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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. I really want this to be good, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  2. Were those programmed drums I heard, or does it just sound that way through my phone's speakers?
  3. Nonsense. That's too weird and goofy. What about !koeirlöxavzozzp=ugh Why not simply 8=D
  4. Gimme a minute. When I get around to it, I'll post a shit-tonne of shit.
  5. Thanks man, in that case I'll keep watching I stopped watching after season 3, or was it 4? I can't remember, but there was a season where it became a bit too much for me. However, I loved the first few seasons, and have a lot of quotes that are now a part of my daily vocabulary.
  6. Queensryche in Seattle tomorrow. Gonna be awesome! Anyone in the area going?
  7. I don't understand this comment. Why not?
  8. No issues hereYeah, that whole thing went pretty much how I expected. Nothing's happened. Not yet, anyway. And I strongly believe nothing will happen in the next four years. Everyone will talk, and complain, but no real change will occur. I want to fight you, think you speak no sense at all and want to fight you again. And I never agree with you. But I actually agree with you, for once. I was saying to my mum today, who is on the bandwagon of his term being catastrophic for the world, and I was all like - his advisors are still the same people that have been there all along and his term will probably end up being more "disappointing" to his haters than his fans. All these goonies who have it in their head that he's going to blow the world up with nuclear weapons and do all this outrageous shit... they're living in a dream world. I completely agree with you that the same thing, more or less, will keep happening and that all these moaners will have wasted all their time moaning for a grand total of nothing. I can't even begin to tell you how happy it makes me that after all these years I can still find ways to surprise you. ;}
  9. Well, then, let me be the first to criticise the vocals. Sounds like a weak Ted Poley, but also sounds like he could easily strengthen his voice with a decent vocal coach. Anyway, it doesn't take away from the awesome music.
  10. Is that for certain? I hope there's another Secret album.
  11. So... did you get it?Haha. No. I've all but completely halted my CD purchases. Tryna put away money to get into real estate. So it's on my Christmas list. I'll prolly try streaming it. With that said, I might make an exception for this and Theocracy's new one. Just don't know if I can wait another month.
  12. Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire played last night. And I missed it...
  13. No issues here Yeah, that whole thing went pretty much how I expected. Nothing's happened. Not yet, anyway. And I strongly believe nothing will happen in the next four years. Everyone will talk, and complain, but no real change will occur.
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