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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. I'd like to add that the following cd's will DEFINITELY see a silver-pressed release... Herman ze German and Friends Reckless "No Frills" Mariah 3 Fierce Heart Mass "New Birth" and very likely... DC Star Gerard McMann
  2. thanks for your input here. I will wholesale to mostly anywhere now - with the exception of the majority of U.S.-based distributors. I just did a deal with about a dozen distributors in various parts of the world. I am very happy with the new company manufacturing my discs....I think they look more professional and are as close to silver as duplicating is going to be. It's a huge difference in investment. 100 titles for $300 or 1,000 for $1300. Doesn't sound like much difference right? Well , it is when you are releasing as much product as R.R. is. I can tell you that bands like L.A. Guns , XYZ and the like are lucky to move 2,000 to 5,000 units in today's market. So to sell 500 of a really obscure band is quite a feat. I'll make my decision shortly.
  3. Retrospect Records is on the verge of releasing the Lorraine cd (formerly known as the bootleg 'Boys Nite Out' - and fetching prices over $600 on ebay). It will be titled "Wanted" and will be a very nice looking package. If you think this disc will sell a nice chunk of units then select 'yes'. If you think it will sell less than 500 units , select 'no'. I am leaning towards a silver-pressing as it is an awesome cd. Just wondered what your thoughts were.... P.S. If you like LORRAINE then you should check out the BRONX 'Down n Dirty' CD we released last year as it features the same guitarist / songwriter.
  4. working on Cadillac Bratz. Money is from Ohio. The Keel box set will be released in March and the Keel / Shortino album will be released around the same time , as soon as Keel finishes his vocal tracks and I finish my keyboard parts.
  5. unlikely. There's only 4 songs and the material isn't really strong enough. Just don't tell him that - LOL.
  6. Hey everybody , been extremely busy here at Retrospect with a groundbreaking start to the year. Amazing on all counts. The following new releases are now available... Wild August (2 titles) Slyboots Nasty Habits Slam Savvy Staxx Oney "Bust Em Down" Harlot About to hit the shelves... Reckless "No Frills" Herman ze German & Friends (silver edition) Mass "New Birth" Nantucket V Mariah "3" Coming Soon After.... DC Star "Rockin in the Classroom" Fierce Heart Gerard McMann Lazy Susan Stiletto (featuring vocalist Victor Chambray of Sharx) Mr Dangerous Intrinsic Poynt Blankk Fortress Money Hamish Bugsy Malone Scary Hairy Fury "Fury" - (pre-Blanc Faces) Tyger Tyger Jester "Time Has Come" Beggars Playground Isom Toxic Dollz NEW SIGNINGS This is HUUUUGE. Ron Keel AND Paul Shortino have both signed deals with Retrospect Records for the Keel box set plus the upcoming Keel/Shortino album (that I will play keyboards on) as well as possible re-issues from their back catalogs. It was only a matter of time before Retrospect would get bigger and bigger names and this is just the beginning. VERY exciting news indeed. Another HUUUUUGE signing.... ALLIANCE!!!!! Thats right folks. Retrospect has just inked a deal with quite possibly THE BEST AOR release of its time - the Alliance album from 1982 is heralded as a masterpiece from just about any AOR fan in the know and I am absolutely thrilled to have this opportunity. BEST OF ALL is that this re-issue will feature bonus tracks AND a different cover!! This special edition 25th anniversary re-issue will solidify Retrospect Records as contender for world's premier re-issue label. We are the largest , now we just have to be the best. Thanks for all your support and keep your eyes peeled for future announcements!
  7. Yes I must apologize to the very people who made me a wealthy man. Sorry my Russian comrades. Моим российским товарищам - я сожалею. My statement should have read "typical Stormspell".
  8. Leykis - great post. What you have to understand is some people at this forum just "don't get it" and will never get it unless they get to know me or are willing to have an open conversation with me. The people who have took time out of their life for a few minutes and actually spoke with me frankly about Retrospect Records , well they know the deal and they understand what I'm about. There will always be numbnuts who are either too jealous or too dumb to open their eyes.....and that extends to all reaches of life. There were so many people who could do nothing but bag on Retrospect Records since day one of my ownership , saying it would last a matter of months. Well not only have some of those people done a 180 and actually support what I'm about now , but now some of those people are actually helping the cause. All I can say is THANKS to the detractors and unbelievers. You look more like an now than you did 18 months ago. I told you it wouldn't be long before I started adding some big names to the roster , and I have just landed 2 biggies. These bands are sick of the labels you guys love to idolize (Frontiers , MTM , Metal Mayhem) because they have been shafted one too many times. But you don't care about that. You could care less how much they got ripped off by your favorite labels , as long as you get what you want. 2007 is the year for Retrospect Records. Either jump on board and take this ride with me , or be another San Diego Chargers spectator on the sidelines.
  9. I could give 2 shits what you think Geoff. And Martin - go fuck yourself you little whiney prick. Ahhhh......that feels so much better........
  10. Dan , I realize you have a difficult time with my popularity (good or bad) but read between the lines. A certain Russian MADE it about me when he makes little jabs all over the board. I respond when appropriate.
