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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. Metalsludge: http://metalsludge.tv/con-artist-alert-husband-and-wife-allege-love-n-revenges-damon-kelly-scammed-them-out-of-30000-00/ CON ARTIST ALERT Husband and Wife allege Love N’ Revenge’s Damon Kelly scammed them out of $30,000.00 Metal Sludge — Music lovers, fans, agents, indy labels, concert promoters and investors, please beware. These alleged stories below are nothing new, and sadly this stuff will likely be repeated again at some point in our industry. Husband and wife Jim and Michelle Turney are on the offense through social media and trying to spread the word about someone they call a scam artist, and they are claiming, he owes them $30,000.00. The short version is Jim became friends with a man named Damon Kelly, leader of the band Love N’ Revenge. At some point Kelly, a Canadian citizen was looking for help financially, an investment of money for his band. According to the Turney couple, many emails and IM messages were exchanged where Kelly was pleading for their help. Sometime back in the spring, they finally agreed to loan Kelly $30,000.00 that they would withdrawal from Jim Turney’s retirement account. They did just that on May 15th, 2019, under the conditions it would be paid back in full, by June 15th, 2019. Since that transaction, Love N’ Revenge went on a U.S. tour with Los Angeles based rockers BulletBoys. As the summer came and went, the Turney family tried desperately to get their money back, but to no avail. Now it’s been over 6 months and they have had enough of what they call his endless lies and broken promises. Mrs. Turney posted on December 2nd 2019 in the Melodic Mafia Facebook group sharing her story telling readers the following: “Please use caution in any business dealings with a man named Damon Kelly (legally named Damon Tanchak) with a band named Love n Revenge. He borrowed $30,000 from my husband and me in May 2019 under a notarized contractual agreement to return our money in full by July 15, 2019. He has not paid us any money and I do not want to see this happen to anyone else.” Turney then shared a document which appears to be a financial transaction slip of sorts. (see insert) The top side of the document reads THE CHICAGO PATROLMEN’S FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. The document is dated 5/15/19, time 1:51pm and notes “SHARE WITHDRAWAL” in the Amount $ 30,000.00. The Pay To: notes DAMON TANCHAK, RE: JAMES B TURNEY. Since the Turney family’s public cry for help and warning to others, there have now been other postings regarding the same person. Once again, Damon Kelly and similar circumstances, where they are also claiming to have been financially wronged. Oddly though, a few of these posts were actually made back in August, while his band Love N’ Revenge were still on the U.S. tour, but their complaints have now been made more visible due to the recent posting by the Turney couple. The story goes much deeper though, so hold on as we break it down for you. After Kelly failed to pay anything on the first loan, he wrote a 700+ word letter on July 5th begging for more help from the Turney family. Metal Sludge has received and reviewed dozens of IM messages, e-mails and documents. He informs the couple he is a half-million dollars into his career, owes nobody (but them) and how it’s crazy and scary with all that is happening. Kelly writes: “Jim and Michelle…i did not come this far just to come this far and my record label can even confirm our worldwide distribution and tour will be posted as well. You can hear from them that around 300k is waiting not to mention July/Aug tour. With a monsoon of respect I’m asking for your help cuz im out of time and options.” (see the full e-mail below) According to information and multiple sources who have been in contact with Metal Sludge, this is what else we have learned. Kelly claims their label is RFL Records. Metal Sludge has confirmed with RFL Records owner Jon Marchewka that the label is in fact, no longer involved with Kelly or his projects in anyway. Marchewka tells Metal Sludge: “Damon Kelly and Love N Revenge were on my label for a few months and there were issues from the start. He was MIA for a few weeks for domestic issues. He swindled my tee shirt guy for $1,200 and also my webmaster who designed their website. He released band members who he did not pay. He wanted me to sign papers for a US work permit when they did that Bullet Boys tour, which I did not as the band was not going to be supported by my label. This is the first that I heard of the $30,000 borrowed and I wish that I wouldve been able to warn the Turneys. I have heard nothing but bad things about Mr Kelly from past band members, fans and business associates.” Sources are claming that Kelly in fact used the large sum of money to buy onto the BulletBoys tour. There have been numerous posts, photos and videos showing Kelly and Love N’ Revenge advertised and performing at various venues across the country. Some of the images and video content, also include