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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. Dave , I didn't have a problem either until his 2nd post. Anyhoo , I actually agree with Dan (for a change) on the 'idea' , so let's get it started. Announcement coming soon in regards to lots of new signings and releases.... Retrospect is on track to slate its 200th release before Xmas. Isn't that unbelievable? 200 releases within 15 months - Who would have thought? Thanks goes to so many here at the forum for hooking me up with so many artists and believing in this label... You guys rock!
  2. Dan , he needs to just stay away from anything related to Retrospect Records. Mind boggling or not.
  3. Look , I don't really care if David was sincere or not.....this guy is obviously obsessed with monitoring my existence 24/7 and keeps bringing up shit from a long time ago. His comments are not wanted and not needed in the forum, so from now on my response to David will always be to 'fuck off'. David is a smarmy , slimey , two-faced , back-stabbing , under-handed antagonist who I have NO respect for. He'll PM me being as nice as can be and then the next minute , take every cheap shot he can in a public forum. Why even bother David? Just don't even comment.
  4. David , I think I speak for everyone when I say: Kindly fuck off from this part of the forum. Ummmkay?
  5. And what's the truth David? That I have released 50 albums for every one album you have? That I am getting over 100,000 hits a month on the website? That I pay more royalties that any other label? That stores all over the world are buying Retrospect cd's? That Radio stations in 16 different countries are playing Retrospect artists? That I can release a cd within 2 months of announcing a signing? That I am the largest re-issue label in the world? All of those are FACTS. Now what's your resume looking like David? Cuz I can smell it from here in Las Vegas.....
  6. Dude , why would a band lie about your attempts to degrade my company? Use some common sense David.
  7. Well , David I guess 'the truth' set you and SunCity free.......free of getting the contract with Smash L.A. ....and they told me that you were perfectly prepared to release their album FROM YOUR CASSETTE TRANSFER 'REMASTERING' job. So don't spew your bullshit David , you lost out because you have 5 releases compared to the 140+ that I have. That speaks louder than any crap you spread about me to other bands , not to mention that your conduct is extremely unprofessional. At least Smash L.A. will now see a release date BEFORE December 2007.
  8. I think we'll find a lot of new Retrospect releases silver-pressed now that I have worked out an amazing deal with a company here in the U.S. So , my first reaction to that question is yes , Wild August will be silver and so will Ninja as well as most of the new Retrospect releases. P.S. By the way David , thanks for talking so much shit about my company to SMASH L.A. , it really turned them off of SunCity and right into a contract with Retrospect. Keep up the good work.
  9. Thats right. Ninja "Sealed With a Kiss" (S.W.A.K.) and they have another previous release also.
  10. Cool eh? Let me tell you the story. I announced a couple of months ago that Wild August had signed with Retrospect for a 2 album deal. Well , turns out the 2 lead singers for Wild August....Sullivan Bigg and Danny Stanton both have albums with other projects which I promptly licensed. Danny had 2 albums with Ninja. Sullivan had his own solo album. What's also interesting is that Sullivan and Danny both have big booking agencies on opposite sides of the country.
  11. Yeh you're right dude , I have 140 artists on the label and they are all getting fucked - Gosh , I wonder where $5000+ of my money went last week then when I sent out an ass-load of royalty checks to people I don't pay? I better call my supposed sidekick Jim Patton to see what the hell happened. Jim did you take 5 g's and not tell me? Oh and Martin I love this line "Trading a cdr here and there is not screwing over an artist who released 500 cd's 20 years ago" Shows your true colors mate. Kiss My
  12. ....and I'm glad you are in the minority Martin - judging from Retrospect sales in the past year most people actually like supporting the bands instead of fucking them through file-sharing.....
  13. Hi Tim , good to see you here. How do they compare to the Retrospect stuff? STORMY... "Nope, not particularly against you, it was more general comment towards the plague of cheap duplicated CDRs which sells anonimously for $40+ on eBay." I am not gonna start anything silly , but I told you many many moons ago that most people care about the music , one day some people will understand that. I am not going to get into this now though as I am on the fence about certain issues.
  14. I don't know if that was a negative comment directed towards me Stormy , but whatever. Yeh , obviously this guy got his ideas from me since he bought many cd's from me. I wanna check one out.
  15. LOL - Retro Records. You gotta be shitting me!! Anyone bought anything yet?
  16. Quite unbelievably , Dennis has another 2 albums worth of material for more Mariah releases!!! Is that exciting or what?!?!
  17. thanks guys! I wish I could do ALL RR releases like the Defcon.
  18. lol Gringo , that was great. David , you were going to release the Tainted Angel material without the original masters so there's your answer. I backed it up. Another lie from David... "I know that the CD is professionally silver pressed for example" Bullshit! You have wanted to buy my entire catalog so just stop the freaking lies! Now answer this question because a lot of people want to know... WHY DO YOU KEEP GETTING SUSPENDED FROM EBAY?? If you can't even keep an upstanding Ebay account then how in the fuck can you be trusted managing the monies from the bands you signed??? I'll be contacting them and asking....I have all of their MYSPACE pages... I tell you what David , let's end this B.S> right now and you call me on the phone so we can have a little chat. Let's see if you're willing to be a man. Just PM me and I'll give you my phone number....
