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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Interesting stuff....I had not heard about this side of the situation.....although I can understand Ukrainians wanting to get rid if a Putin puppet and turn more towards the West.....but the West obviously had a hand in events....
  2. The sanctions are important to show Russia and the world that this sort of thing will not be tolerated....I am willing to bet that China is having second thoughts about attacking Taiwan today that they did not have before the world's reaction to the Ukraine invasion ....so while Putin is upset I find it hard to believe he and those who support him will want to make the situation worse as the Chinese will drop him like a turd if he loses his shit....
  3. I thought the athletes from Russia were being allowed to compete as long as they didn't compete using Russian uniforms, emblems etc....basically competing as independent or neutral....
  4. What coup are you referring to?
  5. Why would Putin rock his buddy Trump's boat by doing anything against Ukraine....I think Putin made the mistake of believing that because the US elected a clown like Trump, they were too weak to do anything about an invasion of Ukraine ....he also saw that the EU and NATO were divided over a lot of stuff and figured there would not be much of a response from either group.... You can shit on Biden for a lot of stuff but his response to the invasion has been his finest hour.....
  6. I'd say that about most of their music.....different for sure....
  7. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-chief-of-staff-john-kelly-says-disbelief-gop-support-putin-2022-2 https://www.businessinsider.com/mitt-romney-almost-treasonous-for-gop-figures-to-back-putin-2022-2 Some in the GOP ,rather than blame or criticize Putin for the invasion are blaming Biden for the invasion! How they come to this determination is beyond me....
  8. I don't consider him to be a strong leader either and I admit to not knowing if his policies for the US are the right ones....as for dealing with Putin I think he is doing all he can without getting the West directly involved with the war which could be catastrophic for the world.... One thing I don't understand is why so many people in the GOP and on the right are cheering Putin on in this war....it seems insane to me....this love for Putin and dictatorial policies in general are a direct threat to democracy and should be called out as such....
  9. That's not to say he shouldn't go ahead with these policies because there are advantages but you are correct, the government should be more clear as to the overall consequences of any and all policies....
  10. Out of curiosity, what should Biden be saying and doing that you would approve of?
  11. Have you had a chance to check out Bomber Alley...it might be something you would enjoy....
  12. Dead Planet


    In a democracy it is all about balance, you cannot allow a minority of people to hold the economy of any country hostage and while they didn't close every cross border path they did enough to cause economic pain which is wrong....you have to make the hard decisions on how far you will allow people to go to uphold their 'freedoms'....personally I have no problem with our government dealing with this situation as they decided that the concerns of the many overrode the concerns and protests of the few.... Do I think they should have gone after the little backers of the protests? No I do not....and I seriously doubt that anything substantial will happen to those individuals...you can probably say they overstepped to some degree....but as is normal with governments, they always seem to have no real plan when it comes to situations like this....
  13. Dead Planet


    Once again , it doesn't surprise me they went after these peoples funding and support....if they had stuck to protesting in Ottawa, maybe it would have been different but when you close borders and effect millions of dollars in trade, well that kind of money has power and influence (it was effecting both the US and Canada) so they had to act with every tool at their disposal.....at least the left wing in the US was not foolish enough to challenge the countries economic health with their protests..... My biggest issue with protests in general is that people support or hate a particular protest because of their political viewpoints not because of any merit the protest may have....
  14. Dead Planet


    The protesters were given about a weeks warning that the police would be moving in to remove the blockades and they stayed because they wanted a confrontation....depending on what film you watch , you will either see the terrible police or the terrible protesters as all of the coverage these days is colored by politics......the reality is that the protesters refused to leave and the police had to move in and I have no doubt that some protesters spit and threw punches and no cop I have heard of will stand for that kind of shit so they responded with whatever they had handy and the cops were better prepared for this situation.... It was a lot more than a few truck horns that galvanized the politicians to act. Most people don't realize it but the area around the parliament bldgs is actually quite suburban with a lot of people living and working in that area...so not only were their lives turned upside down (side streets blocked where people had homes) but most businesses were forced to close including the Rideau Mall ,throwing a lot of people out of work with no pay....what about the people who had no jobs throughout this protest, don't they have rights? What about the people who couldn't get their kids to school or get to a grocery store? What about the people who had to deal with racist shit from 'some' of the protesters in their own neighborhood? And there was a large uptick in other criminal acts in the area, desecration of the Canadian war memorial (people defecated on it ffs)....2 lowlifes tried to burn down an apartment bldg, people were assaulted....I have no doubt the majority of protesters were not running around committing illegal acts but that shit was happening nevertheless .... the government had to act and I have yet to see situations like this where you have entrenched protesters confronting the police where there wasn't at least some violence...usually both sides take equal blame.... Personally I believe that protests like this should be viewed apolitically and all treated the same...fair is fair and fairness is in short supply these days it seems.... And finally if those protesters had not brought trucks and cars and blockaded streets, they could have had their protest and still be there....
  15. Dead Planet


    The Canadian government sat on their hands for 3 weeks before doing anything because they hoped the whole situation would go away without them sticking their necks out and actually dealing with it....only when the majority of Canadians had had enough of the bullshit did they finally act....not my idea of politicians drooling over the opportunity to be autocratic...
  16. Canada does not have that excuse....
  17. I'm not surprised that we aren't getting specific info about what is going on mainly because I don't think anyone except Putin knows for sure what is going to occur....also we have never received specific info in the past about such situations from western governments because they do not want to reveal intelligence sources which is why we keep getting unofficial news from unofficial sources leaking out from the government...some of that info is deliberately leaked and some is not....this is what usually happens no matter what political party is in charge....
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