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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. LOL - thanks for the compliments and constructive comments! Well , this is the next step. I am making a concerted effort now to print all inserts with lyrics (hence the delay in Mariah III , which was going to be a basic cover - but this is about to change). As well as reprint a few older titles a little nicer looking! Friction may be a possibility. I will make some calls. I am trying!
  2. After hearing the shyte that Terry Ilous has gone through to even TALK to anyone at Capitol about his XYZ material (you'd think it was fucking Fort Knox!) , it's hard to believe a person could even have a conversation with someone at Capitol about the rights to Hurricane and/or Billy Squier. Holy shit! Did anybody else notice this....????? Initial post by David " Lonnie was in a severe car accident yesterday morning." and then in his response to Georg... "the accident occurred sometime between the time he left at 2 and 3:15pm." Which one is it?
  3. Now it IS possible that Lonnie went directly to the labels to obtain / buy the rights to these releases... (after all , Wounded Bird and MTM do this shit all the time and the artists do not get notified OR paid - thats the fucking truth so don't delete the facts). Anyhoo , like I said , he could have bought the licensing rights directly from Capitol (would have cost an arm and a leg) but Lon has said all along that he was in direct contact with Kelly concerning the Hurricane re-issues , so I suppose that doesn't make sense either.
  4. After evaluating everything I am still on the fence about this. I mean , I honestly do not believe someone would go through months and months of planning to extort a few grand. BUT , what's up with Hurricane and Billy Squier , and now it seems Valentine , not knowing about these re-issues? Lonnie has always answered my emails and come through for me , but there are so many questions... Here's what I believe. I think Lonnie made too many promises that he couldn't keep so he needed a way to buy some time. But on the other hand , why would he boot such high-profile bands? Too many pros and cons. Too many questions that need to be answered.....
  5. Again , I am not giving up on Lon yet but....check this shit out!!!!! Every package I have got from Lon came from a Ford / Lincoln dealership in Blytheville. NEVER on the return address did it say Lonnie Holdaway. Lon , please prove me wrong and be the stand up guy we all know you to be!!!
  6. Holy hell Jim - you have a point - I'll be right back with some interesting news...
  7. How the hell do you think I feel?? He still owes me 50 cd's that I paid for in December!!!
  8. Even through all the bullshit there's something distinctly not right about this whole deal. I have spoke with Lonnie a few times on the phone and I just will not believe his intentions were to shaft so many people out of a few grand. No - there's more to this story. EXAMPLE Frontrunner. Now these guys came to me and asked me to sign them and work out a licensing deal. I told Lonnie that this band was his baby and he should release their stuff. He was cool with that and sorted it out - Why would he lead them astray instead of passing the deal on to me? Man , I dunno , I understand some of you are pissed but I think we need to get some more facts straight. If Lon has really planned this and fucked people over (including me by the way) then this topples any bullshit I have gone through with you guys. THIS IS WHY YOU NEVER NEVER EVER EVER EVER FUCK AROUND WITH PRE-ORDERS. I NEVER offer pre-orders with my releases until they are in my hands and ready to ship. I hope you have learned a lesson. I am absolutely shocked that Lon would do this and I think the truth will eventually emerge.
  9. Hi everyone. Due to the overwhelming response , the following sold out cd's will be reprinted as second editions.... Dreamstreet "Heartzone" - re-packaged with bonus track (s) and silver-pressed First Strike "Only For You" - will include lyrics and new cover Makbeth "Death Divorce & Taxes" - will include lyrics and bonus track (s) Blitzkrieg "Ready For Action" - will include lyrics , liners and more pics Gypsy Blue "Creative Tension" - will include lyrics and pics CURRENTLY IN PRODUCTION.... Reckless "No Frills" Herman Ze German & Friends Mass "New Birth" Nantucket "V" Poynt Blankk Lorraine "Wanted" Lazy Susan "Bad Habit" KEEL is on tour in March and April I will be touring with Ron Keel for a 2 week run at the end of March and April. Dates are scheduled in Ohio , Michigan , Pennsylvania and Virginia - I will post them here soon. Selected dates will feature Retrospect bands like Weapons , Herazz and STIT. Defcon and Oney will appear on our summer tour. ROCK ON!!
