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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Good morning, Eternal Emporers. Eerie existential excellence exhibits exorbitant earmarks. Filament.
  2. We let the fucking cat outdoors ONE FUCKING TIME and now there's fucking fleas EVERYWHERE. Vacuum the fucking house, wash all the fucking sheets, give the fucking cat a fucking flea bath, spray the whole fucking house with fucking flea-killer, and guess what? Yep, we still have fucking fleas. It's official. I have fucking cooties.
  3. Currently reading Gone South by Robert R. McCammon. For those who don't know, McCammon started out in the 80s as a horror writer, then in the 90s turned in a Southern gothic direction. His horror novels (Wolf's Hour, Stinger, Mine, etc.) remain some of my favorites in that genre, but based on what I've read so far in Gone South, the man just has a gift for storytelling. Southern gothic is not a literary subgenre I particularly enjoy, but McCammon's got me turning the pages like a crack addict jonesin' for the next hit. Takes a special author to be able to take a dying Vietnam vet, an accidental murder, a bounty hunter with a third arm, an Elvis Presley impersonator, a mystical faith healer, and a girl cursed with the world's ugliest birthmark on her face and spin them all into a wildly entertaining tale, but McCammon pulls it off.
  4. After the astounding popularity of yesterday's Bloodgood poll, I thought I would try again, this time with a band a little more in keeping with the "sound" most revered 'round these parts: Idle Cure. This is Christian arena-rock at its finest, with a distinctive vocalist, the ability to both rock out and slow down for a ballad, huge hooks all over the place, big choruses, & tons of backing vox. Their first 3 albums are a little too keyboardy/AORish (despite some hard rockin' numbers) for my tastes, but "Inside Out" and "Eclipse" brought the rock with a tough edge firmly in place. While "Eclipse" is the most aggressive thing they ever released, my vote still went to "Inside Out." Picked that one up in college way back in '91 and it still sees frequent play in my stereo. So, any other Idle Cure fans out there or am I whistling alone in the dark here??
  5. Heck, NEH Records is so good, I buy with 200% confidence. Descriptions, sound samples, easy check-out, reasonable shipping rates, fast shipping, fantastic customer service...if NEH was a woman, it would be Anna Kournikova, naked. In other words, perfect.
  6. See? If only Vick had eaten the dogs after shooting them, all of this would be okay.
  7. Yeah, it annoyed me at first too, but like anything, you get used to it.
  8. Good morning, Dastardly Dick Drillers. Daydreaming of diabolical demons in the desert defecating delicious dollops of drizzled dessert. Exodus.
  9. Good morning, Chastised Champions. Chastity's choo-choo charity cheers cheekishly churlish children. Dandylions.
  10. Are you serious, dude? It's a Chihuahua, for cryin' out loud. A wet piece of toilet paper could kick that rat-dog's ass. So clearly the answer is... ...RAAAAANNNNNNCCCCCCCCH. Yea, but do you think the Ranch Tooth could take out the Burger King? I hope so... that guy freaks me out... I'm with ya on that. The Burger King is creepiness personified. But just 'cause he's creepy don't mean he can fight fer shit, so I've got the Ranch Tooth kickin' his fairy-duds-wearin' ass. Hell, I've got the Taco Ball Chihuahua kicking his ass... How'bout this: Ranch Tooth and Taco Bell Dog in a steel cage death match against the Burger King and Ronald McDonald!!! "LET'S GET READY TO RAAAAAAAAAAAAANCH!" Now that sounds cool, but only if we can have the Geico Gecko and the AFLAC Duck square off for the preliminary bout.
  11. Are you serious, dude? It's a Chihuahua, for cryin' out loud. A wet piece of toilet paper could kick that rat-dog's ass. So clearly the answer is... ...RAAAAANNNNNNCCCCCCCCH. Yea, but do you think the Ranch Tooth could take out the Burger King? I hope so... that guy freaks me out... I'm with ya on that. The Burger King is creepiness personified. But just 'cause he's creepy don't mean he can fight fer shit, so I've got the Ranch Tooth kickin' his fairy-duds-wearin' ass. Hell, I've got the Taco Ball Chihuahua kicking his ass...
  12. Are you serious, dude? It's a Chihuahua, for cryin' out loud. A wet piece of toilet paper could kick that rat-dog's ass. So clearly the answer is... ...RAAAAANNNNNNCCCCCCCCH.
  13. Latest acquisitions... SOILWORK: "Figure Number Five" ANTHRAX: "Sound of White Noise"
  14. Fiver Finger Death Punch: "Way of the Fist" (excellent heavy/thrash metal)
  15. PATHFINDER (Unrated Cut) Haven't watched it yet (I plan on checking it out tonight) but I've heard good things, so I'm looking forward to feasting my eyes on some cinematic carnage.
  16. Actually, I didn't forget about them, I just chose not to include them in this poll due to the fact that they supposedly already have a new album in the works. Of course, I've been hearing that for a few years now...
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