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Everything posted by lettard

  1. Night By Night - NxN Dallas - s/t Groundbreaker - s/t Degreed - We Don't Belong Bad City - Welcome To The Wasteland Dream Child - Til Death Do We Meet Again Volster - Perfect Storm Maverick - Cold Star Dancer
  2. The stand outs being the last 3 tracks from disc 2 lol
  3. Yeah mine is on its way also which is nice.
  4. Yeah,if it had not have been for the fact that I ordered 2 discs from them I would've stuck with Amazon also.
  5. Just cancelled my Amazon order and went directly to AOR Heaven for this and White Widdow
  6. Another good tune,just ordered this and Midnite City direct from Georg over at AOR heaven and cancelled my Amazon preorder
  7. Yeah I have the cd It arrived yesterday,sounding really good,ordered after hearing the first samples a while back and took a chance because i'm not much a fan of Houston ,just bit & bobs...
  8. Another 2 Harry Potter films,goblet something & phoenix or other enjoyed em though,gettin a little darker.
  9. Amazon in the UK dropped to £11.07 last week for a day and since I had it on preorder that's the most I'll pay from them atm....unfortunately White Widdow still hasn't shifted from £17.07!!!
  10. Nice, a great album for anyone who hasn't got it...pity the Sweatin Bullets remains unreleased
  11. Great cd,sounds brilliant,as pointed out the change from the debut release is unreal,I had little or no time for that so gave this one a wide berth for a few weeks after release...but wow! was I glad I gave it a chance eventually,think the singer helps make it what it is, as opposed to sounding like something being dragged through fog that shouldn't be dragged through fog on the debut
  12. Watched the first 3 Harry Potter movies over the weekend with my sons,id never seen any of em,not bad,enjoyable enough
  13. The Predator went not expecting much from what id read but it was actually not too bad,some silliness but also some good stuff...in fact I really enjoyed it.
  14. Another happy head here,my number one album from last year
  15. Organized Crime is my def number 1 from these guys,remember well getting it on cassette upon its release day,doesnt sound dated at all,just good quality fun party melodic rock with a great sound even today... a classic for me
  16. Totally agree with the Tough It Out for 2018 comparison,its a solid cd,won't bother my top 10 for the year but still a good listen.
  17. Yeah we all have different opinions,which is what makes it all interesting,low down on a chart for one person but for me on a personal level its my number 1 of 2018 so far and there are quite a few contenders,not to mention those still to be released
  18. Dream Child - Until Death Do We Meet Again Dallas - s/t
  19. Big fan of Degreed and usually like what Ted releases but its an ok cd for me not bad/not great,more looking forward to a new Degreed release if im honest.
  20. Received this at the weekend from Andrew,sounding really good so far after a few listens.
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