  11. nice to know someone still can't keep their mouth shut (and owes me $500 - where's my money?) Well I am happy to report that at least I have been able to release 8 new titles this month.....so far. But I'll make a general post about this shortly.
  12. yeh Geoff , I don't think there are many Russians on this board. SO your point is moot. And Stormy , they may have been bidding on the same titles in a 4 or 5 week period BUT THEY DAMN SURE DID NOT WIN THEM DID THEY??? Use your head. When they come over I do offer them titles that have just come in , but they like to bid on auctions as well. I stopped leaving them feedback because it was pointless after they had won dozens and dozens of cd's. So you make comments like obsidian-blade is a "PROVEN" shill bidder. HAHAHAHA thats the biggest pile of shit ever. Like I said , I have NO need for shill bidders and CAN PROVE that those guys are legit buyers. QUESTION: If i was using shill bidders then why in the hell would I allow cd's to go for $2 to $3???? I know you're Russian Stormy but use your fuckin noggin once in a while. There's a few idiots here who really need to get a life and stop speculating about dumbass shit that doesn't concern you. You just can't help yourselves.... I can see the emails every week... oooooo look what he's selling this week....gotta be a boot.... who's bidding? who's doing this and doing that. Get a fucking life. There are 3,000 people who are checking out my auctions every week.....You cannot break the machine.....so focus your negative energy on someone who gives a shit.
  13. Stormy - you have it all fucked up again - typical Russian. Obsidian-Blade happens to be a guy here in Vegas who buys A LOT of shit off me. If you had any sense in your shit-for-brains you'd recognize his bidding patterns are for completely different cd's every week. And if you see that he has won a cd and is bidding on another then thats his buddy - their names are Billy and Allen and they both work in casinos here. Recordjnky will verify that as well as LVKIX who was here one day when they came over picking up their order. You always think you have one up and yet you are fucking clueless. I have no need and no use for shill bidders and will continue to sell on ebay for many many years ( and you just hate that don't you Stormy). Just because you can't sell your shitty East European bands for more than $5 doesn't mean everyone has the same problem. Get a life motherfucker. Ifyou have nothing better to do than watch your nemesis crush your dreams then I suggest you go back to the motherland and sing Winds of Change a few more times. Prick. I'll butter this for ya.
  14. If anyone has their emails could you PM them to me please. I appreciate your help. P.S. In case you hadn't noticed Retrospect has just released 8 new titles. Official announcement coming soon... thanks
  15. Well well well - I just happen to have copies of both Widow cd's - "Rockit" and "Gone Too Far". $40 each if interested. oh.... and yes ORIGINAL JAPAN PRESSINGS
  16. Good post PJ even though you couldn't help but mention my name in it. Glad I'm so popular.....that was the plan from day one. I will say this.... Retrospect FOCUSES on re-issuing albums that have never seen the light of day on cd format before and regardless to what anyone thinks of the quality of this or that release , the point is that it's available and those are the collectors I am after. Not some 2-bit bragging looney tunes who will pay $800 for a cd (insane IMO) , but the people who actually listen to cd's for the RIGHT reasons.....the MUSIC. I have stood by the phrase "Don't like it? Don't buy it" , for many moons now and I still stand by that. Retrospect Records is for the bands and for the fans and there's a reason so many bands are now contacting Retrospect for a deal. But blah blah blah. I'm not trying to go off on a rant but yeh PJ's post actually made sense for a change- just leave me out of it.
  17. Retrospect Records is extremely excited to announce that Ron Keel and Defcon will be touring together starting in March 2007. These will be Defcon's first live dates in 15 years! Hopefully this will coincide with the brand new Defcon album as well as the official Retrospect release of the first ever Keel DVD. Shows are already booked in Ohio and Michigan and some dates will include other Retrospect artists like Herazz , Weapons , Stit and Oney. I hope we make it to your town! Question to all Defcon fans....what songs would you like to hear live? Yes I will be playing keyboards for both Ron Keel and Defcon - woohoo! 2007 will be an even bigger year for Retrospect Records as we already have over 30 releases scheduled for January / February and so much more in store. OFFICIAL KEEL / DEFCON DATES WILL BE POSTED SOON SO KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED! Happy Holidaze and thanks to everyone who supported Retrospect and made us the largest re-issue label in the world! Sam P.S. My dad actually got to go home 2 days ago and even though he's not in the best shape , he is fighting this cancer like a warrior. I hope we get our Christmas miracle!
  18. Yes I do know them and they know not to screw with Retrospect stuff (unlike the Greeks).
  19. go where? The IMPORTANT people in my life don't think I'm a dick and that's all that matters. I could care less what anyone else thinks. Business is good.
  20. Guess you have to be in the loop to see why I'm a little defensive about stuff. But again , I have bigger fish to fry right now so the last thing on my mind is a bunch of B.S. from a few clueless one-dimensional clowns.
  21. Ummm do you see anyone else selling those titles? Those labels are not owned by me but you always have a choice.....unless I have blocked you.
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