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2023 Donors - Stefan
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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Happy Hour normally lasts more than one hour. And its a bunch of unhappy people getting themselves totally fuckin' obliterated on alkihol. Fun to fuckin' watch sometimes. Can you fuckin' partake without fuckin' alcohol ?? Of fuckin course you can! happy hour is just that....happy Don't worry Wotty, I don't drink either. It's for the fuckin' drinkers. Happy fuckin' Hour! What's the fuckin' use! Wouldn't it be fuckin' happier if it was Happy Evening instead? That would be fun! Watching even some more sad fuckers drink themselves to sleep and sooner or later getting there yourfuckin'self. Now that's the main purpose of Happy Hour/Evening, isn't? The more alchocol for the hard fuckin' earned dough, the better
  2. Stefan

    Vanity Ink

    I got this CD today - Vanity Ink: On Your Skin - and it blew me away. Never heard the name before, just bought it 'cause it looked promising. It was and is promising! Stylewise you could call it a blend of Mötley Crue/Hanoi Rocks with some punkvibes. Check out the video for . Like a female Mötley. Listen to some other great tunes here.
  3. I guess your opinion have changed nowadays....
  4. I agree this is the gayest thread on this forum. I notice that the initial contributor to this thread isn't around here much at the moment. Presumably he spends most of his time these days browing the pages of gaycontacts.com Or maybe he has done the ultimate thing: Joined the Pacific boys! New name: Pacific Avenue featuring Pink Geoff. He just can't bother with us fuckers anymore... (Especially me who brought this thread to daylight again )
  5. So who has this famous cd in possession right now? Lindsay (glam junkie)? Maybe the cd is someone's all-time favourite cd and wants to keep it... eh? Clues anybody? C´mon lets get this cd moving!!
  6. SPIRITs In The Material World - The Police
  7. A.C.T. - Silence Skin Kandy - Matters Of The Flesh Allison - One Wild Boyz - Unleashed! Ambrosia - Anthology Monro - S/T Annie Lennox - Songs Of Mass Destruction
  8. Urgent Rhinos Gets Hammered i o i o
  9. I would LOVE to see another Cry Of Love release. With either singer... or better yet... use both!
  10. Lemme ask you Geoff: Are you still "into" ( ) these guys?
  11. This is indeed the gayest thread I've come across! I just watched these "AOR videos" and laughed my ass off Even I can listen to the most annoying/lame/sweet/what-fuck-ever but this just takes the price. Well maybe they will release a ROCKING album next. Like Michael Bolton
  12. My vote goes to the awesome "Contagious" album.
  13. I learned that the Widda is a Playa... Widda is a very naughty girl and needs to be punished severely I learned today that I'm now an owner of a CD won on an auction. The CD is Skin Kandy - Matters Of The Flesh. Now is that a good thing or not?
  14. I learned today that I have a short memory........what was the question again?
  15. Zero Nine - Voodoo You Peer Gûnt - Peer Gûnt 1/Through The Wall The Voltas - Supermarket Lights Lucie Silvas - Breathe In Mother's Finest - S/T Disneyland After Dark - No Fuel Left For The Pilgrims (NOT D:A:D) Night Ranger - Dawn Control Bulldozer - Seedy Waiting For Lucy - Pictura Big House - S/T Maggie's Dream - S/T See Spot Run - Ten Stories High (thanks koogles for the last 5)
  16. Hey Wotty! Imagination running dry? Deftones Under Smelling Teat w h a t
  17. Moon My Friend Mindless Times Cashmir Do these MP3 samples work?
  18. In this week's shoppingbag: Cashmir: S/T (Awesome! ) Ian Parry: Artistic Licence Ian Parry: Sympony Of Dreams Kings Of The Sun: Full Frontal Attack Kotipelto: Serenity Kotipelto: Coldness Sister Manik: Read My Lips Damage Control: S/T Pat Travers: Crash And Burn Blackfoot: No Reservations Blackfoot: Flyin' High Kingdom Come: Ain't Crying For The Moon Saint Deamon: In Shadows Lost From The Brave Astro Lanes: Stripped Lynyrd Skynyrd: The Essential (2CD) Bonfire: Don't Touch The Light ...to name a few
  19. Awwwright my fellow HeavyHarmonizers! Here's a treat for you. 3 full MP3 samples from the Cashmir debut. I was surfing the net today searching for a website to upload things on. I stumbled across this one where these samples are stored and it looks like a great website. Check it out! I haven't yet explored the whole thing but it looks promising. Here´s the MP3 samples: Moon My Friend Mindless Times Cashmir Any Brother Firetribe/Leverage fan just can't ignore these tunes. IMO they wrestle in the same league as the aforementioned. Please post a comment of your thoughts of the samples. I'd like to know the opions of the so-called..."experts" Later Stefan
  20. Alright folks! I've just lived with this cd for a day and my first reaction was "Hmmm...pretty good", maybe a 4-5 good songs and the rest...not so good. Then after 3 or 4 times playing from start to finish the songs came to life. Now I must say this is as good as BTF/Leverage and the thing that started to sink in more and more: Pekka has a GREAT set of pipes! Probably Finland's best voice. This album starts strongly with 2 melodic rockers followed with the first ballad: Mindless Times. Songs number 4 and 5 are also 2 great melodic rockers but then the album takes a little bit of a "dive" with song number 6: Knock Yourself Out. Difficult to discribe but not the same style as the rest of the album Good nevertheless! The momentum picks up on song 7 and the music get stronger and stronger towards the end. My personal favourites are: Moon My Friend (9) and Cashmir (10). Moon My Friend is so close to BTF you almost think it is them. It rocks And Cashmir sounds like Leverage. The album ends with a sweet ballad: Streets Of Common People. Well, the final verdict? Excellent...excellent! If you are a Brother Firetribe/Leverage fan (Dan? ) this is a must have in your collection. Clearly one of my best spent money on a CD and I suppose it's quite a rare cd to get hold of. Check out a young looking Pekka below If you like to hear what the fuss is all about, PM me and I'll see what I can do...or willing to do Til next time, Stefan
  21. After a little research I found out that Cashmir released one album (selftitled) and a second one was recorded but remain unreleased due to problems of the record label. The song "Josie" isn't to be found on the debut. Perhaps it is from the unreleased "lost" album. Cashmir lasted about 10 years right up til Brother Firetribe was formed. They tried (or the record label tried! ) to break themselves onto the German scene and changed their name to Trombi. Trombi released a cd-single called: Better Than Me (SONY MUSIC year: 2000) but to no avail. They didn't hit the big time. This is the debut cd: Cashmir: S/T 1997 Atominus Records atocd 001 1. Be Awake 2. Best Of Both Worlds 3. Cashmir 4. Knock Yourself Out 5. Marvel 6. Mindless Times 7. Moon My Friend 8. Not A Number 9. Simplicity 10. Streets Of Common People 11. Too Late To Wonder Why Actually I managed to track down this debut on an auction site here in Finland and bought the damn thing (the cd, not the site or Finland ) I will probably get it within a week. I´ll post my feelings about the cd in the near future. Rock on Stefan
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