  10. well , let's see , I am the leader of 80s Hard Rock re-issues and that particular genre has a 'cult' following wouldn't you say? So hmmm..... I guess that makes sense in a kind of way....
  11. I don't really feel like I'm taking on the world - just the industry whores that have abused bands for too long. So many of you are quick to point out bootlegs and yet you condone the shafting of bands by the labels you idolize. I believe that is the definition of hypocrisy. Bootlegs will always be around - you will never stop it , but you can educate. Greedy label-owners will always be around - I can't stop it , but I can educate.
  12. Geoff , the reason you don't see them slinging shit at each other is because they are all in bed together doing the same thing to their own artists. The same thing that Z Records did. Somebody once said that I have enemies in the music business. That 'someone' was another label-owner who was bent out of shape because I exposed him for the fraud he is. I have enemies because I do not adhere to the conventional way of doing business. And if you look at successful businessman of the past and present you'll find that they had to 'cross the line' and take chances doing 'unconventional' methods to get to where they are. It's funny how you guys mention me slinging shit to take the focus off myself.....HAHA....the majority of you monitor my existence 24/7. I sling the truth. I protect the musicians. I am one of the only label-owners in the world right now who is a bonafide professional musician. I WANT everyone to focus on ME. Business is good and there's not a day that goes by where a band is emailing me wanting to sign with R.R. because of their previous unsuccessful dealings with 'other' labels. I don't know if you guys think R.R is a joke but I released more product in the past 18 months than any other company in the world. This is serious and regardless to what some of you think , I am making a dent in the industry one day at a time. It's not about me , it's about the music I represent. I have nothing to hide and judging from record-breaking sales in January , the real music fans believe in the cause too. One more thing.... I told you months ago that Retrospect releases would become collectible items. Well , judging from ebay sales of already oop Retrospect titles , my prediction came true (once again foiling all the nay-sayers and unbelievers - who's laughing now?). I have seen other sellers fetch prices of $80-$100 of various oop Retrospect releases. End of story.
  13. Jim you know I respect you man but Pete had no business telling me to shut the fuck up and going off on his little tirade either. To Pete , the pot and the kettle. Learn the story. There is not one question I have ever refused to answer.
  14. I disagree, Sam's negativity and lack of any semblance of communication skills is what brings it all down on him. It's up to him to fix it at the source. He's a supposed professional businessman, but he seems to have a problem acting like one. I deal with professionals all day long in all types of capacities and if any of them acted half as immaturely as Sam I'd discontinue dealings with them in half a heartbeat. It's almost like you're saying I should let him slide because he's handicapped. If you really want the "unfair witchhunt" to stop, tell your buddy to calm the fuck down and snack on some Prozac before logging in. I will continue to delete the non-specific insinuating posts, whether they be from David, Sam or whomever. I rarely ever delete a post, but the post was nothing other than "ooh, these guys do bad things and they should be ashamed". If Dan tells me not to delete anything, obviously I'll stop. That kind of, "well you wouldn't believe what (insert name here) is doing", and then saying nothing specific is a bunch of crap. If he's got something to say, then he should be a man and say it. Anything less is just gossip. If he came out and said so and so is doing this or that I wouldn't have touched the post, regardless of the content, because one of the few things I agree with in your post is that this is about getting information, good or bad about sellers and traders. Sam's post was not informational other than the names he mentioned. For the record, what I think about Sam has nothing to do with it. I happen to like David, but I'm no stranger to deleting his posts either. Ok Pete , I am going to refrain from posting what I really think of you and that's going to be extremely difficult. But since you are the guilty party of what I accused you of in my earlier post , I think that pretty much sums you up. So let me make this absolutely clear so you can get it through