a modern day fancy high-end tour bus. Ironic as it may be, the few low budget video clips of the band on youtube are for songs titled “Get Me Outta This Hole” and a horrific cover of David Bowie‘s “Fame”. Oddly enough, in his pitch letter and resume, he claims his Beverly Hills publicist (also rep’d David Bowie) as noted here: “Publicist: Michael Levine Media Beverly Hills… represented 56 Academy Award Winners and 38 Grammy Award Winners including Michael Jackson Prince David Bowie Prince Cameron Diaz Suzanne Somers Pizza hut Nike etc” (see the full resume below) It should also be noted, that none of the parties have placed any blame on BulletBoys, and to the contrary have said all positive things regarding the group. Moving along, as we will now note (with screen captures) the following damages, in addition to the $30,000.00 loan. Soundman James Shaffer posted on Facebook back on August 19th 2019 writing: “So, I jumped off the Love N’ Revenge / BulletBoys Tour, due to 1 month on the road/ Rehearsals/ and NO PAY. They owe ne over 4000$ US, And that does NOT include the BulletBoys. I ‘, straight with them, Canadians!! They are possibly coming to your town. My friends need to look out for me. I hired world class musicians that have not been paid. This could have been easily resolved. Now, it’s going to the courts, going to my people out there, going to all social media …and I’m just getting started” In addition to the soundman’s post, it appears the merchandise company who made Love N’ Revenge their tour swag, is also on the hook for money. Back on August 6th, 2019, Endeavor After LLC, an apparel and garment printing company also went on the offense via social media. Crystal and Robbie Perrone are the owners and operators of Endeavor After, and blogged the following: “********BUSINESS BEWARE******** I want to give a big (F-U finger emoji) to this clown who has given us the runaround on paying for his band shirts! For literally 3 weeks he’s been telling us “tomorrow” for payment but tomorrow never comes! Time, money, stock, ink and stress has been wasted on him! Not only are you taking money from our company that we work damn hard for but you are taking money from our family! WE ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND AND WILL NOT BE TREATED AS SUCH…. WE ARE A BUSINESS AND THIS WAS A BUSINESS DEAL! We are pursuing legal action and may just have to take a little drive and take OUR merchandise back! We have screenshots of all conversations. Good luck aye because you’re going to need it! Share away so nobody else gets scammed by this guy!” Robbie Perrone has confirmed the above story with Metal Sludge, and says he is owed $ 1,173.00. Perrone wrote to Metal Sludge: “I have a home based tshirt/apparel company. Mr Kelly hit me up for merch for his tour that was coming up and was in a rush. I took on good faith, as his then record label has been n continues to be in good standings with me, that he was professional n he had a plan in place for “payment asap” so I went ahead…above n beyond to get his merch to them. I spent $200 on shipping alone to ship to L.A. from Pittsburgh. I have the entire paper trail from start to finish. Numerous excuses of why he hadnt paid n when he planned on it. Once pressed, I became the bad guy and a dick for demanding MY PAYMENT from him. I actually…well..my wife actually did a social media blast about the situation which I had shared to the Metal Sludge FB page. Shortly thereafter I was contacted by Mr Kelly that I cost him gigs, reputation etc from the blast…and that if I kept it up, I would not be paid at all. He took me n my company for $1,173.00…not including pain n suffering. Like I said I have all of his texts, emails and fb messages.” The stories and claims from both the soundman, and merchandise company all line up with the above noted U.S. tour. Metal Sludge has been following this and feel it’s about time this gets the exposure it deserves. Kelly has told story after story, to many of these victims and has made claims that are beyond ridiculous. How ridiculous you ask? At the bottom of this article. please see the full ‘Resume‘ with noted ‘Bullet Points’ Kelly used in his pitch to the Turney family in trying to secure their money. Kelly claims an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, also an appearance on the Tonite Show, a tour with Tesla and a 10 month world tour with W.A.S.P.. See the full Love N’ Revenge resume at the bottom of this article. This guy’s resume & bio are as fake as his hair is. Fool me once, fool me twice or however the saying goes… but it appears this guy has fooled a lot more than a person or two. Months after the Turney couple were realizing they had likely made a huge mistake, Kelly wrote them asking for more money. Who does this? His writings are that of a desperate man, talks of a divorce, a son who he says was hospitalized and his record label – who he claimes will confirm hundreds of thousands of dollars of revenue – have now confirmed all of this was nonsense. Based on the opinions and experiences from the merchandise company, the