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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Heh. I thought it was good, too. I especially liked the ending.
  2. Crashdiet - The Savage Playground Still counting on this one to grow.
  3. Yes. While it may not have a great effect on me, I appreciate an artist that gives attention to every detail.
  4. Right you are, my French counterpart. Bad name, bad cover, and the whole delay, not really indicative of great promotion. However, that has no effect on the quality of the music, and it should have no influence on our opinion of the music.
  5. Is this the song that says baby come back, you can lay it all on me, I was wrong and I just can't live without you? Yes. This may be gay but I love that song. Catchy...damn catchy... It's not gay, 'cause I'm sure Geoff doesn't like it. I always mistook it for Hall & Oates. Which is a good thing. I don't know anything else from Player, but that is a classic. Haha, Geoff would love it! Lol! I can see the Hall and Oates vibe. Also a decent band. Love the Adult Education song. You're killing me, Jarred. Decent band? Hall & Oates are top class.
  6. I agree. Well done, Mark. You must've been excited to review the new "Crasdiet," as Glen quite appropriately called them, but now find yourself in front of the firing squad.
  7. Oi, give the American a break. They're not privileged to quality chocolate on every store shelf. Even Cadbury's is drastically different over here.
  8. Backed, I couldn't even make it 10 seconds. I am sure many people love it though. Well I have a hard time believing that, I am fully ready to believe they paid these actors to act like fans for the concert video! It's not terrible, but it does sound unfocused. They need to tighten it up. It's dated, though. Sounds like the experimentations a few bands were doing in the late 90s early 00s.
  9. So... get the entire EP in mp3 format for $9.99, or get each track for $1.39. How does that make sense? And $12.99 for a hard copy? I don't think so.
  10. Yeah, those young punk-asses just need to stay away from here.
  11. Is this the song that says baby come back, you can lay it all on me, I was wrong and I just can't live without you? Yes. This may be gay but I love that song. Catchy...damn catchy... It's not gay, 'cause I'm sure Geoff doesn't like it. I always mistook it for Hall & Oates. Which is a good thing. I don't know anything else from Player, but that is a classic.
  12. After reading that whole Lonnie/David fiasco, I don't think I'll ever pre-order another CD. Even from reputable dealers. Never mind that. Hey Nolan have you tried ordering from NEH, shipping to Canada went from 4$ to 7$ for a cd now. Not that it's their fault, but at 7$ a cd, I'll be bundling and waiting even longer to make my purchases. I want the WET that comes out on the 22nd of Feb, however I was going to wait and get it when the new Pretty Maids comes out on March 22nd...For a few bucks I can't wait a whole month. But I certainly won't be buying just anything and everything anymore. I wis we had a music dealer like NEH here in Canada. I live right next to the border, so I just drive three minutes to my PO box. It's still a hassle having to cross the border--I have a right-hand drive sports car, and I guess I look like a punk-ass--but it's quickly becoming my only option.
  13. Yo, Geoff, you see this? I got mine pre-ordered. I know you will, too. Heh, I'm sure he will... Totz pre-ordered. Well, we are pretty much the biggest Van Halen fans around.
  14. Belee dat. I should assume your life is also a bit more draining at the moment, too. Belee dat! Gonna watch another 15 minutes of it tonight before I fall asleep. Is it me though or is the voice of Bane (SP)anoying as fudge.? When I watched it about a month ago, I mentioned Banes voice too. Maybe Im just getting old. But I had a hard time understanding a lot of what he said. He seemed to be mumbling a lot. Thats about the only part of the movie I didnt like. Well I actually made it through the whole deal and it was a pretty darned epic movie, longer than a wet week, but kept me interested through out. Still thought the Bane voice was just strange, really weak sounding and was it me or did he always sound like he was asking a question, even when he wasn't. ANd agree I had to really pay attention to his dialogue, wonder if that also has something to do with him not having a mouth to know or follow along with? So this too is my only complaint with this BM installment, come to think of it I did not care for Heath Ledgers, Andy Dick incanting when he played the Joker either... Side note: Anne Hathaway in too tight leather pants was certainly a treat, I could watch her bent over that Bat Bike all day long... Mhmm... I think I already posted this, but if you had a hard time understanding Bane, this recap might clear some things up.
  15. Some shit most here wouldn't touch with a thirty-nine and-a-half foot pole. Maybe just Jez. Jill Barber - Chansons (twice) Asa - Beautiful Imperfection
  16. I am genuinely concerned for the well-being of this man. There are about five threads that indubitably would not still exist if not for the constant daily update from Ian. While that in itself is not unusual, if you were to take the time to read through them all, you might find yourself agreeing with me. Ian, sir, I thoroughly enjoy your reports, and I hope all is well. Ta.
  17. After reading that whole Lonnie/David fiasco, I don't think I'll ever pre-order another CD. Even from reputable dealers.
  18. The thread is still readable somewhere around here. And pack a lunch...it's long as a muthafucka! Here's the short version: http://heavyharmonie...showtopic=12751 Here's the Looooong version: http://heavyharmonie...showtopic=12120\ I'll make popcorn, if anyone wants to come over and read it together. Crack a few brews, too.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Oi52WmNzD8
  20. Yo, Geoff, you see this? I got mine pre-ordered. I know you will, too.
  21. The problem is it's in dire need of a big growth spurt. It isn't shit, but it isn't really all that good either. The argument that if this was a completely new band, we would falling over ourselves trying to get a copy, is bullshit. If this was a completely new band, I wouldn't have even bothered as much as I have. I disagree with both of you. I think this is a really good album, filled with clever hooks and rocking tracks. With a GW production it would have been a great album, but I think this has been discussed to death now eh?! I only start beating a horse once it's dead. There are five tracks I really like. The rest are either okay, or trash. Trash? I don't think there's any trash on here. 'Cocaine Cowboys' is definitely the weakest, but it's not a dreadful song. Just an average rocker. Liquid Jesus. Trash.
  22. I did this morning....... Wrong thread, mate. This ought to be in "The Interesting Thread."
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