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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. Yeah, I wonder what happened to him. What is the Lillian Axe story anyway? Did the band split up completely after 'Psychoschizophrenia' for several years? Was there ever a full reunion, or has it only ever been Steve Blaze carrying the name since the split? I know there were a few projects (The Bridge with Ron and Near Death Experience with Steve) after "the real" Lillian Axe ended, but what happened to get the name Lillian Axe back up and running? Am I right in thinking that Steve and Ron did actually get back together at the start of the return of Lillian Axe? Were there other original members? And if so, what was the reason for Ron's second departure? Was it because of the tragic direction Steve was taking with the new songs? Steve and Ron were indeed both involved when the band returned. They recorded a live disc. But Ron wasn't interested in touring full-time anymore so he decided to step down as vocalist. Which pretty much was the death of the awesome Lillian Axe and the birth of the more modern version. I still loved both albums with Lefevre.
  2. "Ride" is a kickass jam dudes!!
  3. Just found a kickass disc called "Long Live Rock N Roll" by the band DIRTY SKIRTY. Anybody else digging this?? Here's their myspace: http://www.myspace.com/dirtyskirty
  4. I'm disappointed in this disc now that I've spun it a few times. No real stand out tracks. The best tracks were "On With The Show", "How Long" and my fav. "I'm Coming Home" (which sounds like classic Y&T).
  5. Dave's voice sounds a little rough but I'm still digging this! Y&T rulez!!
  6. I just heard samples for all the songs on Amazon and Don sounds awful. I will never ever buy this.
  7. Did I mention how awesome this disc is? I can't stop playing this mofo in my ipod. "Save Her" is just phenomenal. "Chemical" too. I just love the whole damn thing. Easy Album Of The Year candidate!
  8. I just heard this and Wow. Awesome is all I can say. Tons better than the 2nd disc and stands right up against Rest In Sleaze!! I love it!!
  9. I've heard 3 or 4 songs off this and I liked it. Especially the tune "And I Know", which sounds very Kiss-like.
  10. Don't know if y'all have discussed the two bands with the same name. Phil Lewis' version and Tracii Guns version. Apparently, former Rockstar INXS star Marty Casey is out as vocalist for the Tracii version. Jizzy Pearl is now back in the band. As for the album recorded with Marty Casey, Tracii says "it might never be released". There was also a VH1 pilot filmed with Marty. What the hell? So the new album is on the shelf (as Alexis Records dropped the band before the release) and they are re-releasing a deluxe version of Shrinking Violet on Steve Vai's Favored Nations label. I still prefer Phil's version. That last disc rocked ma ass off! But I was interested in hearing the new stuff with Marty. I'm just not that interested in the Jizzy fronted version, even though Shrinking Violet was pretty good cd. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  11. I always liked The Knack. "Frustrated", "Good Girls Don't", and "Oh Tara" were some of my faves from "GET THE KNACK". RIP Doug
  12. Wow... that song is a cracker!!
  13. I just heard a small clip from Amazon.com and it does sound pretty good to these ears. http://www.amazon.com/Best-Of-Me/dp/B00359REVQ
  14. AlphaMale

    Hi all

    Just wanted to introduce myself. I am the AlphaMale, fan of all metal that kicks your ass. Favorite bands include Slayer, Overkill, Raven, Testament, Anthrax, and Megadeth on the metal side. Love Dokken, Kix, CrashDiet, Lillian Axe, and Ratt on the hard rock side. This site seems really cool!! Rock On!!
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