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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. It's never been about the money and I've always found it ironic that you think you're right Dan - about EVERYTHING. Well , when it comes to me Dan , you've always missed the mark , but I will let you believe otherwise.
  2. Dan , I would love to announce my personal stance on boots in a public forum.....but it ain't gonna happen. And knowing your history about posting my PM's , I probably wouldn't actually type it to you either. My friends at this forum know where I stand. If people took the time to ask me about it over a phone conversation I would be happy to explain it. In closing , I will make this clear. Anybody who signs with RR is protected. Bottom line. As EVERY label-owner should be. I just want to know why it's the same losers in every attack and why they don't mention the hundreds of boots being sold by dozens of ebay sellers?!?!
  3. I think it's pretty obvious who has posted in this thread.
  4. Love it how you guys mention certain labels but don't say shit about the guys who are selling the Ana Black Demos and the Rio 2on1's , the Defcon boots , the Tuff Luck boots ETC.... One-dimensional idiots.
  5. How horrible. The shame. Fighting a losing battle? Man , I've been telling you that for years. Nice to know you peeps are so involved in the auctions. Did well this week eh? You really should worry about things that concern your personal life and stop being so envious of other people's. Lon , that last post wasn't directed at you by the way bro , since you are so involved in the Hurricane thing , I completely understand your resentment of the Greeks.
  6. Once again you can thank ol' Sammy boy for the entertainment....
  7. FakeHuman , funny how you mention Pleezer and Spiced Ice as being suspected boots BUT I MAKE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR IN THE AUCTIONS THAT THEY ARE OFFICIAL RE-ISSUES. READ FOR ONCE. Don't believe me? OK , contact Eddy Sandor at Sandor Sound Services in Branson Missouri AND Aaron Letrick through his talent agency in Manhattan , New York. Pea-brained little prick needs to get his facts right. How in the hell do you think I got a bonus track for Spiced Ice and 4 Bonus Tracks for Pleezer?!?!?!? SHEEEESH
  8. Hey FakePenis (haha!) , what the hell is this statement.... "Ask Tindrum or Spiced Ice whether they ever got a penny-NEVER!" TINDRUM WAS NOT RELEASED BY RETROSPECT YOU ASSMUNCH!!! As for Spiced Ice , why don't you contact Eddy Sandor at Sandor Sound Services and ask him if he's seen any royalty checks.... GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.
  9. Fake Police , you have just insulted so many good people at this board with that last statement , not to mention the bands who are finally receiving checks after years and years of laying dormant. And you have insulted me and my business , one that I have worked extremely hard at and put in a lot of hours. You are a joke and everyone who knows me and dealt with me knows what I am all about. TRough and Lon , you guys are true to the music , and kudos to you for having so much integrity to the scene. FAKEPOLICE should be called FAKEHUMAN because it is very obvious to me that he doesn't like music and has no common sense. Take a hike.
  10. Touchy? This motherfucker is trying to say that Retrospect is a bootleg label? Kiss my ass you prick , I'll give you emails of every fucking band on the label and you can find out how many royalty checks I send out every quarter.
  11. Dude I got 2 words for ya.... Most rare stuff is booted by me??? WTF? Everything on Retrospect is legit my European compadre so why don't you find the booters in your own back yard before making accusations you know jack-shit about. Morons like you really need a wake-up call. Jerk-off. I have NOTHING to do with any other label except my own.
  12. thanks Christine , Recordjnky and I are hoping for a Christmas miracle...
  13. Having personal issues at the moment - my dad is dying. He is number 1. Will have new stuff out end of the month. thanks
  14. Guzman was the other guitar player who was not involved in the release of any Defcon material since he is no longer friends of the band. Shawn Zavodney was the keyboardist for Defcon , who also is not a part of the Defcon release since apparently him and Mark had a falling out. Shawn now plays for Jani Lane and you can check out my horror story of Jani's under the topic ROAD STORY.
  15. hey thanks for the tip about Sandy Stewart - I'll ask Gerry about licensing that one too. I also found out that Mirage had something to do with those 2 killer RAGE albums from the early 80s too. You know the ones "Run for the Night" and the other one (name escapes me) , so those would be real gems also! I am still talking to Mark Chatfield about the ROSIE re-releases , hope to make that happen!
  16. Most Led Zeppelin. Most overrated band EVER (next to Nirvana). Anything by Nirvana , Pearl Jam or shitty grunge. Most Guns N Roses. Sorry but Axl has one of the most grating voices in history.
  17. How could I forget? Another VIP signing for Retrospect.... LORRAINE!! Some people know this album called "Boys Night Out" is one of the highest priced discs around. Well now it will finally see an official cd release , and what a corker it is! Hair Metal at its finest. Freddy , the singer of Tyger Tyger is Tony Lee Wise. He was the original vocalist for Crimson Glory before Midnight!
  18. ONE MORE THING..... Here at Retrospect , we have decided to give back to the fans even further.. Find us a band , if we sign them , you will receive an album credit as well as $50 bonus cash PLUS free cd's.
