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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Dance Little Sister - Kane Roberts
  2. I agree. But the truth is, all of the best 80's hard rock vocalists are missing here... imo. You do jest of course. I'd agree that most in the list are pretty shite. But, Perry, Mercury, Dio and Dickinson would all feature in (certainly the first 3) or near my top 10 vocalists. & if you disagree with that, then you have a pretty lonely opinion in this matter
  3. WTF? Putting aside the fact I think there are only really 2 good songs on it ("Didnt Know it was Love" & "Desperate Dreams"), I don't get how it could be considered as influential? AOR was starting to fade-out in terms of popularity by this point, & the album sold poorly resulting in the band splitting after the album was released. If you'd listed "Vital Signs" then I would've backed you, but this album & the horrible "Reach" were big failures (commercially & musically) in their catalogue IMO. Well, totally backed in it NOT being influencial, but I still love that album. Only one or two fillers...the rest rock big time. Also, is it AOR?? Id say more melodic hard rock....completely different sound to say 'Vital Signs'.
  4. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    Read today that Paddy Power have paid out on all bets for Utd doing the domestic treble. Unbelievable at this stage in the season. Their reasoning was.........'if no-one can score against them, how is anyone going to beat them???!' Good question.
  5. http://www.myspace.com/thepoodles Called 'One Out Of Ten'. Not bad....a bit cheesy.
  6. Blue Square........oh no, fuckin Blue Square Sad....oh yes, fucking sad. Desperate....oh yes, fucking desperate Relegation....oh yes, fucking relegation. funny......oh yes, fuckin well funny
  7. Glen


    Damn Lennie, I was way behind on your post about this one. I did hear "Junkies For Fame" recently. I wonder why it didn't make the last album. At any rate, it's available at Itunes for $.99. I downloaded it immediately. I hope these guys keep up the momentum they've got going on. Ha, yeah...great track. God knows why this wasnt on the album??
  8. Not sure about 5, but of the 2 sides of AOR I would go as follows - AOR : Journey - Escape Westcoast : Toto - IV They are the pinnacles, and what has influenced virtually every AOR/West Coast album since. & whats more neither of them has ever been topped. Like it or not, its the truth..
  9. These are all good but Keep the Faith may just be my fave BJ album. Essential... Yeah, for once I have to agree with 'Hear!' Hater. 'Keep the faith' is essential to every collection. Well 'Keep the Faith' and 'These Days' are both available quite cheap so maybe I'll pick them up.... Wise choice. Can't go wrong with either of those. yep, 'These Days' is criminally underrated.
  10. Blue Square........oh no, fuckin Blue Square
  11. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    You should get a ticket mate. You can wave goodbye to your team then as they head off into the sunset in the direction of Blue Square
  12. again..........forgot just how good this disc is! Really not a filler in sight.
  13. Anberlin are the highlight on that bill for me. Have a good time Geoff
  14. Anberlin are the highlight on that bill for me. Have a good time Geoff
  15. Why are you so surprised?? Yeah, not sure mate. I just kind of expected at least one to go to Def Leppard, as I am a huge fan. But it just didn't happen. And you're right about the 15 song thing. I'd probably pluck a few tracks off 'Retroactive' to throw amidst it, but it'd be 95% Bon Jovi if I picked the top 20-30 songs from both bands. Haha, I did the same. I don't even rate 'High N' Dry' that much but I thought it was the better disc. Then I thought about it for a second and in the end '7800' crucifies it in every single way imaginable. Yeah, I admit there are fillers - track for track what you say there - but for me, the rest of the album is pretty much entirely better than the excellent 'Hysteria', and that's what gets 'New Jersey' over the line for me. backed, backed & backed (for a change )
  16. TREAT might actually be quite possible. I have seen them play just 2 weeks ago at the "Rock over Munich" festival, so they seem to be touring again. The same for STAGE DOLLS by the way. While Treat were quite good, the Stage Dolls blew them off the stage. After what Kieran said, I still think there will be a couple of UK bands.....we'll see. I'd love to see Gotthard again...they rocked. Work Of Art would a fantastic addition too & D2.
  17. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    Correction : We lost to fuckin (motley) Crewe.
  18. Im sitting with my new fuckin laptop.......set up and fuckin raring to go
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