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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. The problem with Rogan and others (both left and right) is that they use talking points and studies etc that they know their audience wants to hear rather than doing the actual research to pass on factual info to people that they can rely on...
  2. It seems no one else is dealing with MBM these days so maybe I shouldn't either....oh well, live and learn...
  3. Dead Planet

    NFL 21

    My Steelers needed a miracle just to reach the playoffs so probably not much chance of another one this year....
  4. Rogan is just one of many who pass on misinformation like it is fact without doing any real research...
  5. So is there a new cd coming out anytime soon?
  6. Yeah Darby can still belt out the songs....as for the crowd, obviously Toque is not a well known name band...
  7. Dead Planet


    Interesting stuff from these 2 sources, although I'd have to watch a lot more to be certain they are non-biased......for the record I have never watched MSNBC and a few weeks ago I switched internet/tv providers and CNN is no longer available (a good thing as I'm tired of CNN) ....I usually get my news from Canadian sources (25%) and mainly from online written news articles from a ton of sites.... as for Fauci, the left think he walks on water and the right thinks he is the devil's right hand and as usual in the US because of the political divide, reality is somewhere in the middle....
  8. Dead Planet


    I have occasionally made a troll post but that was not one of them....it sickens me when I think of the fact that he and his family get death threats because of his job....has he made mistakes? sure who in positions of responsibility all over the world can say they had this pandemic figured out? not a single fucking one....blaming Fauci and making him the focus of the looney right wing's anger is a travesty IMO...
  9. Dead Planet


    If Fauci turns out to be a bad guy then I will call it out but I have heard and seen nothing to indicate that he is anything but a decent guy.....all the BS from the right with their conspiracy theories mean nothing if there is no evidence to back it up....bottom line, it is just pure hatred of a decent guy trying to do a difficult job...you want to hate vaccines and covid and lockdowns etc, fine, but hating the messenger doesn't help anyone....
  10. Dead Planet


    The guy has a tough job and people like Rand Paul make his life a real misery....he is doing the best that he can and few would be able to do it better...considering that he and his family are getting death threats because of all the idiots that believe the bullshit from the right wing I say he deserves some respect for hanging in....
  11. Dead Planet


    Fauci gave as good as he got from that idiot Paul.....
  12. Anyone having issues with MBM these days? I put in an order on Nov 4 and I've had no word from them since . My order shows "in progress" on the site. I emailed them and then used their onsite "contact us" area to ask again what was going on but I have had no replies....
  13. Dead Planet


    I'm hearing a lot of noise about vaccine mandates here in Canada and in Europe...not good policy IMO....I get the reasoning as hospitals are filling up with the unvaccinated sick and the health care system is on shaky ground but it still seems like an overreach to me....here in the province of Quebec they have made it mandatory to have been vaccinated to enter liquor stores and they are talking about a health tax on the unvaccinated! Hopefully this won't spread across the country....but I fear that if 1 or 2 countries go for mandatory vaccines then it will be like dominoes falling across the world....
  14. Laughed my ass off over this one....why you should not film commercials on ice...
  15. Yes...a tribute to Edgar's brother Johnny.....
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