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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Got the first one downloaded. Also, got nothing to do today, so I'll probably watch it later.
  2. Same thing happened with the flick "Rock Star" -- it supposedly took place in 1985 (or thereabouts) yet songs from AC/DC's "Razors Edge" album (1990) were on the soundtrack. I guess the guys who make these films figure nobody is gonna notice except for obsessive message board nitpickers like Geoff and myself. I haven't seen either, so I can't comment. But it reminds me of Undergrads. "Continuity error. I watched a movie good!"
  3. So you've been creepin' around for a while already? Sounds like you should fit in here. Welcome to the asylum.
  4. Killer song! Good to know there are more Nuno fans.
  5. Translation: "He can't play this shit live" Yep. Made me laugh, too, Keef!
  6. Just watch this version blow the other out of the water. I highly doubt it, but I'd laugh if Mr Taint dropped a monster album this year.
  7. Hell, yes. That my shit. Joe Bonamassa can do no wrong.
  8. Ex-squeeze me? A baking powder? I must listen to this immediately! Remember!, I said not as good!!! But even if it's half as good, that's still twice better than half the albums dropped last year. Well, let me know what you think. I like it, and I tend to lean more towards stuff with a crunch to it. That was decent. Didn't make my pants tight, but teasers seldom do. ;}
  9. Any of you blokes actually friends with Ian, here? Some one ought to check in on him.
  10. I like that this also made the cut for the "Uninteresting Thread."
  11. This is my current favourite thread. Well done, Ian.
  12. Can't see the video on my phone, but I'm pretty sure I know it. It's either Vampire Weekend or Yeasayer, or a similar band.
  13. That's a really cool album cover for such a rare an obscure band.
  14. This is a valid inquiry. I, too, am interested in the beginnings of this site.
  15. Cody, you got way too much time on your hands. ;}
  16. Not me. I've said it before, and I'll continue saying it, I'm done with the Old Republic Era. Give us something after the fall of the Empire. Speed us ahead to the introduction of the Yuuzhan Vong. That would make for a great epic!
  17. Heh, no. The only prerequisite for being metal is having a pulse. Alcohol is simply a nice compliment.
  18. Love it! I've actually never seen this. I'll have to check it out this weekend.
  19. Ex-squeeze me? A baking powder? I must listen to this immediately! Remember!, I said not as good!!! But even if it's half as good, that's still twice better than half the albums dropped last year.
  20. Ex-squeeze me? A baking powder? I must listen to this immediately!
  21. Contact the cruise line directly.. You can get a much better deal. All right, I will try that. Thanks! It's coming up soon. Can't wait. I gotta get on that, too. They don't list the price of those packages on the site--the bastards--so you have to call just to find out, plus they force you to purchase a package for each member in your cabin, so I'll have to see if it's worth it.
  22. This isn't real football, anyway. I predict that Reds over the Blues. 2-1.
  23. I don't understand this. Might you explain?
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