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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Very cool, I wish there was a store like that near me.....
  2. Yeah, this band plays some excellent metal and if she sang with clean vocs all the time then their releases would be high up my favorites list....
  3. Another tough one but I've got to go with Riot as it is their best release and one of my all time favorites....although Def Leppard and Foreigner make it a difficult call....
  4. Yeah Def Leppard for me as well although Y&T, Accept and Motley are close.....
  5. Very tough but I'll choose Whitesnake...although if asked next week I may make a different choice....
  6. Not every song that sounds killer when you are high, sounds as good the next day...
  7. Nope, never heard of them.....neither song grabs me although Exises isn't bad...
  8. The reason many people have had it with political correctness, woke shit etc, is that some of people who want to change attitudes around racism have gone completely overboard, beyond common sense to the point of outright stupidity....when that happens people push back..... A lot of people are coming back from being cancelled like James Gunn because the majority of people understand that we all make mistakes and deserve second chances....those pushing woke shit are doing more damage to their cause than they are helping it....
  9. The biggest issue is the criminals running the IOC....if they had an ounce of sense or decency the greedy bastards would not award any games to countries with human rights issues....I don't believe in a boycott for the simple reason that the athletes who dedicate their lives to representing their countries deserve the opportunity to compete...
  10. Canadians are just as patriotic as those in any other country, we are just not as in your face about it as the US is.... Canada has had to endure an idiot as their prime minister for the last 7 years and I do not agree with most of the stuff he and his party have done as he has made Canada look weak and confused most of the time....BUT I still love my country since no leader or political party truly represents the people and while complaining about them and their policies is understandable, going to the extreme of saying you hate your country because of some moronic politicians is just plain ridiculous IMO....if you truly hate your country because of the fools in charge then maybe you should move somewhere else and see if you are better off....politicians come and go but love of country should remain forever....
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