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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Jeff

    Name change

    Sure, the guy has to associate egg poops with my name. Son of a...
  2. Stuck Mojo...only song I recall by them I believe the name is "Reborn" which I really liked. I may have to dig up some other samples.
  3. Excellent, I wasn't actually expecting a narrowed and so near timeframe, very cool!
  4. Ah, another one to add to the wish list! Not complaining, just hard to keep up. Mrs. Jeff tilts her head to the side and gives me the raised eyebrow everytime a package arrives.
  5. I luv the sleaze....can't wait to get home and check the samples out. Hopefully I like the guy's voice.
  6. Happy birthday Pete! When is FarCry's sophomore release coming out? Looking foward to it...
  7. Glen, Geoff, that sounds good to me. You are right some of the songs released for the radio are not the best, so yeah I think that will work good for this thread to just list whatever singles from a release. Geoff, to your point, I would like to buy the whole cd but I spend my money on the stuff that we really dive into on this board, i.e. Crashdiet, new House of Lords, things like that. I agree and would love to buy the whole cd because the B-side music is sometimes the best, like many of you I just can't afford every cd. That said, if someone says for example "Cavo's Champagne is good but the whole cd is worth owning", I'll track down samples and maybe get the cd.
  8. I just noticed my number of posts is getting there! Questions: 1. Will there be a congrats message for me for reaching this number? Or will it be a nasty message and everyone will avoid me until I post #667? 2. If I feel evil for awhile can my "number of posts" just stay at this number until I feel good again, even though I keep posting? 3. What if I don't want to ever reach that number, can I just skip it like the 13th floor of a hotel? 4. Those of you who are above that number, will I feel any different while on that number? Lucky? Unlucky? Smell rotten eggs? 5. Will I want to play Iron Maiden more than usual?
  9. It just ain't the same on itunes. I need a physical product to be happy. 11$ is too pricey for me. I hope North American distributors get a hand on them. NEH is only 3$ for shipping. Same for me. There is something cool about getting that package in the mail and having the actual disc in hand. Plus, Itunes drives me nutz. Yesterday it deleted all my music when I attached my iphone to it and it deleted a few apps I had bought from the App Store. <sigh> It will all be backed up on your computer. Just re-import it. You can highlight your entire music library and import in seconds....shouldnt be a problem. I'll check it out, I think I found the import but when it came to the Apps it told me something like "this computer is not authorized for this action"
  10. wanna hand? I owe u a favour or few right? And this is why this board rocks! One of the reason anyway...
  11. Well, I was trying to think the past few days how to make this post make sense but I'll just go for it and try. Because local radio mostly sucks, I listen to cd's and my mp3 player. However, I do like "some" of the songs by bands like Nickelback, Godsmack, Papa Roach, etc. that get air time on the radio. For example, a month ago I happened to have the local rock radio station on in the garage and Cavo's "Champagne" came on. Now I know some of you have talked about them on here but if I had not had the radio on, this is one single that I would have missed. So I was hoping each year moving forward to have a post where we could post radio singles from bands we might not talk about much here, if at all. Examples from years past: Chevelle - I Get It 3rd Strike - No Light A Perfect Circle - Judith Default - Deny Memento - Nothing Sacred Stereomud - Pain Shinedown - Second Chance Crossfade - Cold Fair To Midland - Dance Of The Manatee Finger Eleven - Paralyzer Basically I know I am missing some good modern rock singles but I don't have the money to buy every CD that comes out. So for the more commercial bands or modern one hit wonders, I just want the "cliff notes" so I can buy the MP3 from Amazon or wherever. If this makes sense and the 2010 list seems to work for everyone, maybe we could go back in time and start some lists for 2000-2009? Only thing is I will be more of a leech on these lists than a contributor.
  12. I thought I was #1 on this board!?!?!?! Well, there's always next year.
  13. I am waiting for Sunday to see the lineup. Then I'll probably get my VIP tickets as well. It would be fun to come out an meet a bunch of you guys and hear some great music. I am hoping however that Wes is correct and she would be listed because they are not sure which night...no interest in seeing any band 2 nights in a row when travelling out to a festival and if a headling act. Locally, I would see a band twice. I might see Dirty Penny both Friday and Saturday night coming up in February.
  14. Umm, "Love Of A Lifetime" was the song my wife and I danced to at our wedding. I told myself years ago Rick, never let a dancing banana holding a poop sign get you down. You should do the same. Brush it it off man.
  15. I would be in your court with that opinion...I would go so far to say boring is an understatement.
  16. Jeff

    The Fine

    Off topic a little but what is the significance of this one?!?! Ever had sex with a Puerto Rican -- $20
  17. Thanks for the update! Maybe I can expect a nice pack of DL cd's in my mailbox today as well.
  18. It just ain't the same on itunes. I need a physical product to be happy. 11$ is too pricey for me. I hope North American distributors get a hand on them. NEH is only 3$ for shipping. Same for me. There is something cool about getting that package in the mail and having the actual disc in hand. Plus, Itunes drives me nutz. Yesterday it deleted all my music when I attached my iphone to it and it deleted a few apps I had bought from the App Store. <sigh>
  19. Jeff


    I was wondering the same thing, at first I was thinking No Problem but that doesnt make sense....I need to get caught up with the online acronyms.
  20. Really? Compared to the debut? The production on the debut was excellent, but imo it was a little rough second time round for sure. I thought the production was better on the second disc but the songs were way better on the first. The production on the deubt was very good to but thought the second one was a little better. Freak. Guilty as charged. I like the Crash Diet thumbnail! ....or profile pic or whatever we call that little pic on the left bar.
  21. Typical shit sample from an online MP3 store. I have never figured out how they choose where to pull their samples....middle of the song, end of the song, no chorus, some chorus. Idiots. Anyway, cool to know it is out there, thanks!
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