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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. If you don't mind the religious lyrics....personally I do not care if they sing about the devil or god or their sex life...a good song is a good song...
  2. I was never much of a fan of these guys...the music was always decent but the vocals are not...
  3. If this was July 22, 1987 you and I would be in the middle of the street, fighting. But it's July 22, 2015, and I couldn't agree more. Yeah Bon Jovi has been dead since KTF for me as well...
  4. You thought correct. I only bothered to keep 'Forbidden Colours' and 'Temple of Tears' in my collection and both score a 70% flat. As for the Fortune album, I gave it a 74% and although it's nice, I never understood the over-rating of it. Their hugest flaw, through the Fortune, Harlan Cage and 101 South albums, is that there is no variety of song and it's basically the same song / hook / melody written over and over again over all those albums. And I can assure you that if there is a new album it'll have the same songs you've already heard... The first 2 101 South releases are the best of the lot...the rest are average ....
  5. Sounds very good....another release to look forward to....
  6. JD MILLER - Grand Intentions FAHRAN - Chasing Hours AMMUNITION - Shanghaied
  7. Another def pickup....like both of those samples...
  8. I've never been much of a fan of the band and that song doesn't change anything...
  9. Her last release was pretty good...i will definitely be checking this out...
  10. Not bad....not in love with that song though...
  11. I thought these guys had self-destructed...first release since 2006....I may have to get this....
  12. They aren't that bad....I have heard plenty of bands with much worse vocals....
  13. Soundgarden was the best thing to come out of the whole grunge thing but I'm not particularly interested in hearing them today....
  14. I had ignored this release thinking it would be more of the same but I think I will pick it up after hearing those 2 songs....
  15. This came out in 2013 but i just discovered it....
  16. Here are 3 very good Christian hard rock bands with female vocalists..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLGH0H4Vr6Y
  17. ? That song doesn't do it for me...of course that does not mean the entire release is bad...I rarely buy EPs anyway....
  18. Thanks mate. Haha, you'd probably hate us 2 and a 1/2 years ago when we named our little boy Taylor. At the time, though, I can honestly say that Taylor Swift did not enter my head once. Always seemed like a 100% boys name to me. & thanks Dave. Oh well he can always go by his middle name...as long as it is not Hayden or something like that...
  19. A def pickup...I always pick up his releases....
  20. Never heard of them...I will try to find that 1st release...thx.
  21. Congrats!...Jasmine is a great name...I'm tired of these names where you do not know if it is a girl or boy...
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