that thick egotistical skull of yours. Does NEH Records carry Frontiers / MTM titles? Do the Harlings carry Frontiers / MTM titles? What about Perris / Metal Mayhem / Dreamdisc / The End Records?? WELL I GUESS THAT'S PROOF THEN ISN'T IT??????? IT IS ILLEGAL for Frontiers and MTM to export their titles to the USA when they are ONLY LICENSED FOR EUROPEAN RELEASE. HOW'S THAT FOR SPECIFICS??? Do you not get that????. How much more fucking proof do you need????? Now before people get on the Russian cd kick - let me add a clause here.... (USED cd's can be imported / exported / exploded - wherever) - when they are SEALED however and then wholesaled to distributors around the world that's when it becomes illegal. Jesus Christ people , get your head out of your stinky ass shitter and learn the business. The reason I get so pissed is guys like Pete who will chastise me to no end and can't even be bothered to learn MUSIC 101. You bitch and whine about shit that I do and then give the reacharound to the labels that are shafting the bands!!!! Wake the fuck up. I am sick to death of MORONS. Pete , you were one of those nimblenuts a year and a half ago that said I would fail within 6 months. And all your talk of me being unprofessional doesn't count for SHIT because 18 months into this thing I am kicking ass and the bands keep on comin. So you can take all your negative energy and blow it out your ass - the same place your words come from. Now hand me my pro-zac....
  15. Agreed. No war here Christine , I am just enlightening my fellow HH members. I shall add another story here.... The same Norwegian guitarist who happened to be signed to a label here in the U.S. (with a different band) sold approximately 2000 copies of a certain disc. When asked why they only got a $500 royalty check for the ENTIRE amount of units sold - the particular label-owner just said "Oh well , sue me". I've never had a thing to say about this label-owner before and will continue to keep my mouth shut to who he is (for now) - but you visit this forum mister , so I'd like you to explain yourself - you know who you are. DISGUSTING. My bandmate and best friend Ron Keel licensed THREE of his recordings (FULL CD'S) to another well-known label here in the USA - he got $3000 up-front , $1000 for each cd. He hasn't seen a PENNY since. THIS WAS 7 YEARS AGO!!! Those particular cd's are STILL being sold. Another very good friend of mine Mark Gendel (from RPM) owns 50% of the publishing on the RPM albums. When I found him , he had no idea of any RPM re-issue and was pissed to learn that the issuing label had used bonus tracks that were not theirs to use! This was 2005. It is now 2007 and Mark STILL has not received a dime from GEMA or the issuing label for the 50% publishing he OWNS!!! Hence , OUR re-issue which is Mark's baby. There's no excuses. There's no "well maybe this or maybe that". This is real life and it's bullshit. Shall I continue?
  16. I get my info from the horses mouth so to speak. If some people at various forums around the globe would stop brown-nosing certain record labels and actually start talking to bands , they might get a clue on how these bands are getting shafted. Here's a classic example (a small version - I have a lot better ones)..... Norwegian guitar player from a certain band comes over to the NAMM show. He asks his (well-known) label if he can have a few promo cd's. The label tells him to buy them off the website. He never got any of his cd's (not even ONE after production) and then he has to PAY for a few promo copies????? WTF???? You guys think I just make this shit up? I have hundreds of stories like this. Am I perfect? Nope. AM I 100% honest with every band who has a contract with me? Yep. How is it that every band I talk to has something shitty to say about various labels around the world? When I present these issues , they are shot down as ludicrous. Get off your knees and start asking questions.
  17. I wanna know why the FUCK my post was deleted. If someone here is sucking corporate cock then you go ahead and do it - but if you are going to prevent me from exposing the frauds in this business then you are a bigger piece of shit than they are.
  18. It's amazing what happens when you contact the band and/or go into partnership with the issuing label. How's that for fishy , chucklenuts?
  19. would love to release it - please PM any contact info.
  20. As we sign bigger name bands we will silver press more and more stuff.
  21. He has not vanished and is back using the name CHARLOTTE JACKSON under the same old address in Red Lion. Here's the ebay name... michaels1princess
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