soundman, band members, record label and webmaster – his entired story appears to be 100% false. It doesn’t stop there though, nope, sorry to say but there is more damage in the wake of Mr. Rock Star, Damon Kelly. Now a family in Canada is claiming that Damon Kelly has stolen their car, or at least failed to make payments per their agreed contract. Taija Rae-ann wrote on Facebook on December 8th 2019: “BEWARE OF DAMON TANCHAK ( real name) DAMON KELLY ( stage name) LOVE N REVENGE ( band name) PLEASE SHARE! Wow Damon Tanchak has fucked over so many people everywhere. He basically stole my brothers car and refuses to let us know where it is. He signed a contract saying he had to pay the rest of what he owes by a certain date but failed to do so. He kept making excuses on where he was and why he hasn’t paid us yet, saying he will get us the money but never does. This has been going on for the last three years. He stopped contacting us and we can’t get ahold of him. The car is a 2000 black fire bird and it is still in my brothers name. It could be in Borden Saskatchewan being stored at a relatives or somewhere at one of his friends, we have no idea. We just want the car back. If anyone in Saskatchewan knows , sees or hears of a black fire bird being stored somewhere please let my dad Carl Von Biela , or my brother Johnny Von Biela or me know. Any information will be much appreciated. It is stolen property and needs to be returned. Please share as much as you can. This guy has caused so many hardships in many lives it’s sickening. Enough is enough. PLEASE SHARE! Pictures of the car are in the comments.” It appears that the Canadian complaints are noting Damon Kelly / Damon Tanchak is hiding out the United States, while the U.S. locals are claiming that he has fled back to his native Canada. Regardless of his location, it seems that this Rock Star needs to answer a few questions and make good on his debts. Some might say, “Innocent until proven guilty”, we say… Bull Shit! This guy is guilty as his hairstyle is lame. Have you seen Damon Kelly? Anyone with information as to his whereabouts, please reach out to the related parties so they can pursue him as needed. Metal Sludge has been first in the past to alert music fans of events, promoters and festivals that have seemingly short changed the buyer. Now it seems the band, or this musician is the one who has taken advantage. We won’t allow that to happen. In 2009, Metal Sludge was first to announce that Rock Gone Wild was getting canceled. Our headline simply stated ROCK GONE UNDER. The powers that be at Rock Gone Wild immediately issued a cease & disist to Metal Sludge, and demanded we remove our story or face legal consequences. We told them to suck our dicks, and left our story as is. Four days later, Rock Gone Wild was canceled, and their press release requested anyone with questions contact their legal representation. Bring Back Glam had a nice post, about this event, but seemingly was not sure of our story. For a fun read, go HERE. Stevie Rachelle of Metal Sludge on Rock Gone Wild (August 5th 2009): “This event is about as likely to take place as a full solar eclipse over IOWA at noon tomorrow while Slipknot plays a set of all covers by KIK TRACEE.” In the end, Rock Gone Wild was canceled, and hundreds of fans and dozens of bands lost somewhere in the 6 figures range of hard earned money, gone. In October 2013, Metal Sludge was also first to blow the whistle on Rock Harvest and event co-promoters and organizers John Guarnieri and Lyle Desplaines-Hawkins. KNAC reported on our Metal Sludge piece about Rock Harvest, in short we reported that of the several dozen advertised bands/artists to appear, 27 of them had dropped off the bill due to breach of contract. Sadly, many of the fans and even several bands themselves doubted our story up until the 11th hour. In the end, Metal Sludge was right. Adding insult to injury to the rock community, another 80’s based fest called Farm Rock made headlines on Metal Sludge for all the wrong reasons in September 2016. Event founder Freddy Stahmer went on the run from the FBI and Metal Sludge wrote about it HERE. Stahmer burned multiple investors for tens-of-thousands of dollars, and event host Eddie Trunk was burned. Trunk wrote: “Freddy fucked over a whole bunch of people, me included, and now (he) is on the run, hiding from everyone looking for him,” In March 2017, Metal Sludge reported on another 80’s festival for all the wrong reasons, when the Illinois based Rock N’ Skull lost many of their advertised acts. Metal Sludge broke the news first that former Kiss guitarist Ace Frehley was pulling out of the event. This was followed by a colossal of cancelations including Steel Panther, Dokken, Lita Ford, Warrant and Quiet Riot among others. Eventually artists that had previously been involved, like Ted Poley (Danger Danger) came forward and exposed the event organizer Justin Murr calling him a “liar” and that the event was a “scam”. Ticket holders from around the world complained of getting screwed out of their hard earned money after buying high-priced