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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Let's see, over the past 2 weeks I bought... Boondock Saints II All Saints Day Old Dogs 2012 My Bloody Valentine [2009] Boondock Saints Where the Wild Things Are
  2. Watched The Rock and Ghostbusters 2.... Watching Iron Eagle now....
  3. Hey Keith?? I wonder if Yer Brother is gonna head to Maryland for that weekend?? Sounds like it's right up His alley......
  4. Just saw Alice in Wonderland... And I enjoyed it.. I give it 3 out of 4 stars... Really entertaining, but could have been better... Eh will be buying the DVD when it comes out....
  5. Yea I kinda like Keeper I over Keeper II Myself.. Best thing off Keeper II was only released as a B-side... that being "Save Us" Killer tune!!!!
  6. Wow.. Very cool Man!! Gee now that You are a big music journal type star guy.. You not gonna forget Us little people, are Ya???? Hey if anyone asks I can always say I Knew Him when.....
  7. The Boondock Saints II All Saints Day.... Fucking AWESOME!!! Can't WAIT for the third one!!!
  8. LOVE the MTV Pic!! Seriously WTF Did happen to MTV anyways?????
  9. I hope He beats this cancer thing and has a speedy recovery! And yea I too am glad they did away with that whole man love thing.. I was feeling a lil bit ill.....
  10. The movie You are thinking of is "She's Outta My League" And yea that looks pretty damn funny too.... And that Runaways movie looks good too.. Dakota Fanning CAN sing!!!
  11. Yea My Inner 80s child is screaming I WANNA SEE THIS!! But I am gonna wait for the DVD I think..... It DOES Look pretty damn funny.....
  12. Cool tune!! The video is kinda cheesy, but ain't nothing wrong with that.....
  13. Saw the trailer for this and it looks AWESOME!!!!
  14. New trailer looks Awesome!!!!! http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/movie-talk-iron-man-2-new-trailer.html?nc Yea I AM Seeing this!!!
  15. Um...that's kinda the whole idea of this band, dude. I know that was just saying it's kinda.. creepy.....
  16. Wow I LIKE!! That singer looks like a cross between John Lennon and James Hetfield, don't He????
  17. Oh I LIKE!!! Will defintely be getting this..... Almost as good as this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o26SlmROH5Q
  18. Fuck! The Boondock Saints is one FUCKING awesome movie!!!!
  19. Any good? I was lukewarm about Zombie's first "Halloween" (i.e. didn't hate it, but didn't love it either), and the reviews for "II" were pretty horrible all around so I'm kinda gun-shy about checking it out. I Have that on DVD but have yet to watch it.. I will second Keith by asking is it any good??? Oh and just watched The Boondock Saints!! DAMN!! Why has it taken Me ten YEARS to watch this movie and WHY has it taken them ten YEARS to make a sequel?? Holy FUCK it was Awesome!!! The sequel is out on DVD Tuesday and it WILL be MINE.....
  20. Hmmm.. Don't you hit 40 in a couple months Man???
  21. Sounds pretty good to Me!!!! They do a pretty good cover of Judas Priest "Nightcrawler" too....
  22. There's an 'Edit' button on the bottom of your post. Ok I can edit response posts I make to threads,but not the first post of a new topic?? That's... weird.....
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