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Everything posted by Glen

  1. can't be bothered to do the graphic thing A. Escape, Frontiers, Evolution, Infinity, Raised on Radio, Captured B. Departure, Revelation C. Trial by Fire, Eclipse, Look into the Future D. Next, Debut, Generations E. Freedom
  2. Glen


    ha ha, I have no doubt
  3. one of the most overrated bands of all time imo. Even Dr feelgood is patchy and didn't even scrape my top 30 in 1989.
  4. I like 1984 & 5150 about 50% great / 50% weak. the rest are a hard pass with only a couple of decent tracks on each tbh
  5. Glen


    The continued over reaction (outside of hospitals / care homes) is pretty stupid though, I will agree. Still wearing masks outside or in cars (lol) is madness and I have never condoned the wearing of masks. In my opinion it was always a flawed concept and never worked as the virus can enter through your eyes. It certainly won't protect you from getting it and might possibly reduce the chances of you spreading it but not if you take it off to cough or sneeze like most morons do. Anyway, I promise not to annoy you anymore Geoff as I get this is an aussie thread now so I'll let you guys crack on and moan amongst yourselves. #ukisbest
  6. Glen


    yep you have the wrong guy. I've only told you through this entire thread that the UK suffered huge deaths before the vaccines so you should not trivialise what went before and that you get yr vaccine and move on. Nothing more, nothing less #stillnotlivinginfear
  7. Glen


    And stop telling other people we are living in fear when we are just trying to explain to a simpleton why yr government have sent the army into nursing homes. I know you'll reply to this with a 1000 word essay telling me that I'm cowering in fear from covid and that's it ruling my life but if you actually bothered to read this thread you'll know that my whole family have just had it. so πŸ–•
  8. Glen


    so you work in pathology, which I assume means you are in or about the most vulnerable in society all week around. And you still moan about a few restrictions. I think you're gonna have to just suck it up mate
  9. just got through my first listen. So much to take in, so I won't comment much but Smoke & Mirrors & Bootleg Bandeleros were superb. Maybe a tad too many slower numbers but that's a minor quibble
  10. Glen


    remove what insane rules & restrictions? There aren't any. Again I think you are labelling what is maybe happening in Australia on the whole world?? What is happening in Australia? CTS basically said there are no restrictions?? Apart from the odd mask wearing here and there. What exactly are you blabbing on about?? No one is living in fear cos everyone is doing whatever the fuck they like - well they are in the UK anyway. Again, I have no idea what you are going on about - you posted about how you couldn't believe the army had gone into care homes and we explained that you. 3000 people are feelin like shit for a week with covid and there is no fucker to look after the oldies. I am sure in a fortnight it will be back to normal. Stop over dramatising everything and claiming everyone is afraid. We've all moved on - you should try that too.
  11. HAND was the last BJ album I bought 17 yrs ago 😲 Last time I saw them live was 2006.
  12. A. S/t , SWW B. New Jersey, 7800, Keep The Faith C. Have a Nice Day D. Bounce, Crush E ........ the rest
  13. pass on those vocals πŸ˜’
  14. Glen


    typically stupid response. Do you know anything about the vaccines or vaccines in general? Vaccines provide temporary protection, after which the body β€œforgets” how to make certain antibodies. In this case, doctors recommend getting a booster jab dose, which is a follow-up dose designed to boost or renew the protection the person gained from an earlier vaccine. So for example if the astra vaccine was 80% effective it would afford a decent level of protection against getting it but youd still have a 20% chance. It would also lesson symptoms as well. But protection can wane over time - drastically - so makes sense for the most vulnerable to get a booster - in the UK that is deemed as people over 50. And yes I would imagine that safety protocols within care homes are not a new thing. I would think that the same would be true for flu and you would absolutely keep away from work in a care home if you had flu - also all care home residents would receive their flu jab every year without fail. Im failing to understand what part of all this is confusing you. πŸ˜•
  15. Glen


    2 intelligent posts. ^^^^ & yes obviously THE most vulnerable place still is care homes. Many care homes in the UK were decimated by covid. But then Geoff and only ever thought this virus is a minor inconvenience. In the UK I think care homes is still the only place that masks are mandated. & 3000 are still not working because you feel like shit if you got it. My wife & I have just got over it and we took 4 days off. You do feel pretty shit (even vaccinated which lessons it) and very tired for at least a week. Plus these people are carers - which means I very much doubt they want to pass the virus to their patients
  16. Glen


    I assume the army are going in to cover for the 3000 staff who are off. but as usual your own over reaction is actually the laughable thing
  17. the second half defo sounds better
  18. I far prefer this to previous output. Very good album
  19. like Body Power Fsme but they lose me with the cookie monster vox
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