VIP packages, to meet the high profile bands as advertised. Rock N’ Skull played on, but without more than 2 dozen of the biggest name artists being canceled or pulling out for a variety of reasons. Last but not least, who could forget concert promoter Gabe Reed. Metal Sludge did multiple stories on Reed, who is now serving a 57 month prison sentance for multiple charges. Those included 5 counts of wire fraud totalling $450,000.00 (US) according to the initial complaint (031125893619) filed May 22, 2017, Let all of these stories be a warning to all, if you steal from our community, collectively – we will find you and you will be held accountable for your actions. Getting back to the Love N’ Revenge band and their leader Damon Kelly. A band owing a merch company is nothing new. Or an investor giving a band money is also something that’s as old as the entertainment business itself. But when you add up all of this, and a $30,000.00 loan, that was to be paid back in weeks time, I think anyone can agree something smells fishy. It’s also the amount of money we are talking about here. This was not 2-3 or 5 thousand dollars. Nope, it was $30,000.00. This is life changing money to most and now that the Turney family are on the offense, it appears a trail of similar scum-baggery has preceded their event. A merchanise company, the soundman, a webmaster and select band members, then throw a Pontiac Firebird on top of all that, well…someone has to make it known. So for that, Metal Sludge is spreading the word, and we’ve even reached out to Damon Kelly for a response via Love N’ Revenge’s Facebook page. We sent a simple inquiry, which was read and less than 5 minutes later the following message was returned “Damon deleted his Facebook account”. Damon Kelly if you are reading this, it’s a big world… sure, we know that. But it’s also a very small community, the hard rock family and we all look out for each other. We won’t sit quiet and let anyone take advantage of hard working and honest people such as those noted above. The only way for you to redeem yourself, is to pay these people back, all of them. Do the right thing Damon. Love N’ Revenge @ WebSite – Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – YouTube –
  2. Bingo!! https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/original-bulletboys-lineup-to-perform-at-kentuckys-80s-rock-the-dam-fest/
  3. Lies, Deceit, & Treachery were awesome. If they can somehow resemble their classic albums, it could be good. Not sure Torien is capable though.
  4. I'm about to give this a spin. Not expecting much.
  5. https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/original-bulletboys-lineup-to-perform-at-kentuckys-80s-rock-the-dam-fest/ Original BULLETBOYS Lineup To Perform At Kentucky's '80S ROCK THE DAM FEST December 11, 2019 The original lineup of BULLETBOYS — presumably consisting of Marq Torien (vocals), Mick Sweda (guitar), Jimmy D'Anda (drums) and Lonnie Vencent (bass) — is being advertised as one of the performers at the third annual '80s Rock The Dam Fest, set to take place July 25, 2020 at Beaver Dam Amphitheater in Beaver Dam, Kentucky. Also scheduled to appear at the event are headliners RATT and Lita Ford. Earlier today, Norway's Live Wire Booking & Management revealed that BULLETBOYS had canceled a number of shows between January and March 2020, including several dates in Norway and Denmark, because the band's most recent lineup — consisting of Torien on lead vocals and lead guitar, Nick Rozz on guitar, Chad MacDonald on bass and Anthony Tiny Biuso on drums — had broken up. This past September, vocalist Andrew Freeman, who had previously played with Sweda, D'Anda and Vencent in LIES, DECEIT & TREACHERY, stated in an interview with Metal Central that a reunion of the original BULLETBOYS lineup was in the works. The original BULLETBOYS lineup previously reunited for a one-night-only New Year's Eve weekend show on December 30, 2011 at Hollywood, California's Club Vodka at the legendary Key Club on the Sunset Strip. Marq later told Australian journalist Steve Mascord about the performance: "It was a wonderful, wonderful night — a magical night. It was for one night only, to get together for the fans right before the New Year." He added, "I love Jimmy and Mick and Lonnie — very much so. We're all like brothers; sometimes we're feuding, sometimes we're loving, sometimes we're not talking. But we made some amazing music together. And it was just a wonderful night, man. And hopefully we'll be able to come, at some point, to some resolve in the future to hopefully play some more shows. I know I'm open to it. I know I would love more than anything to continue on with it with my three other mates." BULLETBOYS was one of the prominent bands in the flourishing Hollywood metal scene during the late 1980s, with numerous smash hits such as "Smooth Up In Ya", "For The Love Of Money" and "Hang On St. Christopher" off the group's platinum-selling classic self-titled debut and follow-up, "Freakshow", dominating both MTV and radio airwaves. Torien image courtesy of YouTube user The Attitude
