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2023 Donors - Stefan
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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Alright folks! I've just lived with this cd for a day and my first reaction was "Hmmm...pretty good", maybe a 4-5 good songs and the rest...not so good. Then after 3 or 4 times playing from start to finish the songs came to life. Now I must say this is as good as BTF/Leverage and the thing that started to sink in more and more: Pekka has a GREAT set of pipes! Probably Finland's best voice. This album starts strongly with 2 melodic rockers followed with the first ballad: Mindless Times. Songs number 4 and 5 are also 2 great melodic rockers but then the album takes a little bit of a "dive" with song number 6: Knock Yourself Out. Difficult to discribe but not the same style as the rest of the album Good nevertheless! The momentum picks up on song 7 and the music get stronger and stronger towards the end. My personal favourites are: Moon My Friend (9) and Cashmir (10). Moon My Friend is so close to BTF you almost think it is them. It rocks And Cashmir sounds like Leverage. The album ends with a sweet ballad: Streets Of Common People. Well, the final verdict? Excellent...excellent! If you are a Brother Firetribe/Leverage fan (Dan? ) this is a must have in your collection. Clearly one of my best spent money on a CD and I suppose it's quite a rare cd to get hold of. Check out a young looking Pekka below If you like to hear what the fuss is all about, PM me and I'll see what I can do...or willing to do Til next time, Stefan
  2. After a little research I found out that Cashmir released one album (selftitled) and a second one was recorded but remain unreleased due to problems of the record label. The song "Josie" isn't to be found on the debut. Perhaps it is from the unreleased "lost" album. Cashmir lasted about 10 years right up til Brother Firetribe was formed. They tried (or the record label tried! ) to break themselves onto the German scene and changed their name to Trombi. Trombi released a cd-single called: Better Than Me (SONY MUSIC year: 2000) but to no avail. They didn't hit the big time. This is the debut cd: Cashmir: S/T 1997 Atominus Records atocd 001 1. Be Awake 2. Best Of Both Worlds 3. Cashmir 4. Knock Yourself Out 5. Marvel 6. Mindless Times 7. Moon My Friend 8. Not A Number 9. Simplicity 10. Streets Of Common People 11. Too Late To Wonder Why Actually I managed to track down this debut on an auction site here in Finland and bought the damn thing (the cd, not the site or Finland ) I will probably get it within a week. I´ll post my feelings about the cd in the near future. Rock on Stefan
  3. Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me introduce Pekka Heino's band before Brother Firetribe and Leverage: Cashmir. The song is called Josie and it ROCKS! Oh yes it ROCKS!!! I couldn't believe it when I found it. It's criminally AWESOME!
  4. The Sturms' debut have been rereleased as an "International version" with 3 bonus tracks and BOY do they rock or what! 1st bonus: Breaking The Law (The Judas Priest song; infact the Sturms was formed after going to a gig by Judas Priest) 2nd bonus: Forever feat. UDO (Yes that UDO from Accept) 3rd bonus: Rising Son - Acoustic (Excellent version) The new version also includes the videos to Rising Son and Indians.
  5. Cheer up Geoff! You're not the only one digging the new cd (Lies For The Liars), I like it too. This cd actually came like a bolt out of the blue. I've always had this notion that The Used where a pure punk band. BOY was I wrong! Saw this disc being sold cheaply at the local warehouse (couple of days ago) and I thought " let's give it a try". Glad I did! Sure there's this nu-metal/punk/modern rock/whatever vibe over the cd but if you hear beyond the screaming vocals (which can be a bit annoying sometimes) there's some good melodies and riffs for you to enjoy. Pretty Handsome Awkward is indeed a killer song, it immidiately hit my ears with a bang and I felt love again I can imagine this stuff ain't for all of the inhabitants of this site but if you got an open mind maybe you can find something sweet out of this Now I'm off trying to get my hands on the previous releases by The Used.... Rock on
  6. Answer? Do you answer a question with an answer? Or with a question, eh?
  7. Drugs Under Sting's Teapot F G H J
  8. Hungarian Queen's A**l Penetration U U P P
  9. 3 birds and 25 cases of beer would do it!
  10. First time I heard the single - All In My Head - I thought it was a new one by Jon Bon Jovi. The vocals has a similar tone to it. The style is some kind of modern/pop rock and the whole cd is quite good. Click here
  11. Well done chap!! - finally you can relax and stop keep hassling me about it Just discovered Carmen Gray earlier this year myself. Damn good CD! That´s true! Damn good CD!
  12. Royal Tramps - Dangerous And Extremely Unhealthy? The Milestones - Souvenirs Billy Talent - II Kid Rock - Rock'n'Roll Jesus
  13. Liberian Idiot Nukes Kommies S O L D
  14. She Is Everything by Spock's Beard. I would say Song of the Month. Awesome stuff!
  15. Sambo? Sambo means Sam and this link will shed more light on what Stormspell is getting at...... Better brace yourself http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=7964 Ah that Sam! I thought it was him but wasn't sure. Anyway don't think for a minute I'm on Sam's side on this subject but maybe sometimes there's the exception to the rule....or is there? I guess someone's gonna comment on this. That either you're against bootlegs or you're not, that you can't be both. So don't get me wrong, I'm 99.9 % against it.... Stefan
  16. I learned today that I´m becoming obsessed with these pages. I just can't stop replying. Maybe I'm possessed with some kind of evil spirit who tells me to keep using all these emoticons wherever and whenever its possible and even when my girlfriend and my dog keeps on barking at me I just can't stop and and and and the walls are caving in and AHHHHHHHHH
  17. stupid trapped under doormat A B B A
  18. Cool? Isn't the ass of a penguin cool? What? Not funny? What the f**k am I doin' here? BANEED? Stefan?
  19. OMG! I just shot someone!! Nice picture though...
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