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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. I think it's fitting, 'cause nobody wants to talk about them.
  2. Like I said, this place used to be very active. Back in the early 00's everyone was just excited to have a place to talk about a style of Rock they thought was dead, and discover bands they hadn't heard of before. And there weren't many other sites for these conversations. The FaceTubes didn't exist yet. Even when I finally joined, most of the main players had already racked up tens of thousands of posts. I regret not getting to witness @Geoff in his prime. Though I cringe at nearly all of my posts in my early days, so perhaps Geoff would prefer we didn't see him in his "youth" either. ;} But I miss a lot of the old boys.
  3. Before your time. This place used to be very active.
  4. The dude thinks too highly of himself. Saw him live last year. Great show, no complaints there. But he talked too much. Some of it was interesting, like when he told stories of the band back in the day, but for the most part you just felt, "Alright, mate, shut up and play some music."
  5. Electric Boys. We'd all get high and just groove all night. Then I'd kick Jolle off the kit and jam with the Boys. ;}
  6. Wow. Looks like a lot to get through, but I'll enjoy the ride. Thanks Del for putting in the effort, and thanks Dark for bringing it to our attention.
  7. Do they need to keep releasing videos? Pretty sure anyone that needs to know about this album already knows. Anyway, I'm glad the boys are back at it and having fun--and especially grateful I got to see them on this tour--but I won't be watching these.
  8. The Summer Set opening for Boys Like Girls in a minute.
  9. Loving this album! It's interesting, the Euro release has the extended version of "Clear Before My Eyes," but the Japanese doesn't. And I'm not sure which bonus tracks I prefer. They're all good. Gonna have to smash the two albums together.
  10. Well, I still haven't got the Japanese version because shipping was more than I anticipated, so I'm listening to this for the first time. Oh, my fuck! This has not disappointed. It opens with an extended version of Clear Before My Eyes and got me so hype. This is easily the album of the year.
  11. I forgot about this. I'll have to watch it soon.
  12. Not bad, but nothing too exciting. And not enough ADV.
  13. The problem is I really want this to be good, so I'm already expecting to be disappointed.
  14. Well, it's too short, but I like it. This one's real Funky.
  15. The record is out. I'm hype to start devouring it, but already disappointed it's only 36 minutes long. I don't like this current trend of short albums.
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