  19. you know David , I couldn't tell what the hell is from original masters or not since these have been sitting around for MONTHS and MONTHS and haven't been released yet... Blackboard Jungle - Welcome To The Blackboard Jungle Kidd Havok - Roll The Dice Sweet Teaze - Groovin' On The Backside Fashion Police - Plug It In Fashion Police - A New Minority Fashion Police - Callin' All The Shots Fatal Charm - Looks Like Trouble Pretty Vacant - Walkin' On A Tilt Daniel MacMaster - Rock Bonham.... And The Long Road Back Dirty Rhythm - Never Cleaned Up Dude you need to clean up your own backyard because right now your reputation , in all aspects, just downright fucking blows. Lynn didn't rip me off , he just didn't come thru with things he said he was going to do and now I can sell his album for eternity and not owe him a dime. He was the idiot , not me. One more thing David , all Retrospect releases come from THE BEST SOURCE MATERIAL available. Don't like it? Don't buy it. You sure have wanted to buy Retrospect releases time and time again haven't you? It just bugs the hell out of you that I have your ebay number pegged , doesn't it David? Let me make something VERY clear , if I see you on ebay again and/or if someone reports to me that you are actively bidding , I'll have you suspended faster than a lost SunCity contract. Kapiche? Right now I have released over 140 albums to your 4 in a matter of one year. And you wonder why so many bands are jumping on the Retrospect train? You just can't handle that can you?
  20. You fucking liar David. I know the entire Tainted Angel story mate and there's a reason you lost the deal....because you're a PRICK. You claim this... "Suncity Records has a policy that we only release albums from the original masters" This is the biggest pile of shit you have ever spoken. As far as Smash L.A. goes this was a very simple deal.... YOU LOST IT ONCE AGAIN TO RETROSPECT RECORDS BECAUSE EVERYBODY KNOWS YOUR TRACK RECORD. Don't try to sugarcoat your failures David , they are glaring and quite obvious. How many more bands are you going to lose to me David because of your incompetence in releasing material? You were finished before you began David , mainly due to your addiction to ebay and fucking over of countless sellers. How many names have been suspended now David? 4? 5? WHY? Let's see you explain why you have been suspended 4 times... I feel sorry for any bands that you sign David , because they'll wait a whole fucking year before they get a release , you can mark my words when I tell you that I'll be on a crusade to contact these bands and steal them once again. They'll know the TRUTH behind David at SunCity. What a piece of work you are. On a lighter note , Jason your replies had me
  21. David , I am gonna tell you one last time to shut your piehole , you have NO idea what you're talking about personally or professionally (that is quite obvious). There is NOT ONE Retrospect release currently in print that is a boot. Now that you've stirred the pot , I'm gonna let loose... Let's see , you have signed a few bands since last December and NOBODY HAS SEEN A FUCKING RELEASE YET!!! STOP YOUR BULLSHIT EBAY ANTICS AND START PUTTING YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS. You are the fraud David. You have fucked over umpteen sellers at this forum and around the globe. You have the NERVE to even open your trap about my ethics??? How about I get all the sellers who you have shafted and sue your Aussie arse for wasting valuable time and money? You truly make me sick David with some of the bullshit that you spew.... Here's the nail in the coffin for ya.... AND I QUOTE FROM DAVID.. "Another band that I stopped Sam from bootlegging and ripping off was a Canadian band, Smash L.A. which I have full contracts signed for the release of their self-titled album this year." Hey asshole , THIS IS A BIG FAT LIE. Smash L.A. has signed to Retrospect and I would be happy to post the contract here so everyone can see what a pathetic loser you really are. LET ME SEE YOUR CONTRACTS M.F. You can't show them BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE THEM. I'm man enough to admit I made some errors in judgement a year ago BUT NOW IT'S DIFFERENT. Retrospect is a whole different animal... But you are the same David , still a jealous competitor who loves to dish it out but can't take it when you are called out. Now try focusing on releasing your own product that everyone has been waiting damn near a year for and STOP wasting peoples time on Ebay. and DIMEIT , I just figured out who you are - that chump from Full In Bloom who advocates buying boots in one interview and then does a rope-a-dope in another. Dude you are a classic example of the word HYPOCRITE and you need to get a life , seriously. I've heard it all , ex-managers , ex-girlfriends , ex-wives - they're all gonna sue sue sue. Gimmie a break.
  22. Ok Mr Holier Than Thou , I'll play your little game. My email for Brad is no longer valid and in fact I asked the bass player to have Brad contact me. He is welcome to contact me whenever he likes and I would be extremely happy to sign TKO for a 2 album deal. I had to laugh at this line.... "If you want to push your luck, I would love to make it a priority in my life." I am shaking in my boots - lol. Take your empty threats and patronize someone else who gives a damn. Take a hike.
  23. Yeh you're right man , I totally rip-off everyone who does or doesn't sign with me and I have no interest in paying anyone what they are owed (my heroes are the guys at Majestic Rock so I'm following their lead). Amazing how I've stayed in business so long really isn't it? ....or did you miss the part where I said all Brad needs to do is contact me for his cut?
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