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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. What is your home browser? If it is IE, I would recommend getting it upgraded to IE v8. Everything looks good in for me with Windows XP and IE8. Otherwise install the Firefox browsesr.
  2. Jeff


    If you like hard rock and sleaze same as Dirty Penny, a bit of Crazy Lixx, get it, you won't be disappointed. Of course you asked for OTHER opinions and I've made mine known on this disc plenty so, see if someone else chimes in...
  3. I asked this in a different post but not sure I got a reply. I also tried to search but this question is hard to search for. Where do you guys go to find out the details of and buy the Japanese releases of new CD's? With Crashdiet, Crazy Lixx, etc. coming out soon, I would like to see what other material might be available on the JP release and decide if I want to pay for that or not.
  4. Looks like Dan put a link at the top right for "View New Content". That seems to take you to the equivalent of "View New Posts".
  5. When you say HD Ready are you really meaning you have a TV that is not actually HD unless you have the HD box hooked up to it? I have one of those HD ready TV's. It was made in 2000 and the picture is better by default but like you said, not mind blowing. If I went out and bought an HD box for it to turn it from "ready" into actual HD, then I would get a great picture. HD is heads and tails above standard def, so you should be able to tell the difference on any blu ray or upconverted standard DVD.
  6. I am gonna like this, being in IT change is always fun as far as software and apps (most of the time anyway)...already this Fast Reply might be cool, let's click the button and see!
  7. There is a Rock Fest in Cadott, WI that would do this. Not sure if they do anymore but it was always something like: Saturday lineup Eddie Money System of a Down ELO Shania Twain examples of course but yeah, get with a common theme
  8. Sounds sort of cool actually. No pain no gain!
  9. Your shortcut or bookmark that you use to access the message board might change: ie, now it is something like: http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com in the future it might be for example: http://heavyharmonies.brandnewhostfortheboard.com (completely made up of course)
  10. Danny Vaughn for the guys and Charlotte Wessels for the females (and very sexy btw)
  11. L.A. Guns put on a boring "wish we were somewhere else, can't wait to get off stage" performance at a festival years ago in Wisconsin...maybe 10 years ago.
  12. Add me to the list of people who really like this cd. I made it through track 7 on the way to work this morning and can't wait to finish and spin it some more. Definitely great stuff.
  13. ??? I never said the sound quality might be reduced, just the manufacturing quality. The ones I've seen in the last 1-2 years have gotten considerably better than 8-10 years ago. Some of the older discs were wafer-thin and the bottoms of the discs were cloudy. Only time will tell how these hold up over the long haul, comparatively speaking. Anyone else remember how you used to be able to feel a tangible difference between Japanese discs of the 1980s and 1990s versus their U.S. and U.K. counterparts? The Japanese discs were thicker, heavier, and made of a higher grade material. Back then it felt like you were buying something superior. -Dan Yep, I read your post too fast I guess. I'll just have to give these a listen at work this week or rip them to my Ipod and see how they sound. Speaking of Japanese releases, say for example when Crashdiet releases their new CD this spring I want to get my hands on the JP release instead. Where is the best place to buy those? Is there a reputable JP online CD store that any of you have purchased from? I got to thinking the other day if a song like "Caught In Despair" is not on it, then maybe it will be on the JP release. Great tune and hard to believe it is not on the disc, unless they totally renamed it.
  14. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    Dave, it was a 21 and older show I'm sure as they carded everyone both nights. Side story...I got kicked out of the bar on Friday night, so when I was in line Saturday the bouncer says "I don't need your ID I remember you from last night. At least your're a fun drunk. Move along." Also, DP had no problem dropping all the F-bombs and Mother-f*cker that appear in their songs. Or when they toasted the crowd with shots of jagermeister and said "drink up mother f*ckers!". Though I am not sure if it was an all ages show, would they be told by managment not to curse? Not sure.
  15. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    One thing I forgot to mention which is related to one of your points T-Bone. The Hairball guitarist introduced DP and said something to the effect that it was suggested to him by a close friend to get Dirty Penny to open for them because their friend said these guys 'fuckin rock'. So it seems like it might have been Hairballs decision to have DP open, not the Pickle Park venue. I dunno.
  16. I'd probably get and just keep it for myself...I thought that commercial/jingle was pretty funny
  17. Picked up a couple last night, not great prices but ok enough were I bought them: Killer Dwarfs - Big Deal - $8 - never owned this before so I figured what the heck, I like there other stuff Tigertailz - Thrill Pistol - 2CD - $8 Rock City Angels - cd single for Deep Inside My Heart - $2 - I never heard of these guys but Dan has them listed as Sleaze Glam on the main site and if I like them I might be bothering you guys on the board to find out more
  18. Hmmm, don't like the idea that the sound quality can be reduced. The artwork seems pretty good actually. I rechecked the auction I won and he does not mention Russian releases but at the bottom it does say "Frontier Records/IronD". The IronD meant nothing to me...until now. I'll probably just send him a note to say it would be preferring if you listed your cd's as Russian releases. See, if they are legit and the sound quality and artwork is just as good, I'm fine with it. But if you are selling something of a lesser quality, then you need to state that, IMO. I'll probably just need to add this to the list of questions I need to ask someone before bidding on certaint things <sigh>. Well, good info for me guys...I learn something here all the time. Thanks.