  6. Lovesick featuring former Roughhouse guitarist. This is from ROX magazine from Maryland August 1990.
  7. I like that track. Might have to check into it.
  8. Wow... amazing track. Great song.
  9. Give her a shot of "Peniscillin"
  10. I think I tried them once and it wasn't for me. Not even sure which disc it was. Somebody was selling a christian cd collection and I bought almost all of them. Petra didn't make the cut. I did grab the first 3 Angelica, Shout, Bloodgood, Mass, Guardian, and Saint. Barren Cross too. What is their top disc to check out Petra girlie.
  11. Man.... this was one of the best blind purchases ever. Not sure if I had seen "Coyote Morning" on Headbanger's Ball before I bought this or not. But I know I was totally hooked on this!! I do remember buying this and Total Eclipse at the same time. Thank God this was so good because that funk-flavored garbage on TE was horrible! JESSE STRANGE should've been huge!! So underrated!! For anybody who hasn't heard this, BUY IT NOW!! Some of my favorites:
  12. Biggest load of bullshit every stated. There are approx. 7.3 billion humans on Earth. Does God have 14.6 billion eyes to look at every single person on Earth all the time at the same time? Of course not. That's unrealistic. The fact is God allows innocent people to die. He allows innocent babies to die or be born with cancer. If he was this almighty being, couldn't he stop these horrific things from happening? He does not love me. I believed at one time. I did the whole church thing, Sunday school, Bible study, and all that stuff. And I prayed every night. Prayed for family members health, prayed for rain when there was drought, prayed for an end to war. Prayed my father would stop drinking. Prayed for a job when I was homeless. Prayed my ex could be spared death from the colon cancer she found out about right after we met, because she meant everything to me and was the only light in my life. (She died 2 years later). I never asked for anything for myself. No material things. I was a believer. I thought "he" would help. I was ignored. When I was getting bullied in school at 8 years old, I begged God to help. He ignored me. When my family turned their back on me and said there was nothing wrong with me when I was in the midst of major depression. When you pray, pray, pray, and other people are praying for you and nothing changes, you end up like me. I just gave up. I gave him my all and he gave me nothing. He's just not real. He's a fraud. The Bible is fiction.
  13. While we are off-topic promoting G-Off's Productions, as usual, everybody fails to mention my epic studly gay porn debut in the upcoming flick Alpha Males Love Manly Tails. I am sure you will love the scene where I'm trying to remove something from the tub drain naked and my hand gets stuck in the drain. Mr. Fitzwell comes into the room and then comes into me. My most explosive scene yet!! Coming in an ass near you on 2/22/20!! G-Off Productions, a Dirty Dick Company
  14. There is no heaven. There is no hell. That's made up hogwash. When you die, you die. No afterlife. No resurrection. You get buried in the ground and eaten by worms. No one is saved. Prayer was studied extensively by a hospital. They had 50% patients that were prayed for by a Church on a daily basis and 50% who weren't prayed for. There was 0% improvement for the ones prayed for. The difference in the conditions of either group in fact, the ones prayed for actually fared worse health wise.
  15. I bet Taylor Swift is Dan's #1 for 2019, right Dan?
  16. A song about beastality: Animal Attraction most girls like the bad boys a sense of danger turns them on some girls like the sex toys use a dildo the size of an arm but there's a secret society of girls that get on their knees spread it wide it's worth a try Rover always aims to please animal attraction doggy style makes her smile animal attraction doggy cream makes her scream she loves his cock you know what I mean her doggy fucks her.... most girls like the black guys their dicks down to their feet they love that chocolate stuffing but Rover boy has got them beat. he's every bit just as large when his pink dick gets all hard spread it wide and hold on tight wrap his paws so you don't get scarred animal attraction doggy style makes her smile animal attraction doggy cream makes her scream she loves his cock you know what I mean her doggy fucks her.... It all started innocently it was her time of the month she was bent over and Rocky took over with a lick and a stick and a grunt. Now she's addicted she likes it rough permanently afflicted she just can't get enough.
  17. The singer for this version of L.A. Guns previously sang in the second Taime Downe-less version of Faster Pussycat.
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