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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Hope you don't use a rusty straight razor on that Geoff. I have it from a reliable source that Geoff has to use a gas-powered hedge-trimmer down there. Further exploration of this subject is not only unwarranted, but extremely stomach-churning.
  2. LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD As a, uh, diehard fan of the "Die Hard" franchise, I was salivating when I heard they were making another sequel, and that salivation only intensified when I heard Len Wiseman (Underworld I&II), one of my favorite new directors, was helming it. Then came word it was trying for a PG-13 rating and I was madder than a wet hen being porked by the farmer's son. Thankfully, it was still a very enjoyable movie, but it's blatantly obvious they were not originally shooting for PG-13, as you can tell some of the dialogue was dubbed over to mask the f-bombs McClane was dropping, plus a few of the action scenes were awkwardly edited due to them having to cut out the blood-squibs. And in case you were wondering, yes, they do chop off the end of McClane's famous line. What he says now is, "Yippy-kai-yay, mother--" with the end drowned out by a gunshot. I nearly wept at the criminality of it all... Negatives aside, I had a blast watching John McClane swing back into action and Bruce Willis wears this character like a welcome old coat. Beaten, battered, and all banged up, he still keeps coming back swinging with smartass one-liners left and right, such as my favorite: "You lookin' for your Asian hooker-whore girlfriend? The one who could kick really high? Bitch was smokin' hot! Yeah, I just saw her at the bottom of an elevator shaft with an SUV rammed up her ass." Fun movie, good times. They just better give me the original R-rated (or unrated) director's cut on DVD or I'll be madder than...well, madder than a wet hen being porked by the farmer's son. Yippy-kai-yay, indeed!
  3. MJ is the reigning queen of HH. There is no king, because MJ will only settle for Danny Vaughn.

    Seriously, how she puts up with all of us I'll never know, but I know why she puts up with me--I have nude pics of her and have threatened to post them in the Major Babeage thread unless she pretends to like me.

    Nah, seriously, MJ's a sweetie, and HH wouldn't be the sa

  4. Way cool, glad you liked BC... "Dead Lock" is one of my favorites on ATOMIC as well...the others being "Imaginary Music" and "Living Dead," although that album doesn't really have a bum track on it IMHO... You should dig State of Control too... wait'll you hear "The Stage Of Intensity!" Your next mission, should you choose to accept it, is to track down their other two studio CDs, "Rock For The King" (1986, cheesy but great!) and "Rattle Your Cage" (1994)... and they also have a live CD called "Hotter Than Hell" if you're so inclined... Haven't met many metalheads, Christian or not, who didn't like Barren Cross once they heard 'em. "Dead Lock" is frequently the favorite--and make no mistake, it's an ass-kicker--but my personal favorites are "King of Kings" and "Heaven or Nothing," with "Dead Lock" coming in 3rd. As Freddy said, not really a bad track on the CD, though "Cultic Regimes" comes close and is the only song that makes me reach for the Skip button. "State of Control" is really good too, but I think it was a minor step back compared to "Atomic Arena." Less stand-out tunes, at least for me, with only "Stage of Intensity" and "Love at Full Volume" really whipping me into a lather. As for "Rattle Your Cage"...well, it grew on me with time, but it's a little different than their previous efforts. Taken on its own terms, it's a decent enough hard rock/metal album, but compared to early Barren Cross, it's something of a letdown.
  5. Just finished Headhunter by Michael Slade. Struggled to get through it; there were times I was so bored reading it, I was tempted to cut off my own head. Currently reading 13 Bullets by David Wellington, a totally brutal, kickass revamping of the vampire mythos. This is the second book by Wellington I've picked up, the first being Monster Island, which was a classic gory zombie story. A great author for horror fans who like it hard-hitting, graphic, and with lots of action.
  6. In the truck--TUFF: "A History of Tuff" In the house--MEGADETH: "Youthanasia"
  7. Tim is friendly, knowledgeable, and always ready to help. I have recently benefited tremendously from his knowledge of modern heavy/thrash metal and he's turned me on to some kickass bands. One of the good ones 'round these parts.

  8. Pete's one of the "oldschool" boys who's been hanging 'round here long time...which is a nice way of saying he's old! Seriously, great musician, great guy, great...uh, what else are you great at, Pete? Ha-ha! A diehard, straight-up HH lifer who rocks in ways most of us only dream about.

  9. Excellent. Time to go program the DVR.
  10. In the truck--NICKELBACK: "Silver Side Up" In the house--DEMON HUNTER: "The Triptych"
  11. "Live Like You Were Dying" ~ Tim McGraw (can't stand this guy, but love this song)
  12. Geoff...quite possibly the greatest man to walk this earth since Jesus Christ. Handsome beyond description, sexier than an armadillo wearing lingerie, and absolutely impeccable taste in hard rock/metal (except for The Used & Brother Firetribe). Hell yeah, one of the coolest mo'fos lurking on these boads. Pink beverages and naked norks all around!

  13. I admire those who speak their mind in a straight-forward, no-nonsense, zero-B.S. kind of way, and I admire those who have the guts to go against popular opinion, which means I admire Jim. He's almost as cool as me. ;-) Straight up, one of the kickass good guys 'round these parts.

  14. A fellow Christian & fellow hard rocker, Matt is truly a great person, open, honest, & friendly. You just have to forgive him for being an Aussie and thus kind of related to Geoff! ;-) Seriously, one of the good guys around these parts.

  15. If I don't like beer, can I still post in this thread, or do I have to start another thread called "I Don't Like Beer: There, I Said It"? Seriously, just not a fan of the stuff. It's not that I won't drink one to be sociable, but I'd much rather have a Pepsi or Mountain Dew, quite frankly. Needless to say, I had a lot of friends in college, and they all called me by my nickname--Designated Driver.
  16. In the truck...MONKEYHEAD: s/t In the house...BRIDE: "Skin for Skin"
  17. In the house--McQUEEN STREET: "2" In the truck--18 VISIONS: s/t
  18. That's what I meant by "get it before anyone else." I don't really care if someone hears a CD before me, but when I'm really looking forward to a CD, I want it as soon as possible, and in the case of the D2: "Four the Hard Way" album, the band promised I would have it "weeks before it hits stores" if I would just preorder it. Instead, everybody and their brother owned the CD a month and a half before I gots mine. Luckily, it was well worth the wait. But I certainly learned my lesson about preordering.
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