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The F*%K Thread


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You know those moods? Those ones where you could slice someone's fucking face apart just for being near you. In fact, they don't even need to be near you. They just need to be there, breathing. Anywhere. Just there. And all you want to do is fucking decapitate them and everyone around them.


Yeah, I'm in one of those moods.

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You know those moods? Those ones where you could slice someone's fucking face apart just for being near you. In fact, they don't even need to be near you. They just need to be there, breathing. Anywhere. Just there. And all you want to do is fucking decapitate them and everyone around them.


Yeah, I'm in one of those moods.


Fuckin' evil mood ! ;)

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My mood hasn't improved since yesterday. I have a feeling that a few beers tonight, no obligation to awaken early for work tomorrow morning, Ted Poley, White Widdow, Mr Scary and more beers, and some kind of surf over the weekend will fix it up. At least until Monday morning when it returns in full fucking force.

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Who the fuck is Wrexham? I knew a Rex once. He sold ham at a corner stall at the local markets. I tasted it once and found it sub-par so I broke his throat and sold severed parts of him at his stall the very next day. Mortimer, my pet pig at the time, told me he tasted good so shut up shop and hung out with Mortimer all afternoon, eating bits of Rex's flesh listening to the new Beyonce CD. They were nice times in my life.

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Fuck the Welsh !!


I think you mean't to say 'Fucked over by the Welsh' :bananamac:

I fuckin' didn't !!!!!!!!


Well! you fucking well were 'fucked over' matey.

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Seriously, what the fuck is this shit? Who designed Mondays? Was it a writer from the 'SAW' movies trying to conjure up the most fucking torturous form of torture imaginable?

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Put back another fucking week. Why can't solicitors pull their fingers out of their fucking bum cheeks and get the fuck on with what they are mean't to fucking well do - they get paid enough fucking money for doing it for fucks sake. Is that enough 'Fuck's'? No it fucking well isn't. :doh:

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Put back another fucking week. Why can't solicitors pull their fingers out of their fucking bum cheeks and get the fuck on with what they are mean't to fucking well do - they get paid enough fucking money for doing it for fucks sake. Is that enough 'Fuck's'? No it fucking well isn't. :doh:

Fuck solicitors !!!!!!!

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  • My Little Pony

I am fucking laughing at the use of bum cheeks.

Yeah, I laughed, too. For the amount of times Jez says "fuck" he has a surprisingly childish tongue.

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I am fucking laughing at the use of bum cheeks.

Yeah, I laughed, too. For the amount of times Jez says "fuck" he has a surprisingly childish tongue.


Tell that to my fucking missus ;)

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