  19. Hi folks , time for an update on the Retrospect front. Been extremely busy here signing over a dozen acts in the past 2 weeks!! NEW RELEASES NOW AVAILABLE Saylor - tracks recorded between 1988 and 1995 - Melodic Hard Rock (side project from Herazz members) Herazz "Yet To Come" - 1985 - Melodic Metal Herazz "Can't Let Go" - 1989 - Hair Metal / Melodic Hard Rock and the FOURTH Herazz album released by RR. Alleyrat - 1992 - A Melodic Metal GEM , if you want Alyze with even BETTER vocals then check these guys out - one of my personal faves in the Retrospect catalog (JLPROCKS - this right up your alley , lol pun intended). Joey Dalmon "Carousel" - 1990 - Westcoast AOR like The Koo meets Sharx. Jez , Kim HP and the AOR crew needs this one! Stit - "Backwards" - 2006 - This Detroit-based quartet have been together since 1989 and this is their first CD release - as well as one of the very few 'active' bands in the Retrospect catalog. Fans of 80s Glam / Sleaze should check out STIT (not to mention that my wife's chest endows the cover of this release - lol) Stalker - 1990 - Melodic Hard Rock / Hair Metal Big Guns - 1990 - Melodic Hard Rock / Hair Metal COMING SOON... Mass "New Birth" - 1985 Reckless "No Frills" - 1987 Herman Ze German & Friends - 1985 Oney "Bust Em Down" - 1991 - Second Installment from this Ohio-based Hair Metal act. Staxx "Don' No No Betta" - 1988 - Hair Metal Wild August "self-titled" - 1989 - Hair Metal Wild August "2" - 1991 - ditto Slam Savvy - 1991 - Hair Metal from Canada JUST AROUND THE CORNER.... DC Star "Rockin in the Classroom" - 1987 (licensed from Mirage Records!) Fierce Heart - 1985 (licensed from Mirage Records!) Gerard McMann "Foreign Papers" - 1986 - AOR (licensed from Mirage Records!) Mariah "3 The Final Demos" - 1992 - Waiting for remaster. Mr Dangerous - 1989 - Hair Metal Lazy Susan "Bad Habit" - 1994 - Melodic Hard Rock Intrinsic "Intrinsic" - 1988 - Classic Metal Poynt Blankk - 1993 - Thrash Metal from Hawaii on Retrospect subsidiary RetroThrash Fortress "Horrors of Paradise" - 1991 - Thrash Metal from Houston also on RetroThrash - Testament , Exodus , Overkill fans are gonna LOOOOVE this one! Money - 1986 - Melodic Hard Rock / AOR Stiletto - 1988 - Melodic Rock / AOR featuring Sharx vocalist Victor Chambray Hamish "TBA" - 1990 - Melodic Rock / AOR from Canada (Haywire , Boulevard fans!!!) Bugsy Malone - 1991 - Hair Metal from Denver Strikeforce "TBA" - More melodic 80s Metal dug up from the vaults of Strikeforce! Scary Hairy "Intent to Deliver" - 1993 - Melodic Metal (with a touch of prog) featuring Manila Thrills vocalist Michael Beck. Fury "Fury" - 1985 - One of the most coveted 80s AOR gems FINALLY gets an official cd release. If you are aware of the fantastic cd by "Blanc Faces" (2005) then you'll know that I am ecstatic about signing the LaBlanc brothers. 20 years before Blanc Faces , these guys released an unbelievable slice of AOR that no AOR fan should be without (I am really excited about this one!) - WOW. Nantucket "V" - 1985 - That's right folks , the Nantucket legacy continues by signing with Retrospect for a 2 album deal (which includes a Live album) , but this is their most AOR-sounding album and it FINALLY sees a cd release. Another essential piece for the AOR collectors. Tyger Tyger "TBA" - 1992 - Florida-based Melodic Hard Rock / Hair Metal featuring members of Roxx Gang , Intice and Crimson Glory. This one f____g ROCKS!! Jester "Time Has Come" - 1993 - Melodic Hard Rock - 2nd release on Retrospect from this extremely talented Canadian act. Beggars Playground - 1993 - Melodic Hard Rock from St Louis. Featuring members of Bad Candy (also on Retrospect) Isom "TBA" - 1988 - Melodic Hard Rock / AOR / Hair Metal featuring "Monster" vocalist (lol) Mark Isom. This one is as good as DEFCON!!! Toxic Dollz - 1991 - Pure Glam / Sleaze Nasty Habits - 1990 - Glam / Melodic Hard Rock IN THE STUDIO.... Defcon - after 15 years these guys are recording their follow-up to the extremely successful self-titled album. Strikeforce - new album coming early 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell , we are extremely busy here. And there's probably some releases I forgot about! LOL. Retrospect employees are working round the clock to bring you the most obscure (and not-so-obscure) artists from the 80s. I thank you again for your continued support. Rest assured that 2007 will be even bigger than 2006!
  20. Ryan is cool for the most part. Knowledgable and a nice guy. One HUGE problem. Ryan owes Ron Keel somewhere in the range of about $10,000 in royalties for the sales of "The Right To Rock" , Ironhorse and Fair Game. And he had the nerve to call me out on TKO? The shame.
  21. I went with Def Lep "Hysteria" but the best album of that time and , in my opinion , of all-time is Whitesnake 1987. Nothing touches that album. 10 out of 10 - Absolute Perfection.
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