  19. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    I would agree with most of your assessment. My sister and I arrived around 8p and grabbed a burger. We asked the waitress what time Dirty Penny was going on (I would have guessed 9:30p because that was the time on Friday night) but she said 9p. So at 8:45p we headed out of the table area into the stage area and we were able to squeeze among a decent crowd to get as close as we wanted, but we stayed back a bit. I was there to see DP first, Hairball second so I was of course glad they had DP as an opening act. Problem was, DP didn't go on at 9p, or 9:30p...they didn't get on until around 10p. Toss in the fact like you said that most people didn't know DP's stuff, they were getting a little cranked about having to wait for Hairball. Now, I will say this...DP put a lot of energy into the show and won some folks over before their night was over. They put so much energy into the show the lead guitarist was whaling on strings and tipped over backwards and fell right off the stage into the crowd. Some dude half caught him and once he got back on stage he had a sheepish grin and went right back into going balls out. I really enjoy watching him play. Had a short chat with him too, nice guy, thanked me for coming out and rockin' with them 2 nights in a row. They came out and signed stuff, talked with the fans, etc. Side story, I am watching Hairball and the lead singer comes out in the Prince costume. My sister loved it so I wanted to get a picture for her with her camera. I'm holding the camera up in the air above the crowd but I can't keep steady because someone has their hands on my shoulders and are pushing my shoulders back and forth purposely so I CAN'T get a steady pic. I finally turn around to see who thinks they are funny and it was DP's singer, Binge. So they were out having a good time with everyone. But yeah, had they been able to go onstage at 9p, play for an hour, get Hairball on around 10:30p, I think that would have been better. It got very hot in there and for some reason people just could not stay put. I swear some people think the idea of a concert is to get up front, then walk out, have a smoke, come back up front, go get a drink, come back up front, go have a smoke, fuck around some more...stay in your damn spot for a bit people! I look forward to seeing DP again for sure. My sister who came to see Hairball first, DP second (she does not know their stuff) said she actually enjoyed DP more because they played so hard and just had a good time. She liked watching Jonny on guitar a lot. She also had the same complaint about the bathroom lines. She thought for a place that size they should have more than 1 small bathroom. Good times though!
  20. Another good point, if they didn't sound as good, THEN I would yell and scream....at someone, I dunno who.
  21. Good points, because yeah, it would have been nice if the seller had mentioned they were Russian releases but as long as they are legit I'm not upset about that. I would have preferred them to be US releases or even better Japan! I always like it when a seller gives as much info as possible, that way I dont have to ask and wont bid if I am being particular about something. I know it is probably a pain for the seller but like vinyl where the grading is specific, I like it when they grade the front insert, cd, tray card seperately and give info like music club, etc.
  22. Thanks fella's, I was hoping they were legit and all was in good order!
  23. Before I ask, I just want to clarify that I am not griping about anything or saying anything is wrong with what I received, and if you happen to be a member of this forum that I bought these from maybe you can answer but I am just curious, this is for my own info I guess... So I won 5 cd's on Ebay the other day: 1. House of Lords - World Upside Down 2. House of Lords - Come To My Kingdom 3. Chris Laney - Pure 4. Eden's Curse - Second Coming 5. Hurricane - Liquifury They arrived quickly, look like new, etc. Thing is, they all have this writing: Approved for sale, trading, and distribution only in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic States. There is some other writing, probably looks Russian. All but the Hurricane cd seemed to be distributed by IronD The inside of the cd on the silver says www.disc.ru The inner rim of the cd's read "Laser craft www.disc.ru Iron cd" then a list of numbers and letters. I took a photo of the backs and the Chris Laney front, not easy to see though: http://www.xoopit.com/s/210upsyc1l2jhmx4sbih Anyone have any thoughts about these, are they legit (again, not to piss anyone off if they are legit, just for my own info), etc.? Thanks all.
  24. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    A few photo's to share from last nights DP show, hope this link works for you all, I made it through a new app that Yahoo mail has: http://www.xoopit.com/s/210upsyc1l2jhddao3oz Things to mention: 1. The show was great, they played for about 1 hour before Bad Medicine came on 2. Not a ton of people, you could get right to the front no problem but a decent crowd. A few of them seemed to know DP stuff, others were just there for the music. A fair amount of attractive women of all ages to look at. 3. Never saw Bad Medicine really, well I got kicked out of the bar for a bit during the their show...but they let me back in. Bouncer was confusing me with someone else maybe, I don't recall. 4. DP was a fun group of guys, a lot of energy 5. The songs I remember them playing were, If I Were You I'd Hate Me Too, Run To You, Dead At 16, Midnight Ride, Vendetta, Scream & Shout (great crowd pleaser song) and one cover song that I don't remember the name. I'll pay more attention tonight to the set list. 6. Yeah, in that one photo....I know we had a thread somewhere saying you were a dork if you wore your concert shirt to the concert. Well I want to clarify that I bought that DP t-shirt right before the show and just figured the best place to put it was on. So there, I am not a dork...I hope. 7. GB Leighton's Pickle Park is an ok place. It is an anchor building of an old strip mall I think, with a sport bar on one end that wraps around past the kitchen to the bar area then the stage on the other end of the building...so not too bad. Now I need to recover from this hangover and prepare to do it again.
  25. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    I am leaving Hudson shortly to see DP in Fridley, MN tonight. They are opening for a Bon Jovi tribute band called Bad Medicine. Should be a blast. I'll be heading back for round 2 tomorrow night. GB Leighton's Pickle Park if anyone is within driving distance and wants to swing by. http://www.gbleightonspicklepark.com/ I'll be wearing the red and black flannel, yamaha FZ1 hat on backwards...ah just look for the guy acting like an idiot.
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