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Everything posted by SUICIDE

  1. That really sucks. Hope the guy survives. What a shit month for rockers. The brain thing is very grim. You are usually not safe until months later.
  2. To be released on July 2010: GYNGER LYNN 'Baby's Gone Bad' SWEET SYBIL 'Self-Titled' ... More info later.


    I felt the same way about their debut. Sure it was nice AOR but nothing that made me jump out of my chair, which is strange since I loved old Europe and these guys got compared to them quite a bit. Maybe I'm just missing something. Yes. I like older EUROPE also but must be missing what the overzealous AOR fan hype is about with this. Speaking of 80's/early 90's cheese, the intro to that song reminds me of 90210 intro from ages ago... only more rock.


    Sounds ok but with the raving about this CD, was expecting something awe-inspiring out of the Ark of the Covenant. Standard AOR type stuff it sounds... even the theme song to one of those cheesy 80's teen movies.
  5. Very cool. When does the new CD offically release and will there be any CHESHIRE songs on it?
  6. There is the re-issue coming out this month, so may take a punt on it, 'seeing as it is so good' . Will let you knoiw what I think Jez I'm sure you'll love this disc and I'm suprised you don't have it already. Has anyone seen the new artwork for the reissue? The chick that was originally on the cover is now either MIA or AWOL!! Fucking re-issues. I wonder if they couldn't get her permission for some reason. oh man that sucks. Saw the cover minus the girl. If not just wanting a different cover for the reissue, more than likely it has to do with having the copyrights to the original cover and licensing. There are few things you have to think about before using a previous cover. One, someone who is involved with the reissue has to own rights to reuse the cover art or get a new license to use it from the copyright owner for a 2nd usage. Two, any models on the older covers must give permission to use their image again for a second time. Older usage licenses would have expired by now from the original CD. Just because it is a reissue does not mean it is not two different CDs.
  7. Have never like collaboration CDs with multiple style singers. Heard this CD and the only track on it I like is with Koshi Inaba because B'z was cool.
  8. I was gonna ask what they are like... but youre prob a little biased Yes. You would be right on that. hah Judge for yourself: CHARLOTTE 'Medusa Groove' Samps LEGACY 'Self-Titled' Samps
  9. CHARLOTTE 'Medusa Groove' and LEGACY 'Self-Titled' CDs
  10. This company is registered to Audiowax out of London. They claim to "... provide Music & Sound Design For Creative Media. We Have Produced Scores For Tv Advertisments (Heat Magazine, Bmw, Golden Wonder, Vision Express)Independent Film, Radio and Corporate Media. We Can Also Provide Music or Sound Clips For Websites and Web Delivered Video" They have a website which does not exist at www.audiowax.com (claims to be a recent registered domain name). They are a UK Limited Company, (Company number: 5614873). Whether this is legit or not is yet to be seen as anyone can register companies these days. Also, being a registered company does not mean the usage of the copyrighted music is 100% within law. They go to the gig and record the audio live at the venue ('authorised'... according to info) for sell directly after the gigs. They are CD-Rs. Yes.
  11. Almost did not recognise Jani. He was standing.
  12. yeah ho ho......very funny......not To each his own.
  13. Proper LEGACY tracklist is as follows: Some sites may have an older tracklist. Nightmare Records currently has the correct music samples in order but an old tracklist 1. Salvation Is Law 2. It’s Real 3. Cross The Line 4. Forever In Your Arms 5. Don’t Run Away 6. Red, White And Blue 7. Change Of A Broken Heart 8. Comin’ Along 9. Soldiers Unite 10. One Way Or The Other 11. Live It 12. What A World 13. Model Citizen 14. Vision Of Perfection
  14. Good band. Forgot about these guys. Second song is abit Eddie Robison of Alleycat Scratch vocals.

    Vanity XO

    I like these guys. Very nice sound they have.
  16. Yes. I remember these guys live. They changed styles abit to more sleazy rock.
  17. I would not doubt that. It is musical chairs always.
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