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2023 Donors - Stefan
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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Kotipelto Perish Over London T U R D
  2. I "discovered" this mag a few years ago and thought that it was pretty good. Some features about AOR and melodic rock but yes the emphasis on "classic" rock. I began to subscribe it. Then they revamped the mag, all the AOR/melodic stuff went out the window and all the excitement was gone. I soon cancelled my subscription. Now I've sold all my copies and won't even glance at the sad mag anymore. Now I stick to the Fireworks magazine. I have subscribed it for a couple of years (before Classic Rock) but quit it a while ago and now I purchase it occasionally. Still the only music mag I buy.
  3. Don't know if I should barf or laugh. Maybe I'll do both
  4. That sounds like 350 days of the year for me
  5. Just had a beer in the sauna with my girlfriend. Yum! (The beer that is... )
  6. I learned today that Jez has happy trousers... My underwear is quite excited as well!! I like some dirty talk....
  7. I learned today that Jez has happy trousers...
  8. Crazy Orgies Sounds Terrific E W E W
  9. Google? Sounds like something my dog threw up....
  10. Google is your friend. Thanks a lot. Never heard of it.....
  11. Excuse ME for not having the time to read this thread from the beginning: WHO the heck is this Eric Brittingham fellow?
  12. That's right!...........WELCOME Geoff Tate, the leadsinger of Queensryche. Hope you have the sense not to dig up old topics
  13. I bought it from Georg at AORHEAVEN for the price of $11 (including postage) at the end of last year. Great CD indeed. And killer price!
  14. Now I'm not scared of you guys anymore so I'm gonna do it the Geoff way: reveal my sensitive (read feminine) side. There haven't been many artists that has managed to do what Eva has done/is doing. Her voice is somewhat spectacular and the only voice that I can think of who brings a tear in this old cynic eyes. Her voice just oozes passion that go straight for the jugular. Many moons ago this gig called "Live at Blues Alley" came on the national TV and boy did I shed a tear that night That was the first time I've heard of a lady called Eva Cassidy. Those of you who don't know the story, she died within the same year of that gig (1996). She had terminal cancer. Even to the gig she walked with a cane 'cause of a mystery illness in her hip. Couple of months later she found out. Cancer. She never released recorded music in her lifetime. Labels thought she was difficult to categorize so she never reach stardom before passing away. All music was released after her death and I tell you that if she still would be walking this sad earth, she'd be a Goddess (to me at least!) Well she's still the Goddess. Read the whole thing here: http://www.evacassidy.org Check out these videos from youtube: Autumn Leaves People Get Ready Wade In The Water Fields Of Gold Time After Time I dare you to check out the rest of the music on youtube. Whatever the musicstyle she sings - rock, blues, jazz, gospel, pop - the voice is there. And to me she even outshines the originals. I guess this kind of person comes once in a lifetime. It's heartbreaking to know the fact that she never experienced the satisfaction of touching souls of human beings... That's why I think she really is the voice of an angel.... Respect. Enough of that. Where's the booze and the chicks?!
  15. He already did. We didn't want to include you. And yeah, your English is fine, Stefan. If I didn't check I'd have assumed you were Australian, to be honest. Australian eh? Was that an insult? No, it was the highest compliment you can be paid. Since when did we change the planet?
  16. He already did. We didn't want to include you. And yeah, your English is fine, Stefan. If I didn't check I'd have assumed you were Australian, to be honest. Australian eh? Was that an insult?
  17. You will perish and all that will remain is my fist where your face used to be. but you wouldnt want to hit your wife would you? No, which is why my fists will focus on your face and torso, until neither exist anymore. o come on seriously... its just nice to see where we all come from time to time..... see how we grow, develop and spread our wings etc... Big Geoff , was once Crying Geoff... not wanting his innocent little self to be hurt.. Welcome to the board Geoff! Hope you like it here....with the beer Thanks mate. It's good to be here. I look forward to maybe posting a few things here and there. If I ever get the hang of this whole message board thing. People like that phaffas guy sure seem mean. I hope not everyone's like him or I won't stay long. Well I'm taking it back. Don't come around here no more. Just a bunch of loosers and I'm the biggest one.... Stay clear I say!!
  18. Here's the brewster Is it cold? It's freezingly cold! In fact so cold I'm freezing my Bollocks off! Is that a statement or a question? If it was a question did you maybe forget the question mark? Or was it because you had to many beers so far today? Well f**k me sideways? Won't be touching the beer for a long time.....just kidding...? Can I have a sip? No way maaan! It's all mine, ALL MINE!? .......Didn't I just quit? Go ahead, have the whole barrel?
  19. You will perish and all that will remain is my fist where your face used to be. but you wouldnt want to hit your wife would you? No, which is why my fists will focus on your face and torso, until neither exist anymore. o come on seriously... its just nice to see where we all come from time to time..... see how we grow, develop and spread our wings etc... Big Geoff , was once Crying Geoff... not wanting his innocent little self to be hurt.. Welcome to the board Geoff! Hope you like it here....with the beer
  20. of what??? What?....... Who said that?.............Pheww...for a second I thought it was my girlfriend
  21. Here's the brewster Is it cold? It's freezingly cold! In fact so cold I'm freezing my Bollocks off! Is that a statement or a question? If it was a question did you maybe forget the question mark? Or was it because you had to many beers so far today? Well f**k me sideways? Won't be touching the beer for a long time.....just kidding...?
  22. Dave makes a point here. I really can't say how the state of this forum was a couple of years back so no help from me 'bout the change part. I can only speak from the new-kid-on-the-block view. It took me over a year to do my first post in this forum. Not because I felt scared or something but I really wanted to kind of know you guys a bit first. Then I decided to jump into the abyss (still there ) and make my voice heard. At first I thought I was speaking to deaf ears and then writing for the blind and occasionally still do. I know it takes time to get things rollin' but I'm sure I speak for many newcomers by saying that any feedback can be good feedback. Good or bad, it doesn't matter. If you post here you gotta know what you're doing unless you're picking a fight. Basically this forum thrives on music and humour. If you ain't got humour you're in trouble Well some insanity helps too.... So speaking for myself, some more feedback on many of the topics that I started would have been welcomed. Even if many of these sucked big time....well all of them It IS hard trying to establish some kind of friendship here as a newbie but once you succeed this could be the greatest forum ever. It is great from the start but it could be so more. I have enjoyed my time here so far and I think you guys out there are the best and I hope you can put up with this git even longer. Just hoping you don't misunderstand my future (and past) posting 'cause "Irony" is my middle name. And yes fresh blood is always healthy to spice up some topics. On the other hand when English isn't your native tongue you can easily be misunderstood and things can get ugly. So bear that in mind when a foreigner (read: not English-speaking) tries to tell you a thing or two. Well I am certainly a foreigner (take a guess what's my native tongue. Clue: Not Finnish) and I pray to God you understand what I rambling 'bout! Or in many cases, you don't need to.... So that was hopefully an insight into a newcomers way of thinking. Better insane than humourless I say and may the force be with you... Really guys, keep it up and rock on Stefan
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