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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. You're a little late to the party but it is a really good song.... https://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/topic/40383-gunshine-wall-said-to-call/#comment-817607
  2. Dead Planet


    So lockdowns turn out to be one of those 'great' ideas that look good on paper but are shit in the real world...
  3. Dead Planet


  4. Dead Planet


    A new study out of Johns Hopkins University is claiming that worldwide pandemic lockdowns only prevented 0.2 per cent of COVID-19 deaths and were “not an effective way of reducing mortality rates during a pandemic.” We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” reads the paper , which is based on a review of 34 pre-existing COVID-19 studies. Given the “devastating effects” that lockdowns have caused, the authors recommended they be “rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument.” In both Europe and the United States, researchers found that a lockdown could only be expected to bring down mortality rates by 0.2 per cent “as compared to a COVID-19 policy based solely on recommendations.” For context, 0.2 per cent of total Canadian COVID-19 fatalities thus far is equal to about 70 people. The impact of border closures was found to be even less effective, with death rates only going down about 0.1 per cent. The study did give partial credit to policies that shut down “non-essential” businesses — which they concluded could bring down COVID death rates by as much as 10 per cent. The study noted that this was “likely to be related to the closure of bars.”
  5. I rather liked the Washington Armada which was one of the options they were considering....
  6. At the risk of defending an idiot...my understanding is that Trudeau has Covid and is isolating because of it....
  7. Financial incentives have a way of clarifying things....
  8. I doubt I'll watch anything live but I'll check out the recaps.....
  9. Dead Planet


    I pretty much agree with your take on this....the only real issue with what is going on for me is that the unvaccinated are still filling hospitals and preventing people from getting surgeries and health care for things not called covid....and I don't have an answer as to how to fix this problem....the feds in most countries have decided to tackle the issue through mandates but I think that we just have to weather the storm and hope that this mythical thing called herd immunity occurs.....
  10. Dead Planet


    Almost 64% of the US population (and 74% of adults) is fully vaccinated. The most recent data suggest unvaccinated adult patients are 12 to 18 times more likely to require hospitalization.
  11. I choose none of the above as I expect to hear Stevie Nicks voice on that song and a guys vocals just don't work for me.....I can't remember any cover of a FM song that I thought was good.....
  12. I've never had a problem with peaceful protest and while I think they are wasting their time as nothing will change...good for them....the biggest issue that has come up from this trucker protest is that what often happens with these type of situations, their protest has been hijacked by idiots (nazis , anarchists and scumbags) and that is what makes the nightly news ....film of the Terry Fox statue covered in placards, the war memorial vandalized and the swastika flag all over the place and I hear a bunch of them invaded a soup kitchen for the homeless and demanded meals and assaulted one of the homeless...so if it had been properly organized they would have policed their protest and dealt with the assholes taking advantage of their issue.....
  13. Your logic doesn't work for me but if it works for you then so be it....
  14. They're not male and not female so if they aren't welcome in the mens washroom why are they okay in the womens washroom? Give them their own crapper and let them compete in sports as 'other' against those like them....and if that is politically incorrect then too fucking bad....I believe in 'live and let live' but this shit is crazy....
  15. Dead Planet


    Hopefully it didn't go thru LA...have you seen what is happening to packages shipped by train in that city?
  16. WTF.... Monster is one of my favorite RL tracks...you guys are crazy
  17. Your anti vaccine, anti mask, anti government rants smack of paranoia to me....and I do not backtrack on not having an emotional breakdown every time someone who probably would be alive if they simply got vaccinated dies....if only for the reason that it would be exhausting if nothing else, so maybe I'm just becoming resistant to it all after millions of dead.....
  18. It's pretty clear to me that you are seeing stuff that isn't really there....paranoia is not a good way to view the world....and diverging opinions do not make anyone superior and it is sad that you view it that way, I simply trust those with more education and knowledge of the situation....
  19. As I said people have the right to choose but I wonder how many of those who choose to not get vaccinated have some serious second thoughts when their 'courageous' stand against vaccines ends up with them on their death bed....thinking outside of what many view as common sense doesn't always have a heroic ending.....
  20. Yep I'm a terrible person who prefers to believe in science and the health experts over the conspiracy idiots....and you despite your delusions are free and welcome to believe whatever you want but I will still not cry for those who are vulnerable(Meatloaf was 74) and decide to not get vaccinated and then end up in the morgue... while I do not believe in vaccine mandates and that everyone should be free to choose, I also believe that the choice should be based on science, unless you have a health condition that prevents taking a vaccine or are young and without any health issues...
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