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Everything posted by DaHun72

  1. Oh and how can you Not like angra! Awesome band!
  2. I love jss' voice, love eyes, wet, his gig on tso, and that double live Queen cd. Even really like skrapp mettle and that disco cd but besides the track mysterious I didn't like talisman and can't stand his solo cds. For me he has too many varied influences which come out in his songwriting and as a result I enjoy him singing songs penned by others.
  3. Yeah the black tora is an ep but the Japanese release has the ep before on it so is like a full length if you didn't have the previous ep like I did.
  4. No worries. Out of interest did you like oceanborn or wish master?
  5. The film clip really closes in on the target market - those who like to have afternoon tea, strolls on the beach and wished they had a boat. Kudos to Chris for still being alive!
  6. .... and while we're at it where's the fkn sequel to district 9? Otherwise all agreed, we need some new ideas and some of the better books getting made.
  7. It's funny you lump mad max in there like it's a sure bet with heaps of studio backing. George Miller has been trying to get that movie made for 15 or so years. The last one was 30 years ago
  8. I'm late to the party with this one and have just finished my 3rd spin of it. If you're a fan of the heavier Nightwish with Tarja then you need to give this a listen. Loving thus cd. Sorry if there's already a thread on the band/album. Nothing came up on my mobile search!
  9. Can't wait to check that one out Stefan. I just checked out housebound. Awesome comedy horror thriller done really well.
  10. Good on him and given what they wanted (in regards to song, set etc.) Paul was probably a good choice. Boy does it suck tho!
  11. I'll reserve judgement but my gut tells me they're on a downwards slide. Loved the debut, second had lots of fillers.... Hope this one manages to get them back on track!
  12. What, like 80s Kiss vs Stanley's solo album Live To Win?
  13. Looks like there's a deluxe version with 2 additional songs. 15 new songs, can't wait!
  14. Fuck new years day! My 3 year old son wakes up and vomits first thing in the morning with a stomach bug. Next morning it's the missus, morning after the 3 year old daughter, day after its me.... just waiting on the 5 year old to get it! Happy fkn new year!
  15. What Geoff said and Harnell is definitely one of the best rock singers ever!
  16. Geoff, well I'm an aussie and for that reason I own all their cds and have tried a LOT with white Widdow. Something missing for me. How's the messiah's kiss? Loved their first cd.
  17. I'm with Peter, dig Vega but can't get into any of the White Widdow albums.
  18. I'm with you mullethead, loved the first 3 and a few off acid monkey. Love the groove that sweda has in his playing but could live without that fkn track for the love of money!
  19. Songs, sound and delivery are very different between ammunition and bleed and scream. It's a big call to not even bother with this one or the next eclipse. You're loss tho
  20. Wow Gibbo my opinion is exactly the opposite. Lived the tarja material and couldn't stand the annette stuff. Keen to hear what this incarnation delivers.
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