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2023 Donors - Stefan
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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Drugs Under Sting's Teapot F G H J
  2. Hungarian Queen's A**l Penetration U U P P
  3. 3 birds and 25 cases of beer would do it!
  4. First time I heard the single - All In My Head - I thought it was a new one by Jon Bon Jovi. The vocals has a similar tone to it. The style is some kind of modern/pop rock and the whole cd is quite good. Click here
  5. Well done chap!! - finally you can relax and stop keep hassling me about it Just discovered Carmen Gray earlier this year myself. Damn good CD! That´s true! Damn good CD!
  6. Royal Tramps - Dangerous And Extremely Unhealthy? The Milestones - Souvenirs Billy Talent - II Kid Rock - Rock'n'Roll Jesus
  7. Liberian Idiot Nukes Kommies S O L D
  8. She Is Everything by Spock's Beard. I would say Song of the Month. Awesome stuff!
  9. Sambo? Sambo means Sam and this link will shed more light on what Stormspell is getting at...... Better brace yourself http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=7964 Ah that Sam! I thought it was him but wasn't sure. Anyway don't think for a minute I'm on Sam's side on this subject but maybe sometimes there's the exception to the rule....or is there? I guess someone's gonna comment on this. That either you're against bootlegs or you're not, that you can't be both. So don't get me wrong, I'm 99.9 % against it.... Stefan
  10. I learned today that I´m becoming obsessed with these pages. I just can't stop replying. Maybe I'm possessed with some kind of evil spirit who tells me to keep using all these emoticons wherever and whenever its possible and even when my girlfriend and my dog keeps on barking at me I just can't stop and and and and the walls are caving in and AHHHHHHHHH
  11. stupid trapped under doormat A B B A
  12. Cool? Isn't the ass of a penguin cool? What? Not funny? What the f**k am I doin' here? BANEED? Stefan?
  13. OMG! I just shot someone!! Nice picture though...
  14. If you search for this "gentleman": Linman from the main page you´ll find the father (Patrik) of the singer from the band (Andre Linman). His dad is involved in the writing and producing of the album. Actually they are all from my hometown and I have met "the dad" on several occasions and even had a couple of drinks with him. "The dad" has been on the music scene since late 80´s (I guess) and still going...eh..."strong". Actually The Sturms recent single Indian is a big hit here at the moment and even I like it. Well I guess nobody really cares 'bout this info so I'm off... (WHAT?! No smileys?!) Stefan
  15. (Wow, already my second post! ) Yes, you're right! These are bootlegs and take it from me: excellent ones. I have bought several items from Igor (day-bidder) and never been disappointed. The only thing that sets them apart from the real thing is a: some Russian writing (especially on the OBI) alongside Japanese/English and b: you KNOW it isn't an official release. So if you don't mind a bootleg or two: go for it , if you mind: I myself have the two Andy Taylor CDs from "day-bidder" so I'm happy and pleased with them
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