no it is not!
  7. New song sounds good, and it is the closest to classic SR that they have done with new singer.
  8. That's funny, my 2 favorites are Halfway To Heaven & Drive Me Crazy
  9. I already added "Hellboy II" to my "reserve" list @ the public library.... Cool, cool, cool. I've never known anyone to consider the second the better of the two. Now I know two people. Both films are awesome. I think they're the best comic adaptation films. If you've read the series, you'll know how true these are to the spirit of Hellboy. I don't know if your counting me as one who said the 2nd is better, I did not say that.
  10. Straight out of the fucking late 80's/early 90's! I love it!
  11. 100% agree. Really good songs, but WAY too long!!!
  12. Enjoyed Both movies, but enjoyed this one more so.
  13. We are lovers, not fighters. But not lovers with each other, but, well, forget it.... As for Parasite Jeff's famous floor burgers.....If you don't like it, if you don't like it I don't care. If you don't like it, you can hit the road 'cause I just don't just don't care! (this is sorta fun....chatting via lyrics) Nice, Cinderella!
  14. Holy crap, finally something short, simple, makes sense....and I can agree with! Address The Nation is absolutely killer. Actually Jeff, I know you dont read my posts, because I have caught you on many occasions taking shots at me for things that if you did read my posts you'd already have known we are in full agreement, that is why I find it humorous that you do take the shots you do, actually I could go through and pick out at least 10 things we more then agree on, and i even caught a few we are the only ones who do agree on, so look a little deeper then my mouthy disrespectful comments, I am actually a wit, and do have a brain and a valid concept of what we are discussing, I also just have a little problem with talking shit. Cody I could be wrong but I think Jeff was joking and was also agreeing with your statement. I understand, but he hates me, he wishes I would just go to another forum, I could say day, and he would say night, tell me it's black when I know that its white, it's always the same, it's just a shame, thats all, ya know Nice- PC!
  15. Awesome album, probably my favorite Lizzy Borden. Now listening: Pretty Maids - Red, Hot & Heavy My fav. to
  16. W.E.T., Rage Of Angels, and Diamond Dawn? I don't think I like you very much!
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