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Fuck that fuckin' bitch !!!!!!!!!


Yeah ! FUCK that bitch !!

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Fuck that fuckin' bitch !!!!!!!!!


Yeah ! FUCK that bitch !!





I Have to fucking agree. Fuck that bitch.

Backed 20,000 times...Fuck that bitch!!!

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This is fucking unbelievable. Just been sitting here like a fucking chump for the past hour... just waiting for this fucking maggot to leave. Seriously, he's not a bad guy but what a fucking nosebleed. Basically, I can't go anywhere until he does. I'm so fucking bored and pissed off. This is biting severely into my afternoon tasks. MAN, JUST FUCK OFF!!! NOW, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!

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I am actually visibly going fucking insane right now, as I type this. I'm sitting here in fucking despair and they're just talking upstairs like they're at a fucking Sunday lunch and have 20 fucking hours to spare. For fuck's motherfucking sake, I need to fucking leave! I have fucking shit to do. FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKKKK!!! FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why does he keep rekindling the conversation with unrequired justifications?! I really cannot fucking stand this. Just let it the fuck go. Be silent, and we can all go fucking home. You don't need to justify this shit - he doesn't fucking CARE!!!

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What the FUCK is Geoff talking about ??

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Calm has been restored. The key to my rants above? I fucking despise wasting time I don't need to waste. Before you get too excited, yes, this is time I need to waste in order to pay my fucking mortgage. That last one and half hours yeterday was sure as fuck not required. I'm still furious now just thinking of it.

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Fuckin' "piss-head" alert !!!!!!!! :whistle:


Fuckin' classic piss head alert :rofl2:

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Man, today has been a total motherfucker of a day. Everything I hate has been explored. Loud people, crowds, noise... the whole thing's just fucked me off immensely.

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Can't believe it's taken this long! Someone finally just fucking snapped at my co-worker. Apparently gave her a bit of a shove too. Not my place to comment, but I have been expecting something of the sort since about the first week I worked here. You can't be that fucking rude to fucking everyone and expect to sail through untouched.

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Can't believe it's taken this long! Someone finally just fucking snapped at my co-worker. Apparently gave her a bit of a shove too. Not my place to comment, but I have been expecting something of the sort since about the first week I worked here. You can't be that fucking rude to fucking everyone and expect to sail through untouched.

Office fuckin' larks eh ? :whistle:

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